aestas vs haxbyjam (4289 views)

nl saKen
nl SQuid
fi Webe
fi Sungi
maps for the cup are not on the matchserver, no coverage.
14.07.10 20:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 2on2 - SummerCup 2010 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: saKen (Generaladmin)
Maps: Not announced

Total Pot: € 13767
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: unknown


Easy for aestas, :)
gl aestas
gl sungi ;)
gl webem8 <3
gl sunkeli
god this better be a fast game, I cant be arsed to play ET at 21-22 :$
gl sungi :)
hf squid
gl le copain saken :D
c mon copain pas le tien
hahaha saken and squid 2 peas in a pod
Why are we playing some random Sc match on ettv?:d
squid doesn't know how to record so we need the VoD
we still need the in-eye demos!
tuu irkkii vitu lahopaa homo runkkari
Gl sungi&webe.
gl webe & sungi :D
saKen :)
saKen gonna cut his losing streak? We will see.
suosittelen laittamaan rahat vihulle, me saatetaan antaa taktinen voitto etta saadaan helpompi bracketti!
mission impossible!
You have € 54 on fi haxb Cancel bet
Possible win: € 73.44
izi 4 saKen
too easy for Webe
saKen progamer :)))))))
baaaaaaaaaaas nooob
saken if you gonna lose that you are rly a noob ;)) gl
I heard some rumours that aestas will win, bet moneyz on them :P
obviously we're gonna lose, gonna play with 1 hand because these guys are so fucking boring :)
gl webem8 <3
who the fuck is betting on us? homos
go go saken!!! pwn them like u've almost pwned us! :p
no ufo on gtv srv

no ettv