freierkorperkultur vs Belgian Fraternity (5078 views)

ch Rapt6rr
be xAv
fr kartez
fr emorej
de coOles
be Gifted
be Sup3r
be vyper
nl Lun4t1C
nl DiZoR
#zero.E 5on5 Cup v.6 Grand Final

19.06.10 21:45 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: #zero.E cup » Matchlink
Manager: Robert (Generaladmin)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 3838
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 44


lul Gl lun4t1c
-.- OK
Gl Rapt6rr :)))))))))
go frenchies
I will do anything to keep Lun4t1C alive
I like owning R6pterrr
gl DiZoR
als je mij nog herkend tenminste, haha.

izi 4 BF
gl bF
nice cup le Pierre m8
thanks le Francis m8
robaciek's always making good cups
must be good if you are disallowed
must be if im not playing et
gl bf
gl emo
Allez emo allez emo le gros caillou.
2:2 closest supply ever :D
nice spam xav
very nice spam xav :) i am impressed
3:3, adler now
5:3 freierkorperkultur , gg xav ;)
what a game :DD

wp was fun!
ohh shit ! nice :D
Sup333333333333333333333333333333333r :-)
dans les yeux de ma mère, il y a toujours une lumière
wanna sex again?
ofcourse :) update profile vieux ami
done :p
nunca'phan i can teach u reallife
nunca'phan xav
You have € 15 on ir fkk
You won € 62.4
You have € 25 on ir fkk
You won € 104
sweet score but gifted, i am disappoint
TRUCK BUGGED ON SUPPLY :P :P shouldve been 4-0 :P but 2 drivers not enough to move supply truck :P
winning is not everything, we had fun :P
ge valt in herhaling, tis saai aan't worden
wp semimoron
Hate is temporary love is necessary, i went from eating pussy 2 eatin commentary,damn i am the sickest i need therapy
u can buy the answer but u cant afford 2 question me,
1st off, i dont need u 2nd guessing me, jail is lik 3rd base? Im comin home eventually,
still got shooters like hottub, man im anemic, still got blood,
im in my cell, reading fanmail, wish i was in Amsterdam sippin amsdale,
thinkin about all of that pussy i cant smell, Man they did me wrong i feel lik nelson mandel ugh"FREE WEEZY