squad.ee vs rockit.ET (9602 views)

06.06.10 21:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET Eurocup XXI » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Killerboy (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 34741
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 86


freeze power :o)
freeze noob :o)
Freeze gl,clown gl, FiluS gl
Gl both
freeze backstabber
freeze backstabber
freeze backstabber
freeze backstabber
freeze backstabber
freeze backstabber
combo breaker
freeze backstabber
freeze backstabber
freeze backstabber
freeze backstabber
freeze backstabber
freeze backstabber
freeze backstabber
freeze backstabber
freeze backstabber
freeze backstabber
shame if crumbs cant play
cuz of freeze :P
crumbs replaced haya and freeze instead of joop who is going to vacation for 2 weeks
monkey hf getting raped :pPpPP
freeze backstabber
backstabber freeze
freeze backstabber
freeze backstabber
freeze backstabber
freeze backstabber
freeze backstabber
freeze backstabber
ezeerf stabbbacker
nice freeze, gl
nice freeze, gl
nice freeze, gl
ezeerf stabbbacker
freEze backstabber
you said freeze ?
you said freeze ?
freeze backstabber
freeze gay
freeze hero
backstabber replying, pls :P
freeze power :o)
Canadian are a little gays but monkey is true man. G0 Monkye Gooooo!!!!!
:P ty
greasy spaniard
so you only like quebec?
Quebec?, wtf?, very very cold. Girlsl with a lot of clothes. Dont like
if 30°C is cold then wow!
30º in Quebec!!? Climate change or what?. Or 30º 3 days a year? Of all forms Canadá is very sad, and his girls are not handsome.
Girls, handsome

doesnt match
Things of the translator :)

freeze backstabber
i guess you just never been there, seems like you're talking about the northern part which no one cares about, where i live its constant 25°C and more the summer, and girls are fucking awesome
Obviously I have not been there (yet). But I have seen it for the TV. Obviously in my country it is not played hokey on ice. Spanish women esay bash to the Canadians :^)ç
PD: Also I have seen for the TV that Canada is really a country more advanced than ours imo.
freeze hopper
freeze raper
fuck, u requested with wrong Squad account, should be Squad ee
nl spidah Wednesday, 16th December 2009 22:35
within a year.. these idiot estonians turn up skilled?? :XDDDD joke of fucking 2009!
freeze backstabber
You have € 87 on ee Squad Cancel bet
Possible win: € 236.64
izi pour toi monkey
GL rockit !
You have € 250 on Squad
Possible win: € 992.5
hf retard and jyrkz
magico in bff out
gl monkey, freeze & crmbs :}
magico for the win <3
ban monkey already
gl magico jyrkz monkey
wp mant
You have € 474 on ee Squad
Possible win: € 1786.98
np for magico monkey
You have € 160 on ee Squad
Possible win: € 603.2

JyrkZ: gonna celebrate the victory with my mom

lol jyrgen :P gg



le fu

For matchreport

Vote for player of the match
You have € 15 on eu ROCKIT
You lost

LE FU!!!
You have € 3000 on Squad
You won € 11310
Merci le canadien ;)
ta des couilles toi
You have € 100 on ee Squad
You won € 377

Monkey > rockit
You have € 37 on eu ROCKIT
You lost
ROCKIT plz stop playing together