Torped0 cAtZ vs aNtic (3071 views)

de FatCat
de LongCat
pl Cwirek
pl kor3k
13.07.10 15:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 2on2 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: cRkje (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
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Total Pot: € 2998
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 9


nice old accounts you have there :x
stupid nerds have to buy a vpn proxy to play on CB, longcat = lt sleePy aka fedguli aka nl xHizo aka nl ANiMiZe
Thx lowbob =]
animize the cheaterlover? oh my days :x
change your post 100 times more pls
thx 4 info plKillerboy aka sherlock =)
gl brolaks
those torpedo cats are hackers, dont know why anybody would actually play them in a ladder
evilcat aka aNtix: Created on 2 Jun 2010 20:24
FatCat aka wAltro: Created on 17 Jun 2010 20:27
G1ngercat aka MadG!ng3r: Created on 20 Jun 2010 01:00
LongCat aka wagram: Created on 17 Jun 2010 13:03

all using a vpn proxy


There is rules about non cheater on CB ? oh... didn't notice it
of course there is.. what are you talking about :s :s :s cb ban chaerter when ther chaeter lol:)
cheaters whining about cheaters

e: does animize think being arrogant about cheaters will make people think he's clean now?
lol animize the noob helium whining kid back in action? :D nice, another clan that has under 800pts in the ladder
????? :D ! Hi garym8, trying to chase me once more? i see my biggest fanboy is failing again ( like its the 1st time he does :DDDD:D:D:DD ).those guys have nothing with me plus they are low max xDDDDD.Go and ban all NL and DE players now so you can make a good laugh of urself :D SON IM DISSAPOINT