Belgian Fraternity vs i dont know (10062 views)

27.06.10 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET Eurocup XXI » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Robert (Generaladmin)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 84132
The bets are closed.

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Radio Commentary
de #CubeCast Cast server 1
By: Franc!s
Listen to Franc!s
Language: English

Total Slots: 500
Listener Peak: 20

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 111


gl rtcw players :p
gl fellow belgians!
copying scuba's team name? :[
we dont know
they don't know
Clow don't know
gl FiLuS and Clown :)
gl gifted
Good luck bF, FiluS & frEeze
good luck bF, make rape plz

(no gl to AL1)
Tette = Boobs (Italian)
? :s
be al7 Monday, 21st June 2010 22:46
no buddy :) i had 1k dmg per map :) you deServe a good team like overload h3h3
gl FiluS
Clown filus <3

gl & hf =)

Lun4t1C <3
gl filus & nl Lun4t1C & gb crumbs
i dont know fatal attraction?
IDK's lan line up ? :PP
giftz0r will pwn
Belgian Fraternity knife only ! XD
GL :*
belgian horsepower
gl gifted mate
I bid luck to mi belgian brothers :)
GL filusi :(((povodis :))))))
uNDEAD gonna bring me cash
freeze gonna roll some nerds :)
all in on crumgad
i hope fullofhimself "freeze" egotard lose
dont be iz serious :P
gl ali, gifted, crmbs & freeze 8)
freeze new wiadro??? backstabbing to the max???
freeze backstabber
joop is back from vacation, either me or freeze wont play this game I guess
my bet is on you
since I suck donkey balls lately I wouldnt be surprised :)
u suck donkey balls? how does that taste?
lately? before that u owned ? :)
I mean more than usual :)
GL filuS
GL Gifted :D!
I like to be the underdog :P
hf filus !
money on gifted
money on belgians
You have € 328 on be BF Cancel bet
Possible win: € 1938.48

here comes zeh money :)
mate :P never lose the trust in thy clanmates
GL filuS <33
gl idk
Manager: Robaciek (Generaladmin)
gl hf both :)
gl Gifted and Sup3r, hope you guys win
even if we don't YOU will be the moral victor for your kind wishes and hopes in our favour :)
you shall forever be cherished by those who love and respect you, I am one of them Millan :) I am one of them .. remember that :)
bol sanslar AL1 & Sup3r
gl crumbsm8
hf AL7
gl idk
i wonder what "i don't know's" tag will be o_0
just to say: I dont know...
gl bf
score? :?
Gifted power ,
You have € 328 on be BF
You lost

u should have said it to my money then :)
was a good bet, I had 250 on them, but that's a small part from 40k :P
You have € 142 on idk
You won € 200.22
FILUS's haxes ftw