eLIGHT #sGp vs Desi Bros (5091 views)

nl miQ
ro rAzer
jm ralF
in PunjabiSINGH
in SaNdHu
pl nooblet
15.07.10 19:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Int. 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: raZy` (Requestee)
Maps: Sp_delivery_te
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Total Pot: € 5352
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de #Team'dtcn ~ ETTV
By: raZy` (ettvd)
de |Gods-of-Gaming| ETTV by. miiiq
By: raZy` (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 16


gl rAzer

thx <333

You know... Selena Gomez<333 nice girl:D put a bet:D

why do you keep doing this
this is sometimes when a new team is playing her first match @ gtv so dont care about it :)
he means it should be 0 stars
why so mad? :_D
:)))))) ok agreed!
im being dead serious, fucking lowtards playing.. it shouldnt even be on gtv
you made my day with that comment tbh, you're stupidy insults me alone honestly.. your a fucking canadian and you think calling me american insults me? canadians are OUR bitches you fucking scum bag
i know lol :D but i wannted to tell him that its only the rating system new teams get allways 1 star in her first game :)
fick dich mit deinem scheiß "her" !!
ooo gotchaaa
her :D aggro du hast meinen tag gemacht! :D
Gl elight <3
izi for eLIGHT #sGp miQ :*
DANKE aleynaaaaa <3 :*
gl eLIGHT miQ<3 ! :D
gl elight
gl miq <3
omg pds omg THXXXXXXXXXXX uuuu <33333333
ralf zockt noch et + kann ich meine moniez auf euch setzten :D?
gl razer (:
gl pplz
thx... i think will be a good game:D mabe 2 stars:D:D:D:D:D:D:... GL&HF
gl from the cheater!
too noob for us
sandhu hax :D!
K, new lineup: KaMzZ, SingH & either me or clarkee
chage line-up

add these too
eh if i dont play then nooblet is..
pff i wont play without sandhu :D jk just dont want to til i get better internet :P
gl miq un ralf
gl dESi :D
rAzer , gimme your shoutout. :$

and give 1 to selena gomez to :PpPpPp
k i will make that:D
razer where was the shoutout xd
noroc razere :)
singh gimme shoutout! :D
ya i will
u shud ask me
singh is memorless :D
i will give u shoutout
shut up rana
ty rana
no english srry
only punjabi
and to kyo rona if he said for shoutout?
omg miq und ralfe bei sgp? :D:D:D
was ist in den 2 monaten passiert in denen ich nicht da war? :O
low skill
boby low skil but he beat you:p.... so shhhh....
bet on eLIGHT there sure to win!
jinosta :<
You have € 200 on in Desi
Possible win: € 416
kamz getting rolled ;)
idd rolled hard
nice dmg on deli kamz xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
can't compete at this level :(

<3 :D
didnt expected this from u :D
ezy one for Desi's
You have € 751 on Desi
You won € 1562.08
You have € 390 on Desi
You won € 811.2
cancel bets, fake lineups
i wrote the line-up in comment :>
so? i dont read every comment in a gtv match, the lineups are meant to be written in the main part.
Manager: rAz3r (Requestee)

blame him ;)
fine i blame him, but still cancel bets.
i told him on esl to change the lineup on gtv. he didnt.. not my fault sorry.
€25, wow. Another sad gamer spotted.
wow you took me seriously, gullible mongol spotted.
i didn't request the match so can't do anything about it
i didn't say it's your fault but that's got nothing to do with it :s
kamz played a bit obvious , 1 action at delivery with that nade.

and singh cheats probably to :)
Miq loosed to low team:{ Im dissapointed!
fucking lag server...