Clanleader/Warorga vs Warorga/Clanleader (5615 views)

08.01.07 20:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Freizeitliga
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: MadMetzi (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de !#dvc-clan ETTV1
By: MadMetzi (ettvd)
de - ETTV
By: chroot (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 49


Some ESL Admin Match orso...

Well... was asked to cast it ^^
This is a Match from the ESL Freizeitliga,
by finishing the Season we make this as Final Event.
The Clanleader and Warorga PPL from the participating Clans against Clanleader and Warorga PPL.
lol :?
line-ups? :D
Lineups here:
low game
low skilled wtf.
me is liek wtf
omg pls change the time to 21:00 or 21:30 :/

While GER vs. NED is scheduled for 20:00, I guess nearly no1 wants to see this match (same goes for the SC then)...

If you could somehow reschedule it to a later time, I could cast both matches :)
yeah plz reschedule cuz this is a MUST WATCH!
"I guess nearly no1 wants to see this match"
i guess nobody want to see it if its the only game tonight
wtf match?
more drugs and alcohol plz!
more slots plz
die spasten immer mit ihrem gewhine mit dem "low skilled wtf" etc...
jo... und dann sind das auch noch die lowskiller die hier rumheulen!

gg! aber lienup wär schön zu wissen, dann tipp ich auf mein team =)
Gibt in dem Sinne kein Lineup um zu wetten! Das sind die Leader und Warorgas von 15 Clans(von 32 Clans die an der letzten Saison teilgenommen haben), ergo so um die 30 Leute, mehr oder weniger.
Da werden irgendwie 2 Mannschaften gebildet und die zocken dann ein wenig. Halt Just 4 Fun. Ich weiss nicht welche Maps und wie lange gespielt wird aber spielen wird wohl jeder.Das alles ist nocht so ernst zu nehmen aber ihr habt schon recht mit dem rumgeheule hier von wegen lowskilled und wtf.
Wir sind ne Funliga und uns geht es um den Spass nicht darum wieviele Frags etc. gemacht worden sind.
game of oldskoolzors :)
yes 4 sure this is NOT a high-skilled match with very good tactics BUT this is a fun-event and the are playing members of 15 Clans a mixed game and also 4 sure there ARE some SKILLED player on each sides who kick some asses!!!
this matches get coverage lolz
what so funny :P why shouldnt it ?
im playing too :(
:o all watch lukes kick ass! :D <3
no money for this shit :x
fuck who should i bet on? :s
line ups then...
l-ups? :o
schon eigenartig das spiel auf 20:30 zu legen
naja... hatte ich mir anders vorgestellt!

dunno the score, because there is none!
bah, und ich war mit so sicher das team 1 gewinnt :D
is it possible for you to leave my country? NOW?
well, but i am your father und so we ar form the same country :)
someone who can tell me how to watch?
Im with lampir how in the world can you view these streams?
just copy patch the ip of the server into your ET console (/connect <ip> ) and tadaam, magic will do the rest!
Look at match date idiots.

PS. I am not sorry for saying idiots because you got to tell people who they are if they don't know it.
update score or cancel match pls :)
pm an admin to enter the score or cancel it!!!!
cancel this match pls asap or update score ffs!!
PM an gtv admin to cancell the match.
3 days lol...
pm an admin to enter the score or cancel it!!!!
update scores fuckin naps
pm an admin to enter the score or cancel it!!!!

watch your language btw