lotte vs we iz goot skillet paylers (3616 views)

ee Edgar
de Lena Meyer
mt Josef Fritzl
11.06.10 14:15 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 2on2 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Killerboy (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Not announced
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Total Pot: € 1934
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Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 9


gl /webe/ + gary!

and gary thats childish but maybe your mode^^
im not playing

havent been at home for 4 days now, im off the city :p

hard to play hard go pro
Lena Meyer = znArk
killerboy playing with znark.. speaking of losing your reputation
gl killerboy
gl znark <33333333333333333
gl znArk
killerboy, are you trying to play with every cheater and ex-cheater possible? seriously..very cool to see CB AC admin playing with such people
he wants to win
oh cheater /ex cheater
Why did Jesus choose criminals to be his Apostles?
made me lol
we all know intern0tz iz seriouzz businezz :D dont hate the player hate the game
which one was a criminal?
Matthew and his brother(james) were tax collectors and it is known that the tax collectors always stole money or charged ppl extra so they can take home more money, can't remember more apostles.

and jesus also ate at/with zacchaeus (tax collector/criminal) he was known to be the biggest criminal of them all, and ppl were all like "jesus wtf are you doing :OOOOOO" and it changed zacchaeus, same with all the criminals jesus knew/met, they all changed when they stayed with him.
"all the criminals Jesus knew/met, they all changed when they stayed with him"

so... you're trying to make new friends?
so all tax collectors were criminals then? Jesus was a criminal also, are you a cheater?
nice acting like a retard
why actually did he not get banned in that marci/junky/znark bust?
reviewed demo, junky and marci were calling stuff on vent with their wallhack so it looked like znark knew where they are coming from, and it only happened when junky + marci were dead.
ahahahaha what exactly did he give you for that statement?

seriously i m slightly loosing all my trust into you although i always appreciated your work.
jesus christ, you have always been more than skeptical about any wannabe excuse and now you keep believing that ridiculous bullshit?
certainly junky is no doubt that he was cheating, even because he never made a joke out of him cheating or felt the use to hide or convince people he was clean...

but even for that fact i have to state, there has been some rumor about a rule for banning players who knowingly played with cheaters.
i think its a good rule and even if he told you that junky told him the infos with his wh when he was dead its even more proof!
do something and let em face consequences but not let them butter you up with lolable excuses, and please, dont play with them and not on ettv if you really have to
what don't you understand?

1) did you check znarks demo?
2) he didn't know they were wallhacking, if junky said "1 coming side" how should he be sure he is wallhacking lol
It was an offi wasnt it? And he knew he play with cheaters so bann?
need a dictionary? and that rule doesn't exist on CB, it only exists in CF and it isn't even applied by the admins unless i whine 24/7
still youre playing with an obvious cheater dont know why what gave znArk you to unbann? I can also pay :pPPppPpp
1) yes i saw the demo and yes, it was hard to ban anyone of them for it although it was definitely strange
he had wallshots and i cant imagine that an exhacker would be that skilled after all
2) lol rule or not, he knowingly played with a cheater... already that fact should definitely keep you as a cb admin and responsible for keeping cb clean away from such persons...there have just been a few times that junky played clean...
i also had a time where i kept playing with soprano and junky was one of his mates who once played with us some mix and he kept talking to soprano all the time that it feels so strange when the models are not glowing anymore and that he likes the fact he made some nice kills although he didnt have his bot on and stuff.. it was all that way all the time
thats the personality of junky... his 10 years ban just signs his attitude and you keep telling me all that random bullshit?
seriously, its really like talking with a completely different person than earlier, it really seems like you re trying to catch every possible argument to defend a hacker...
gg cb
im not defending junky, junky and marci are still banned.
what about reading the reply before answering?
you seriously make me doubt in your intelligence
if he is playing with a banned cheater, and it's a crossfire rule, i cannot do anything, you have to annoy a crossfire admin not me. The CB rule of playing with a cheater applies when the cheater is invited to the same clan 2 times, znark never played with junky's old clan or vice versa. and i didn't ban junky before because he went to army for 6months and obviously when he came back with a new account his ip changed 9999999 times, and no ip match = no ban.

he should be banned from crossfire and the ppl that played with his new account, but sadly half the german community has played alongside junky and accepted his comeback, i dont know why they even play with junky in the first place, he cannot survive more than 2 weeks without cheating. when he made a journal about me to unban him, everyone was flaming me to unban him, its a fucked up hypocrite community.
already 2 comments ago my point was not whether to ban him or not...
it was seeing you playing with such guys on ettv... its like obama playing tennis with bin laden, would you trust in all the antiterror actions of obama afterwards? id say no and since you re the only guy in that community having the power to cover the anticheat sector people keep trusting in your actions. though the trend heads into the opposite direction for some time now and you may now know why
i understand your point, but i really think youre making a bit too much drama about it, he asked me to play with him and i haven't played ET for a week, and tbh i was bored so i just played the 2on2 with him :/ it was only this one time.
you might be right but its not like this is the first strange move of you in the past weeks or months, and still the znark case is more than strange
die arbeit, mit dem volldepp rumzudiskutieren kannst dir sparen.
schau doch... damals hat er socks für ein volles jahr gebannt.
"proof" war eine demo

und das, obwohl dutzende auf CF dem widersprochen haben/ [mal ganz davon abgesehen, ob er nun wirklich an hatte oder nicht...] auf jeden fall waren die proof mehr als mager.

und heute? :D entweder du bringst nen screeny mit guids, wenn einer wegen multihack vom server fliegt, oder du kannst nen pbbans entry vorlegen. ansonsten "gtfo"

erinnerst dich noch, was das für ne geburt war, bis er kenta endlich mal gebannt hat? xD

der entscheidet über bans glaub jeden morgen, wenn er aus bett fällt, so wie er grade lustig ist :D
und die tatsache, dass er sich von leuten wie bong seine server sponsorn lässt und mit cheatern bei cups mitspielt zeigt dir doch im grunde schon, wie er selbst über seine "arbeit" denkt.
im really disapointed man :/

i come home and i see killerboy playing with a retarded nolife called znark

j33 :D
haha what a load of crap it 's a 2on2 CB account and you're the clanleader, "only this time" :XD
haha didint even think about that :P
good point, sir..

i m really disappointed of killerboy!
and the worst joke is that killerboy has always been the first person to say "once a cheater always a cheater" and now he keeps looking critically onto a kinda obvious demo of a guy being banned for multihack last year :D
not to get me wrong, i m a friend of looking critically into things but znarks demo was not harmless and the excuse killerboy ate from znark was even more laughable.
there was enough evidence overall to deny him playing that league
was willst du eig.?
kann dir relativ egal sein, oder gehts hier etwa um dich?
lies es dir durch und halt deine fresse aber frag nicht blöd
Wie du labern kannst haha son Müll glaubt der auch noch
rofl :ddddDDDD
i don't want your demos noob!
killerboy getting lower and lower so he has to play with xiitors
iam not cheating :<
just replied to this :PpP

" mt Killerboy Friday, 11th June 2010 15:33
Matthew and his brother(james) were tax collectors and it is known that the tax collectors always stole money or charged ppl extra so they can take home more money, can't remember more apostles.

and jesus also ate at/with zacchaeus (tax collector/criminal) he was known to be the biggest criminal of them all, and ppl were all like "jesus wtf are you doing :OOOOOO" and it changed zacchaeus, same with all the criminals jesus knew/met, they all changed when they stayed with him. "
susumu played with or without cheats?
probably with, never heard of him :/
haha killerboy you're so full of it
vorallem wie geil kb auf einmal seine "once a cheater always a cheater" einstellung ablegt und sich selbst von einem typen, der letztes jahr gebusted wurde einlullen last
von einem typen der ban hatte wegen rcon stealer...und jetzt piss dich du mistgeburt...
violation multihack... was willst du von mir?
abgesehen davon willst du newtalent, erst seit etwa einem jahr dabei mir erzählen dass du ohne probleme und konstant highskilled bist?
wie willst du ihn hochgehen lassen?