nulli secundus vs Fintastic 5 (7664 views)

ee mant
ee frEeze
ee rAUL
ee nordaN
se newbje
hr rimi
fi Sample
fi olBaa
fi Matias
fi Lepari
13.06.10 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Major Series VI Group Stage
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: nordis (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
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Total Pot: € 153432
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 104


lol they pl
lol they pl
lol they pl
oh its still groupstage, thought the last match was already playoff match
izi for f5
You have € 750 on fi F5 Cancel bet
Possible win: € 2737.5

izi for f5
2nd betting scandal incoming :PpPpP
You have € 500 on fi F5 Cancel bet
Possible win: € 1715
forfeit incoming
GL nulli
Francis expects an awesome game, too bad he won't have time to shoutcast it. :////
easy for
gl mant!
no deli no win !
GL Lepari
gl nulli
clanhopping by mant???
gl freeze
No problem f5 will win delivery.
Like they did last war?
first time we won deli :)<3
4-2 f5, gg wp nulli especially on radar
didnt watch the match yet, but

"ensam Thursday, 10th June 2010 22:25 why? the teams that are bad enough to pick it as their map are not the teams that could ever win decider."

well radar wasnt a decider and maps were not picked by teams and nulli lost delivery BUT still make me think

ensam wanted to point out they wont lose decider map against a team that will pick delivery.
Imagine a game where nulli picks delivery they win it and the decider is radar.

edit: why is olba afk for seconds all the time ? No i dont think its hax just asking
Cool story bro.
every game is different you cant compare them, didnt have a warmup game before the game so radar was what it was..this might sound as an excuse but its the only reason i can think why we lost radar and pwned the rest. normally we are pretty good in it

dno about olba
I will be honest: I think you guys didnt take serious delivery against ZZZ and you focused against nulli. But basically it's proved now, nothing wrong with delivery, better team wins. :)
Quotenothing wrong with delivery
we won mostly because they had terrible spawntime
oh the spawntimes, this the most fucked up thing in et and nobody gives a shit about it.
This might sound as an excuse, but we haven't played a prac since I dont know when.. But whatever, I'm happy with 1 map anyway.
yep it exactly sounds like an excuse
you totally lost the point
I know what you mean
im busy guy :(

e: and yeah i basically forgot that we have offi at sunday, the only reason why i came online so late and yeah, thx to matias txting me about it :D, they can blame me about not playing a warmup game and losing a map where we usually are solid.
jeh finish players usually win on radar, unlucky you had to attack first