re+play vs Wandering Star (5349 views)

fi vokki
fi olBaa
fi Squall
hr frozz
hr cls
hr suVi
de gr0ss
Premier League Grand Final
06.06.10 19:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 OpenCup Spring 2010 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: vokki (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
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Total Pot: € 18800
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 85


Glhf olBaa gr0ss & suVi !
gr0ss, hero!
Gl olbaa & Squall :).
gl finfags
gl suVi, gr0ss ;)
gl replay.
gl suvi and grossito aka bandito<3
gl di GROSSO
wandering had lucky playoffs so should be easy for re+play
will be rape without a doubt
GL gr0ss !
gl gr0ss <3 rape em
wasn't suvi calling gr0ss a hacker last week? :D
what? where did u get that from? :D
dunno, thought u were always calling him a hacker!
if i did i wouldn't play with him!
you also mate ::d
I was calling him a cheater more than a year ago
Premier League Grand Final

terrible propaganda idd.
Face it, nub teams in final. :PP
you just mad cos you not in finals!!!!! laggers got pwnt!
wasnt nerding enough :(

gl gr0ss nuhp11
gl suvi and frozz <3 ill waste my money on ya
suvi smells like goat piss <3
gl olBaa
gl gr0ss :)
GL olbaa squall & vokki
Good luck olbaaa!!

hf suVi & cls :D
as expected, gg's
You have € 250 on Wanderin
You losT

jesus christ mannnnnn win a fuckin game!
not possible if we're offi only :P
seems like it was possible for us
replay offi only for 3 years already, nice.