Impact Gaming vs OVERLOAd (21967 views)

gb Sqzz
gb R0SS
gb Meez
nl hayaa
it XyLoS
be Jere
be mAus
be lio
be chry
nl Joop
ClanBase EuroCup XXI - Loser Bracket Round 3

26.07.10 22:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET Eurocup XXI » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Killerboy (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 145799
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 366


overload lineup might be wrong, same as impact, mztik might replace hayaa since hes on holiday(?) and its only for a week.
Remove Boss and it should be correct
arent you avi? :D
chry is on holidays till wednesday
that is correct
david = pc burner

he'll say @19.07, 15 min before that it died again :[]

perfect uk lineup
A strong and stable UK lineup is just a dream, same as with Germans.
Germans had strong and stable lineup with Kuraigu, right ?
I guess he ain't talkin' about national teams but normal ones : - )
old zP, or mPG? it some with this impact, only one player was from other country, others from germany ;)
kinda expected comment from someone who hasn't been around for the last few years to see those lineups flop.
Mztik again back x:
mztik doesnt mystic dude ;)
Mztik traitor :))
mztik doesnt mystic dude ;)
You have € 53 on Impact
Possible win: € 177.55

GL Impact ;)
You have € 34 on ovr
Possible win: € 47.94
gl guys <3

Ppl who mad are always right.
dont understand why people still want to stay in that team...
either you are a bad troll a dumbass :)
bad troll since we all know mztik wont go lan ! :D
watch your back xylos mate, only non-brit left ;x
mztik aka mystic ?
mztik back -> impact win
team UK
team UK

well the 4 players in the squad are the 4 best in the UK ET scene right now, its not far off what a team UK pick would/should be, dont be mad cause you wouldn't get picked :P
cool biased opinion evo m8
To be fair, although I've had my opinion differences with eVo, who would you rate above those 4?
razz and myself (i know ego)
don't forget that UK was a failure before kamz showed up
nooo man they are best uk players cos they playing with impact !!
surely you are the best evo...
what about razz? :o
I'm not aware of him playing that actively at the moment? I guess i assumed he stopped after colt dropped from EC
nah he still plays just works throughout day time m8
you're right, back to the groupstage/round 1 failures. and tbh, Kamz has proved everything he needs to :) doubt playing for UK again has even crossed his mind.
way to embarrass yourself on gtv again eVo
Embarrass myself because your bum boys all piped up for you? haha don't make me laugh ya tool
thats not a nice thing to say to rat and suvi :(

lol at tool comment :D:DDd 1995
don't need to be a friend of Kamz' to know that every UK team for the last 5 years extremely underachieved with the same style lineups as you just posted ;)
are you that blind? UK failed hard last few times, kamz got captain, anf they got really far, you can say whatever you want, but he did a good job.

and im not a friend of his, infact i think hes an arrogant idiot, but these are facts.
so biased there also alot of other quality UK players
you cant be serious that Ross is one of the top uk players :DdddDM ahahaahaah
i meant the same as evo
sqzz & ross yeah (since they were part of uk team that got bronze), mztik and meez no, even though mztik is prolly the best aimer uk has ever had
true, but don't you think mztik will do great?! i do!;) but perhaps that's because i know what he could do!
mztik is a very good aimer like I said :]
cmon, suppose you have a grudge against meez, but you cant deny that hes good, and also played great last two LANs. e.g.
wow up there thats not mystic i guess mystic is from finland ^^ common sense.. :P
no man, mztik is mystic -,-

you know nothing -,-
mztik doesnt mystic dude ;)
the real mystic, lol?
Impact gon lose and R0SS will get 5th again :(
mystic is from finland, mztik is from the uk.....
no he isnt.. they are the same guy but he used to live in finland but over there they have no 'z' key so he just made his name mystic for a short while, then he came back and took use of the z key. i guess they put the 2 names because some people knew him as different nicks :P it's like RELOAd & Anderson :P
no he isnt.. they are the same guy but he used to live in finland but over there they have no 'z' key so he just made his name mystic for a short while, then he came back and took use of the z key. i guess they put the 2 names because some people knew him as different nicks :P it's like RELOAd & Anderson :P
no he isnt.. they are the same guy but he used to live in finland but over there they have no 'z' key so he just made his name mystic for a short while, then he came back and took use of the z key. i guess they put the 2 names because some people knew him as different nicks :P it's like RELOAd & Anderson :P
no he isnt.. they are the same guy but he used to live in finland but over there they have no 'z' key so he just made his name mystic for a short while, then he came back and took use of the z key. i guess they put the 2 names because some people knew him as different nicks :P it's like RELOAd & Anderson :P
no he isnt.. they are the same guy but he used to live in finland but over there they have no 'z' key so he just made his name mystic for a short while, then he came back and took use of the z key. i guess they put the 2 names because some people knew him as different nicks :P it's like RELOAd & Anderson :P
no he isnt.. they are the same guy but he used to live in finland but over there they have no 'z' key so he just made his name mystic for a short while, then he came back and took use of the z key. i guess they put the 2 names because some people knew him as different nicks :P it's like RELOAd & Anderson :P
no he isnt.. they are the same guy but he used to live in finland but over there they have no 'z' key so he just made his name mystic for a short while, then he came back and took use of the z key. i guess they put the 2 names because some people knew him as different nicks :P it's like RELOAd & Anderson :P
no he isnt.. they are the same guy but he used to live in finland but over there they have no 'z' key so he just made his name mystic for a short while, then he came back and took use of the z key. i guess they put the 2 names because some people knew him as different nicks :P it's like RELOAd & Anderson :P
ohshit no wai i didnt realise :S cos i always used to watch the old impact games with both mystic and mztik playing :s confuzzled me but ty for correcting me :> and r u sure ? i got a few finnish mates that use z im seriously confused lolage xD
mystic = mztik
they must have bought European keyboards :P in Scandinavia (and countries like Finland) all the keyboards have some weird letter replacing "z"
ahh rite yeah good point, request this game and you'll see my confusion :> ( both names playing togather )
'Mztik' in that match was Xpaz :P check the CPC2 LAN Final ;)
uhm wat? we have z and its part of our alphabets its not that common letter for words and its mostly used for foreign words
troll hard, go pro!
jäbä got trolled= D
just tell em that ET is 5n5, and if u count right there are 6 players, impact there is just joking with the mystic part as backup!
i think the letter "z" in finland is for foreign words
trolled :/
no he isnt.. they are the same guy but he used to live in finland but over there they have no 'z' key so he just made his name mystic for a short while, then he came back and took use of the z key. i guess they put the 2 names because some people knew him as different nicks :P it's like RELOAd & Anderson :P
maus in love so no time for et practice :p
gl ross & sqzz =)
I hope ovr pracced this time, wanna see omg mAus omg pwning
izi 4 lio
This is gonna be a really nice match!
Good Luck! Impact Gaming! :D
I dont think this will be played tonight as apparently be david's pc is faulty
mAAAAAAAAus :))))))))))))
You have € 100 on gb Impact Cancel bet
Possible win: € 395

all my money on impact's teamplay

sorry mAus :D
hayaa GL <3
gl mAus my friend =)
Ok, all in ovr cuz of hayaa.
Sqzz vs lio
R0SS vs chry
Meez vs dAv1d
hayaa vs mAus
XyLoS vs Jere

cant decide its 3:2 or 2:3
Adacore what you think?
sqzz ? lio
ross < chry
meez > david
hayaa < maus
xylox > jere
sqzz > lio
ross < chry
meez > david
hayaa < maus
xylos = jere
xylos is no more active as before...that's true but still xylos > everyrifle in ET!
5:0 ofc. Or 4:1, since Ross is worse than everyone.
Killerboy in dAv1d out :)
im not worst EC player anymore,great!
gl mAus only one player better than me
mAus change you're line-up please, its shit.
sqzz > lio
ross > chry
meez < david
hayaa > maus
xylos <jere
impact > overload !!
hayaa is so overrated, let alone better than maus :DD
yee ,maus plays very well when there is random !! :p

who would win if mztik would play?
consider again, like to see the conclusion!
this is exactly what i thought :P
meez is better :P
gl Meez!!!!!!!!!
gl ross (:
izi for the belgium boys!!!
Due to my loyalty to ALMIGHTY, I decided to let joop take my spot in Overload.
gl Jere
gl killerboy
oh shit its chry my idol.
gl XyLoS
succes joop
gl over!
ovr will win thx to ros
gl overload ;X
no he isnt.. they are the same guy but he used to live in finland but over there they have no 'z' key so he just made his name mystic for a short while, then he came back and took use of the z key. i guess they put the 2 names because some people knew him as different nicks :P it's like RELOAd & Anderson :P

Telika tha se do sto gamo mou?
Gonna be tight pussy :P
omg 4hsjoop! gl from france
Gl sqzz!
where vila^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
where vila^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Where mother?????
Ik ben aan het werken man... 1000 tot 1800 donderdag en vrijdag van 0600 - 1400 :DDdddDDDddDDDdDddDDD
dat is _geen_ pm :D

ben binnenkort trouwens weer unbanned van cf :PPP
Ever heard of the reply button?
kankerharde replying skills mattie
keine ettv server mehr?
warum das?
go XyLoS & mztik!
Should be rly good match. Have no idea who will take it. Good luck both teams !
You have € 394 on be ovr
Possible win: € 776.18

gl ovr :)
Good luck R0SS!
You have € 6666 on gb Impact Cancel bet
Possible win: € 12732.06 hayaa xylos and sqzz gna roll + mAus
izi 4 lio !!! gl hf ovr !
update bracket :)
Decrypt message

overload rolled by impact gaming niggers = overload fail ?! xd that's what i understood :(
overload rolled niggers that where slaccing?
overload failed and niggers rolled!
overload will win :P:P
overfilled truck will smith cinnamon whirl
truck almost falling because of overload will smith bakery thing that i dont know name of.

Needs a shoutcast!
pretty normal odds.
nice tj killerboy..
eating with 1 hand :D
Why u dont use SLAC Mr. KB?
low jumps killerboy
You have € 308 on gb Impact Cancel bet
Possible win: € 631.4
maus vs impact
no hayaa no win :(
sqzz + killerboy @ trickjumping

Cuz u were trickjumping ? :DDDD
inb4 community orgasm
2-0 Impact.
wot happened?
overload did a 5 minute truck hold, but lost by 0.5 seconds :D
Second map is ?
please msg me with score, cuz my inet is so polak now; D and with awesome actions:(!
2 - 2; radar as decider
radar is decider
should I watch reply:D? cuz i had mobile inet now:S supply was epic?
Ok thx

bb money impact sux ross is a waste
humble pie?
no way, ovr would have won if it wasnt for that 1 second so yeah pure lotto

as i said playing 4 vs 5 is kinda hard so erase ross and ill stop whining
thomas on ragemode :DD
3rd map is ?
gvd toch, faal
4-2 impact
You have € 2033 on gb Impact
Possible win: € 4086.33

ross still a waste tho + joop :D:D
Omg @ supply

what a fucking game! lol

had money on ovr with i' recent form but damn i'm glad they won!

sqzz tj on supply won it for i' in my opinion.

gg guys!
danke kurwa

ou have € 3872 on be ovr
You lost
You have € 5555 on gb Impact
You won € 11165.55 well palyed
so ovr are out of ec?
no, they are in the looser looserbracket now
no , they are out.
You have € 308 on gb Impact
You won € 619.08

THX izi money
sqzz mvp!
You have € 100 on ovr
You lost

Unlucky 0.5 sec on supply :(
lost all my money in one day.
Give me your bank number and pin and I will transfer some new moneyzz
7 € on be ovr, won 8€
+1 :(
ye what did you expect, its miami with polish talents especially wssquad pls:D i won 2k moar tho
wp impact mates
meez only triple kills? :)
SHIT i lost my perfect record of betting. chry i hate u now. >:(
YEAH I won my perfect record or losing bets YEAH YEAH,ILL NEVER STOP,IM PAUL THE OCTOPUS OF LOSING