smanetti.bros vs serenity-gaming (3591 views)

pl staminaboy
de eujen
nl saKen
ca monkey
fr sMiRZz
05.06.10 23:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: vjtO (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 4674
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 18


:DDDDDD GL vjto!! yeah!!!
who is betting on us is a fucking crazy bastard ! :D
izi bros:>
hf vjto and rafal mate <3
Gl bros.
WE WILL DO OUR BEST FOR U! :D we try to give u some fun!
gl vjto stamina =)
gl staminaboy vjto eujen <3
easy for Monkey
hello my name is monkey and i never go outside :pPpPP
hi monkey nice to meet u :PpPp
hello my name is monkey and i never go outside :pPpPP
hello my name is monkey and i never go outside :pPpPP
Today 23:30 CEST
nolifers! :D
get life nerds 1!?!?!!?!!??!!??!?!
hello my name is monkey and i never go outside :pPpPP
hi my name is monkey i got sun burned and my face is [fin]shitty
lol nerds nolife lol lol lol lame fags hahaaha bet u never seen the sun hahaha nurd nert nerd hahahahaha
saken <3 i loev you
lol your always sucking up to players
he's a friend
well maus, butchji, squall are my friends too... not to mention winghaven and reload and mystic.. oh and sheep and also hatred hes the man
be carefull to win against vjto!
nothing said against them...they played very well not like ur "mates" that are rambos with their bots :)