Szacunek Ludzi Ulicy vs vibe (10290 views)

ClanBase Open Cup 5on5 2010 Premier League Grand Final
04.07.10 21:45 CEST
Status: | Finished | ![]() Get Button LinksHTML: BBCode: |
Game: | ![]() |
Rating: |
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League: | CB ET 5on5 OpenCup Spring 2010 » Matchlink | |
Hosting: | ClanBase | |
Manager: | ![]() |
Maps: | Not announced | |
On Demand | ![]() |
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Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 48
Viewer Peak: 48

gl bong & carlito <3 :*
ogien syriusz ! ;)
te wszystkie zjebane dobre klany odpadly w tym calym ec i tych innych gownach a tu prosze w oc premier polski klan w finale.... powodzenia elo !
gl jago!
won't be played at this date :D
[16:36] <shitty`> tell me when you can play it
[16:36] <shitty`> ok then
[16:38] <shitty`> okay sunday then
[16:38] <SLU|dnl> kk
[16:36] <shitty`> ok then
[16:38] <shitty`> okay sunday then
[16:38] <SLU|dnl> kk
shitty doesnt have the right to say anything :)
speak to bong
speak to bong
i dont want to search for another logs, but this is what basically bong told me : i dont care, talk with shitty
so dont tell me bullshit and ask ur mates first
so dont tell me bullshit and ask ur mates first
gl boNg,pninja :*
gl wEAK
chujowy ten troll jak 150 pocwic jeszcze
gl syriusz
gl uliczni
Szkoda naped ze nigdy nie skumasz jak zostalesz zmieszany z gownem ;(
po pijaku mozna ale trzeba miec 14+ lat przynajmniej kolego :)
to chyba kurwa albo mama umarla albo majac 18 lat poszedles do cool pracy za 800zl. wybaczam ci...
Po czym poznac 15-17 letniego szczyla? po tym ze dla niego wiek do picia jest powyzej 14 lat :XD
gratz vibe!
gl vibe
gl bongzor
vibe has it but slu could surprise
izi vibe
boNg & jago will do it ;)
GL !
GL !
hope vibe win, they deserve it, rape em joke
gl syriusz

easy bash vibe
Jako jedyny z teamu zrozumiales o co chodzi <3 Kocham Cie, pamietaj!
kurde to ze 2 lata temu bylo a juz bylo widac kto jest tancerz doskonaly
no, kiedys tez bysmy ich zbili ale teraz chlopaki graja zajebiscie i oby tak dalej, wiec taki screen mozesz wsadzic sobie w dupe. GL&HF Syriusze
danke, wzruszylem sie!
:* az mi sie lezka zakrecila w oku - ktos jednak nas lubi :***
Zamknij morde.
czym sie chwalisz ? sowim zjebanym team demagem ?
Wiem, ze twoj mozg nie jest w stanie ogarnac celu dla ktorego zrobilem tego screena. Pozostan w swojej niewiedzy do konca swoich dni !
All money on bong bot
gl //S.v//shitter =DD
You have 250 on pl SLU Cancel bet
Possible win: 945
zebym sie kurwa nie rozczarowal ... xd
Possible win: 945
zebym sie kurwa nie rozczarowal ... xd
You have 17830 on SLU
Possible win: 26923.3
You have 17830 on SLU
Possible win: 26923.3
powinienes prosic mnie teraz zebym karal :D :P
powodzenia slu
Slyszalem, ze lamek po meczu bedzie rozdawal swoje cfg...
No to bedziesz musial poczekac troche dluzej, bo ja jestem pierwszy :<.
Myslisz ze mnie interesuje jakies cfg zalosnego gracza? Jedynym cfg ktore by mnie zainteresowalo to monkeya.
usiadz wez krzeslo - kim jest kurwa Inshallah?
Lamek <333
Inshallah - Member Since 17th June 2010
widze ze burza hormonów
nie kibicuj tym fujarom
nie kibicuj tym fujarom
smokinho who? ;o
w dupie mam twoje who XD nie ten adres synek
easy for vibe
gl in the next ec bOOoOOoooOOOOooOOONNNNggggGG! <3
gl in the next ec bOOoOOoooOOOOooOOONNNNggggGG! <3 4 the win
gl slu
You have 1 on SLU
Possible win: 2.33
You have 1 on SLU
Possible win: 2.33
jebane low, bong was ojebie ;< !
gl SLU
polak invasion
You have 500 on eu vibe Cancel bet
Possible win: 835
Possible win: 835

gL BoNg :D hF Vibe .... :>

fear shitty! fear him! hf
i don't think we have 5 players for this... anyway will try to find all backups possible :p
bong nerding?
syriusz = biggest shit ever so izi 4 vibe
razql aka 50 hs / 1 round?
dont fuck with razql!
Parias > Pucio, pucio!
izi 4 cursed! :D
gl vibe, should be easy
vibe>SLU.. no arguments needed to support my opinion...
gl SLU
update the vibe lineup then? :/

real duNzy??
nah! btw i guess Scuba will play and we will prolly loose because of boNg(:*) so bet all muniez on polaks
too late 8|
scuba is inactive!!
gl shitty, dunzyyyy
chuj wam wszystkim w dupe opuszczam ta halupe
<3 spiti :) jedz gowno przez rure
You have 15000 on eu vibe
Possible win: 27450
Possible win: 27450
You have 15000 on eu vibe
Possible win: 27450
Possible win: 27450
not finished yet
syriusz :) kurwa talent
syriusz cwel jebany, all aim no brain D:
cos ten mozg odbiera, ciekawe co? (=
GZ vibe
wp vibe.. bremen was great)
close game, wp
shit game, didn't prac/play et for 3 weeks :/
ye shit game our best player couldnt play :<
same for vibe
yep too bad carlite didnt play :(
i lold at odds
ye wtf :DD
You have 800 on eu vibe
You won 1464
fick ja!
You won 1464
fick ja!
haha ez bash vibe <3 :D
how it is possible that jadol can play in 2 teams in one season of the same league?:XDDD
the same with frizer.
the same with frizer.
fryzer to samo po prostu potrzebowalismy mercow :XD
very interesting because when we wanted to use a merc in 2nd league we get red card :XD srsly
if your enemy allows you to use one, its all good.
they allowed us, we allowed them without any probs
they allowed us, we allowed them without any probs
its not like they won because of the merc they used :DDD
You have 1475 on vibe
You won 2699.25
You won 2699.25
You have 500 on eu vibe
You won 915
thahaha :D
You won 915
thahaha :D