colt 45 and two zig Zags vs SPEEDLINK (11955 views)

29.06.10 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET Eurocup XXI » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Killerboy (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 173854
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 151


gl & hf flop & krest :*
gl SL
gl kamzito and razz, my money on u
gl stown & flop
gl simon :>
go germanz :_D
gl sl
gl Bl4d3
gl both
np 4 speedlink :DDD
time to get revenge on germans ! :_DD
England got rolled!:D
germany rolled ENGLAND :D
gl SL !
You have € 27 on SL
Possible win: € 169.56 Gogo Krestii <33
gl SL
You have € 113 on de SL Cancel bet
Possible win: € 429.4

versuch das selbe mal mit mouratides :D
ohne scheiß ich guck so vz wie die alle mit nachnamen heißen dann ich seh so krestis namen und naja konnt nix sagen :X weil nix passt xd
Ati_ :D
You have € 250 on gb colt45 Cancel bet
Possible win: € 962.5

in Kamz I trust
still do? :D
cancelled bet before game :D
You have € 70 on gb colt45 Cancel bet
Possible win: € 263.2

gl kresti :******
gl kresti :*****
2000 on colt, must win! common!
gl team speedlink!!

<3 duke_ :)
stowni,kresti,flop & bl4d3 lassts pwnen! <3!
stowni,kresti,flop & bl4d3 lassts pwnen! <3!
You have € 40 on gb colt45 Cancel bet
Possible win: € 45.2

You have € 20 on SL
Possible win: € 169.2
i belive in miracles
united kingdumbs will lose :D
izi 4 duke & stownage
go duke! >:D the english may never win :(
eZ pour toi salo
izi 4 Bl4d3
Looking for a radio stream to broadcast on
Crossfire/GTV message me or email me
someone offer this guy a stream!
YES, please start shoutcasting again
yes mashed!! come shoutcast again!!! I INVITE YOU!!!
No server availible but will help you search :)
quadV mashed?
QUADV /q TosspoT
nice man. can't wait to hear that sexy voice of yours again
o_0 .. duo-cast? .. or pm YCN`Marcus
btw, pm owzo, maybe he has something for you, dont know.
wooo Mashed is back <3333
lol at odds :S my money on SL
HF Speedlink! ROLL tha fucking limis :D
gl stownage :)
You have € 141 on SL
Possible win: € 1082.88

izi for gerbots
gl kresti, flop, stownage although it should be easy for colt :<(
yep, pretty easy for colt
do you know the meaning of "should"?
but as i read you seemed to be pretty luck that match so id bet my balls that you wouldnt win a rematch
wie ist das eigentlich wenn man so garnix kann außer dumme comments?
you were wrong my friend, but ty for the gl :>
gl flopzor + stownage
This match is now about the comeback of Mashed!!
retarded odds i dont think people realize how well sl aims
all my money on my homies <3 gl SL!
You have € 800 on de SL Cancel bet
Possible win: € 5040
glückwunsch zu dem vielen geld
You have € 1 on SL
Possible win: € 6.3
GL speedlink :)
sl make me rich :D
ENGLANd yee got rolled by Germany 4 -1 :D
score ?
2-0 SL, SL did 6:04 on radar now
2:0 SL
gl to both teams
damn, :D
omg :XD
wp, exciting game in the end :d
what happened
just 1 sec more and they would won radar

You have € 5000 on de SL
You won € 42200

You have € 1200 on de SL
You won € 10128

thx duke
gg wp jungz von der spree!
duke saved the day :DDD

gg wp sl <3

thx 4 "shoutout" bl4d3 XD
You have € 24 on de SL
You won € 202
rolls get nerded ! wp AOW
You have € 30000 on colt45
You lost
15,13 22:43  11@Swanidius       14• You have € 5000 on de SL
15,13 22:43  11@Swanidius       14• You won € 42200
You have € 20 on de SL
You won € 168.8
Safe brudda
wp sl
I would have to bet more money on SL :D
nice played sl ;)
lol gj
You have € 250 on SL
You won € 2110
Epic end :)
nice game, wp
You have € 142 on de SL
You won € 1198.48
You have € 18 on de SL
You won € 151.92

tyvm m8s :)
You have € 3212 on colt45
You lost
You have € 10 on SL
You won € 84.4
You didn't bet on colt45
You still lost
You have € 300 on colt45
You lost
You have € 25 on SL
You won € 211
You have € 113 on de SL
You won € 953.72


first loss in EC? :)
omg colt45 omg -_-
You have € 256 on de SL
You won € 2160.64
ba sa arrive d'avoir des match de merde...
fuck :( :D
You have € 50 on de SL
You won € 422

haha noobs lost all their g-booky :D_Dd
trolled hard :D:D:D:D
waiting for a newspost about a new gbooky scandal...who'd you bet on m8??
You have € 41 on de SL
You won € 346.04
too low
gg nice game :)
You have € 100 on de SL
You won € 844

le ty
You have € 100 on SL
You won € 844

GG ;)
le père fourej :(
fuk this
You have € 111 on de SL
You won € 936.84
You have € 3000 on de SL
You won € 25320
Speedlink so underrated

won 844

kamz is not in shape, he was much better few months ago
I like razz's aim
he appears to have a smoof mousepadz :D?
"not in shape"

jeh I remember playing with him and he was good.
you are right :)

i am so bad with colt now that i've decided to step down and nuggan will be in main lu
Dunno that would help the team. I still think he not that useful for the team and if you get in shape you can be a keyplayer. Ofc nuggan can aim good but sometimes he is too fustrated on ettv, atleast what i feel :D
Something is just not working with me + colt atm. Can't remember the last time I had double figure headshots.
You have € 2738 on gb colt45
You lost

okay das geld hab ich gern verloren :)
super leistung jungs, weiter so
nice game :)

das erinnert mich sehr an das erfrischende spiel der deutschen nationalmannschaft gegen england :D

weiter so medels :p
geht doch :-)
kresti delivered, deserved!
Kresti = win no matter what!
You have € 46 on de SL
You won € 388.24

You have 103 on SL
You won 869.32

You have € 25 on de SL
You won € 211

thx to sl :D
Quote de Ektomorf17 Sunday, 27th June 2010 22:54
np 4 speedlink :DDD

You have € 15 on de SL
You won € 126.6

wie ichs gewusst habe :DD

nice match!

nice movement kresti btw :DD
krest & bl4d3 ihr seid machine yaaaaaaa
You have € 250 on de SL
You won € 2110

war halt so klar^^
You have € 500 on gb colt45
You lost

ui.. ich dachte wtf.. aber dann sah ich das es online war :o
You have € 100 on de SL
You won € 844

You have € 50 on de SL
You won € 422

fuck yea :D
You have € 9 on SL
You won € 75.96