PowerMaurerClanGermany vs suffering (6272 views)

de Cleaner
de c0bra
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de wunderk1nd
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This is the last official match in pl suffering's history.
17.06.10 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL 5on5 Spring League 2010 » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: c0bra|PMCG (Generaladmin)
Maps: Radar
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Total Pot: € 18161
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 13


suffering iz dead ?
so, no show or what? :D
why no show? this is last match, not last no show, lol
what if u gonna win this? ;d
first of all - we wont win
secondly - logic is in final, they easily raped us last time so I guess we will not have a motivation to play final vs them
anyway gl
just do your best!
What a lame attitude -.-' why even bother playing offis if you have attitude like that?
Hm that's why we do not bother anymore? Simple, isn't it? :)
gl suffering
np 4 pmcg if they play xD

gl russel!
You have € 296 on PMCG
Possible win: € 485.44

Alles auf euch^^
majster nie pierdol xD
Ktory to juz ostatni mecz sufferingu ^^ :> ?
QuoteThis is the last official match in suffering's history.

Cu in two weeks :)!
his is the last official match in pl suffering's history. cool story bro!
You have € 96 on pl SFR Cancel bet
Possible win: € 3467.52

why last match mst ??? what happened ?
nothing, just summer + lack of motivation :D
aah...ouki douk, anyway, gl sfr and u ofc ! :p
izi bash suffering, gralismy z nimi i ojebali a jak my wygralismy to wy wygracie tym bardziej :P
nie porownuj pcw do matchu : D
This is the last official match in suffering's history.

taaaaaaa... kurwa jasne...
gl SFR and mst <3 :P
gl sfr (:
no czmkz no win
gl vic
gl pmcg
suffering OFENSYWNIE maice to wygrac
You have € 10 on pl SFR Cancel bet
Possible win: € 178.

cos mysle, ze wygracie
gl & hf emeste
suffering, napierdalac !
ej wtf z takimi cipami macie kurs jakbyscie z idle grali :XDDDDDDDDdd? chyba niezle wam szlo:D
QuoteThis is the last official match in pl suffering's history.

bino aka wunderk1nd? :D lol
Nee, das is der echte wunderk1nd/ENDSTILLE, der hat den Nick schon etwas länger :PP
richtig den Nick hab ich jetzt schon ne ganze weile ;)
bin aber auch unter anderen Namen "aufgetretten" ^^
suche mal bei crossfire nach fLuidum ;)
Joup ^,^
sacht mir nüscht... :< dachte mein biino zockt
gl suffering, was always really nice to play against you! <3
thx :) good old charism vs sfr battles :D
gl suffering :)
gl sfr
Gl Pmcg Cleaner and Wunderkind rockt dat Haus!!!
first 50 mins were funny :<<
Sry, aber Regeln sind halt Regeln ... aber das hat die ja nicht interessiert ... die haben ja auch mal schnell den PB-Guid geändert -.- .
hab ja nix dagegen gesagt, aber trotzdem fand ichs lustig :D
ihr seit einfach nur peinlich jungs!

mst give a shit about them! They need it^^
In ner vercheateten ET-Community spiel ich lieber save anstatt gegen irgendwelche Cheater ... war mir auch neu das man laut ESL-Regelung einfach mal ingame nen PB-Guid changen kann ... naja wayne wa .. nur Vollpfosten ey
hab wayne gehört...bin schon da!
Geilere Aktion xD ....
Yes, Sir! :D (=
Findste das in Ordnung das wir als Nazis abgestempelt werden, nur weil wir uns an die Regeln gehalten haben :o ? Ich weiß nicht, werd aus den Affen nicht schlau -.- ...
lass sie labern wenn ich als nazi betitelt werden würde müsste ich nur lachen :DDD

würde womöglich sogar solange weiterprovozieren bis sie kb mehr haben das zu tun :PPP

das war eh ihr letztes match also sollen sie mal die backen halten die shice polaken

So I will finish this silly conversation, nice to see your good arguments ... please let us know, if we should conquer you again ... omfg
you have to be an idiot to compare stealing to death of people but ok you are mongol ! like all your country.

PS. as u want to know that yermans with old for them cars didn't what so they make deal to with polaks and they steal them because it was cheaper : C
And what can we do for beastial things which happened 40-50 years before we've born? They describe us as nazis because we don't give a fuck on the rules like they did? It's the question which of us are the idiots here ... and I'm choosing the story of "stealing cars" because it's a prejudice against the polaks like this that all germans are nazis. But I don't start with this shit, it was your nice "mate" how started this senseless conversation ... "the team with et's best sportmanship!" yeah, we've seen it -.- . Go to hell and fuck you ...
to bad suffering gl finding new teams
why quit sfr : (?
the team with et's best sportmanship!
2bad gl in the future with what you guys are plannig to do