KiH vs team massacre (7964 views)

07.01.07 20:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET OpenCup 6v6 Fall 2006
Manager: (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
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Enemy Territory TV
de #dignitas ETTV Server (powered by andyF1)
By: Frop (ettvd)
de, Hub/Recorder 1 (30 slave slots)
By: bebar (ettvd)


Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 146


gl to rtcw old school players! xD
gl KiH :)
line ups?
Last time I saw KiH play it was at Qcon
kih \o/
lol easy for Tm Gogogogog Cru3l im your fanboy :)
KiH have lost all their OpenCup games thus far.
If they win this 4-0 they will process to the playoffs, though.
vlx? where are you?
Yeah vlx, we need your "The god has spoken" :P

"they lost all (one of one played) their matches".

God spoke, yes.
This page says two:
this page says one
they lost all matches they is teh sux now, so gl

I'm sure u dont understand xD. and I meant that knö i horn lost all matches...lipe ranger is someone who was in
tm hace some haxors? forfeit maybe?
gl both clans, but I hope tm will take this
go smiriririirire <o/ :)
gl tm
5€ on deadmAn !
Too obvious that KiH will win
eee not so sure, massacre won against mmf, and mmf won against KiH....
kih will win fo sho they must and they will do it
gl old rtcw boys
KiH lineup prolly smth like : smutzig, zerom, wuff, askungen..
tm imo
lineup pls
massacre will prolly be

si Cru3l
si sAw aka brokenmouse
il deadmAn aka legshooter
se unisol
pl Estaloth
de juICE
mt vKg`

backup: one of them and si sMiravc :D

hf & gl both, it will be nice match imo
vso srečo slovencem. ^^
gl | Customer | ETBot
unisol, busted @ nC


and he was a tester and didnt even playing in a clan @ COD2
"| Customer | ETBot"
joachim unisol |Customer (P)-cod2Bot|
doesnt matter what hack and in what game and was he playing in clan matches with it or not, still lifetime ban from clanbase & all the competitions
#care. cheater = cheater = ban.
thats right, they should ban you for haxing in that elite match as e^jLn
Yep, you just bought cheat for 50 euros (or something, i dont care) just to add it to your collection or something? oh please, you think someone actually believes you?
I lol'd at unisol
lack of proof? who are u trying to piss here?
true. but nobody will care bout that..
wrong info?
KiH lineup ?
go massacre : D ! I have only 5 € so i can't bet but u can do it m8s :)
se arne
se CliFFarN or se FeTTe
se smutz
se askungen
se lelle
no zerom

we played vs them and fette wasn't play so i dont know (check CB)
fuck you flagstealer. take other than qatar! xD
doesn't kader have the same flag?
i let him take it, since we are at the same house^^
hax, are you guys brothers? :o
we wishes... :)
missing hombre O|
4-2 for tm imo
kih will win frostbite :P
KiH all the way btw
plz qyz :<
vae.KiH 2.00 vs 2.00 team massacre Total pot: 29934 €

heh, close one!
Your bet: 5000€ on tm
Possible Win: 8750 € (+3750 €)

take care about comments, wont they be banned anyway?
hf juice
n1 cheaters playing
like who u smartass?
like unisol u fucking cunt. he is cheating for almost 2 years now,and yes,he is still using it. He was caught in official match when he played in elite under name e^jLn,in toFOUR cup hosted by chosen. Later on,he changed his nick to supafly and then when we prooved it was him he changed it back to unisol. And he is customer of ETBot @ netcoders site?Kinda UNEXPECTED I would say ha?
elite vs - et_ice...
the good old times =)
and sd?
jLn wasnt cheating...

wHeN we had liek lan n stuff @ alexLs place jLn hAd a veRY niCe coMpuTeR aND heAdsET. yOu hEar evERytHing.
liek die of aids?
1. problem: clanbase still didnt ban him
2. problem: the tm retards are playing with a cheater even if they know it
1 & 2. solution: KiH still wins. :)
1. dont call me retard, cuz they dont let me play
2. do i need to type something? 8<
Then wrote:

n1 cheater playing not n1 cheaters playing DUMB!

and frozz like we didnt heard that about 20 times. Did u watch the match (if that was a hack OK..)
