colt 45 and two zig Zags vs Fintastic 5 (15898 views)

20.06.10 22:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET Eurocup XXI » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Killerboy (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Not announced
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Total Pot: € 171240
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Radio Commentary
pl 1stCav Radio s0k1
By: sokl
Listen to sokl
Language: Polish

Total Slots: 100
Listener Peak: 19

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 341


This is going to be a very interesting match. F5 haven't been looking completely rock-solid of late, and c45 have had some decent form.

F5 performances haven't been convincing at all.
lost our mojo. its all gone gary.
Sorry Adacore but f5 line up is better.
I'm not saying F5 won't win, I'm just saying it'll be interesting.
You have € 500 on fi F5 Cancel bet
Possible win: € 950
gl colt <3
avec emolepro no problemo
hf both (:
gl f5 & colt >:D
colt45 will take it!
Matchreport :P
You have € 10 on colt45
Possible win: € 61.3

gl ati > sabian!
Sup with zMk?
izi 4 emorej & Ati_ :).
gl colt45! GO RAZZ U CUNT
GL Razz (:
You have € 160 on fi F5
Possible win: € 200

go F5 !
wheres zmk?
kamMzZ can still suprise with his team...:)) gl both!
gl kamz and teh colt45, + gl SAMPLEm8, ENSAM8
gl gaymorej and kamzor!
finatastic5... Sup?
gl & hf

You have € 50 on gb colt45 Cancel bet
Possible win: € 274.5
delivery kamz, delivery all the way.
gl kamz :]
gl kamzz razz and f5 noobs :p <3 x
I smell delivery
lean = very lol
gl Ati_
where vila? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
gl kamz
gl both ;)
gogogogo colt45!!
You have € 80 on colt45
Possible win: € 404
go colt, hopefully you kick both fin teams their ass

gl ati:)
If that happened, there would be no stopping Kamz's ego afterwards. :(
me + ego?
Kamz bash those finnish noobs, Take me in for this match kamz, i will bash those whiggas for you headshot style.
gl colt45
will all be on the decider, we'll take delivery and fintastic will prolly win their map :P
Nuggan and jinosta playing?
mag ik vragen waarom je me dit wilt melden gemberworteltje?
Look on finspastic 5 they werent in line-up too
Look on finspastic 5 they werent in line-up too
Look on finspastic 5 they werent in line-up too
Look on finspastic 5 they werent in line-up too
Look on finspastic 5 they werent in line-up too
Look on finspastic 5 they werent in line-up too
Look on finspastic 5 they werent in line-up too
Look on finspastic 5 they werent in line-up too
gl Ensam and olbaa
You have € 38 on gb colt45 Cancel bet
Possible win: € 226.48

GL Ati_, Kamz, olBaa, & Matias.
nuggan play?
izi 4 ati & Emo =D.
GL olbaa
Look on finspastic 5 they werent in line-up too
Look on finspastic 5 they werent in line-up too
gl razz NuggaN if your playing!
pride of uk
You have € 50 on gb colt45 Cancel bet
Possible win: € 493.5

gl colt45
Radio Commentary
Language: Polish

go go go go colt45
Radar: 1st round fullhold by c45
1st map won by gb c45

now delivery
Ty killerboy pls keep me up to date im on my iPhone so cant watch ;(
f5 fullheld c45 on delivery

now f5 attack
why u playing such a gay map?

now supply
fins set a time of 10:06
You have € 250 on gb colt45
Possible win: € 2395

in Kamz I trusted!

close match

this is the second time i saw a 5minute truck defense, first one was rockit vs dignitas :P
gg 4-2 f5 =/ 4 min truck hold lol
was hot
unlucky. i was cheering 4 u kamzz ddawg :XD
close :D
You have € 1500 on gb colt45
You lost

wat :(
You have € 100 on gb colt45
You lost
You have € 38 on gb colt45
You lost

Nice hold on that truck F5.
wp both teams.
nice game!
olbaa & sample carried
nice last defence
You have € 65 on gb colt45
You lost

colt45 good defence on radar was mirrored in f5's defence for supply, well played both teams was damn close
A picture paints a thousand words, this one is perfect lol

A picture paints a thousand words, this one is perfect lol
how is he asslicking?
not asslicking, it's true lol the match was close so that picture says it all, gg btw kamz

ye i was asking how it's asslicking lol, dunno why he said that :D
does it express: 'damn' or ' bring it on' ? :D
amazing match on supply, thought it was over when colt constructed the crane controls with 4 minutes still counting

should have been game set match after we constructed controls but fair play to fins, gg
Great math!. Many nerves ultimately. Very very interesting. And another great match of ATI, he was MVP imo
Ati & MVP :D HMM!
He plays with style! :^)

Stylin' on them fins!
deserved match
could have been the ec final killerboy .. but YOU fucked it up
who wants to see an angry si jackazc again? last time that happened all teams got kicked xd