slayers team vs cs3r (5495 views)

11.01.07 20:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 5on5 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: BeNy (Requestee)
Maps: Braundorf_b4

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de Liga4Fun ETTV powered by
By: .lex (ettvd)
xx ETTV2 - by
By: taLa (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 95


LOL first and this wil be a good match and very interesting for us MoH :D

Soz but the game will start @ 20:00 CET , not 19 CET
gl blink
gl blink! kNv<3 / reef<3
gl blink beat those cheaters!!! it's pathetic that they still play in any league!
Money on blink
easy for st ;x
sT lineup :

Reiko, hax!
o rly ? ;o
ya rly
slayers team
Date: 3 January
Player caught using wallhack in a game. ya rly

already baned from OC its funny they r still playing on ladders, hope cb will ban them soon from ladders too :=]

GL Cheaters
Your bet: 100€ on
Possible Win: 500 € (+400 €)
i wont comment this because you dont know anything about this... thx bye
You will comment this or nice forfeit coming due of hacker named reiko :)
use brain if he really hax he wont play ;o
BeNy @ 17:34 CET: i wont comment this because you dont know anything about this... thx bye

BeNy @ 17:41 CET: only we and admins knows something more
we dont know anything? we know that u play an official with a cheater, its enough
it wasnt official but mix
ah nvm then, just cheating in prac nP
but i can comment it - i know almost all details fact is sT had always hackers in team so wtf are you talking about
All Polish teams have atleast 2 hackers, right? :O)
imo u should comment this
only we and admins knows something more
more ETTV fls gg Reiko
blink lost 1 place ^^
go blink! good luck and own polaks :p
for me if some1 was catched on cheating (official/unofficial/mix/ffa etc.) he should automatically been removed from clan to protect good name of that clan....... this is quite simple.....
some clans dont care about their "ekhm name hehe ofc! xD" and thats the problem: you dont need law to decrease cheating, you need community to be against it.
if he were cheating we would kick him out of our clan, but we didnt do this becouse hes not a cheater, its obvoius
trudno kicknac kogos kto jest taki sam jak wszyscy ;(
maybe its just accepted in your clan ....
@reEF remember Dj Frezze?
haha gg :)
Your bet: 30€ on Possible Win: 150 € (+120 €)
reiko still play :O this is joke :O
ettv down
Your bet: 275€ on
Possible Win: 1375€ (+1100€)

put a good ETTV server thanks :)
score? :)
2-2 atm
Noobs from slayers left server coz they "were having warps" (they had normal pings but didnt expect to lose a map)
so u won or is it forfait cause otherwise no win no money:<
if it came 2:2 then cancel bets i guess!
4:2 st
sT should lose due to their 5-year-old-like behaviour...
we beat them with ~8 min on clock

you bet them? orly?
n1 engrish you polish crying noob
n1 engrish o rly ? ;o

btw n1 english you cz crying noob ! ... :D
find the meaning of the word engrish pls kthxbye

engrish is a word you know...
xD he's kinda fucked
and you didn't warp at all
oh yes you know the best if he had warps or not, ofc you was in front of his pc, right.

alles n4ps hier :)
