Team du monde Libre vs N$R (2988 views)

fr Calipso Head
be Anubis
fr Carbon
fr Renovation
fr Joe
fr Chafemal
fr Totof
fr Djmars
fr Bunny633
fr Virg!L
fr Cpoupoul
fr Anima
fr Nerick83
fr RaiZen
fr Xantar3
CpCup is a 6on6 cup.
More info on
A 6on6 ladder is coming for this summer.
20.06.10 21:30 CEST

We do not yet have generated statistics for this match. Since this is a 0-star match we will not generate stats for this event. If you played in this match you may however want to have a look at StatWhore which lets you generate stats just like ours with your personal logfiles.