credibilis. vs Delinqüentes (5651 views)

de s1LENT
de gr0ss
de kReSti
es magico
es ZwEi
es Gengis
es Virtanen
Premier League
Lower Bracket
15.06.10 19:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL 3on3 Spring League 2010 » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: s1LENT (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 57852
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de Team-Vizualize ETTV by. miiiq
By: FaKy (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 35


awesome match :D

gl gr0ss & krest :*
np 4 zhe tschörmans!
gl magico & kresti!
it seems like someone got backstabbed h3h3h3
what a suprise man
i guess you just didnt "catch" on :D
oh plz as if you are theres nothing that great about them they have some good aim thats about it, least for what i seen u have some balance of aim and ur a sick engie :D
weil er nen behinderter polakke is vlt o_O? merkse das auch mal...
gogo pwner :D
hahaha krest
gl gr0ss owner
Good luck magicom8 :PpP
gl gr0ss
Best 3on3-Team eva!

gr0ss,krest + FiREBALL would be best for evaaar!
macht mal wieder richtig sinn was du da schreibst o_O
No, actually


One is a backup, haven't decided yet
lowest team ever :D

best team is
Mine was meant to be the fucking most retarded team : D So you didn't spot the sarcasm.
Gl Virtanen & credibilis :)
gl gr0ss and kresti <3
Virtanen :)
lol spast
gg kReSti <3
viel spass estefania-kelenta und calvin gr0ss
gl delinQ :))
gl both :)
gl silent
gl magico & zw3i
and for cheat Gengis

omg gr0ss omg :D gl !
easy for naziboys
You have € 1265 on de cre. Cancel bet
Possible win: € 1467.4

izi money gr0ss ;)
:D , jme remets à ET à la fin de la semaine ;) apres les exams :D
nice, gl pour tes exams alors.
gl magico zwei gengis
my spanish bros
gl amigos!
You have € 250 on esdelin
Possible win: € 6287.5
easy for gr0ss
kenn ich nich
biste noch bulle h3h3
ne schon lang nicht mehr... spiel aber auch kein gta mehr nur ab und zu bisschen copcars abschießen und wieder off gehen :D
go Kresti go
You have € 400 on es delin Cancel bet
Possible win: € 6144

Se donde vivis, tengo vuestros telefonos, voy a ver el partido y como no ganeis os corto las jodidas piernas para que ademas de mancos seais cojos <3
torru, cambia eso anda. que paso de quedarme cojo. :D
easy bash 4 credibilis
gl siLentdiNo <3 krestiiiii gr0Ss GeNgiZ
You have € 100 on es delin Cancel bet
Possible win: € 1448

gl mates :)))
gl silent :*
como perdais me arruino

gl delinq!
Swani =D
over 70 hs on gr you fuckin insane!