Chickens With Guns vs #fif.gaming (10387 views)

21.01.07 19:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: afrojack (Requestee)
Maps: Adlernest
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Radio Commentary
gb #GamersNation Radio
By: Splodge
Listen to Splodge
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Total Slots: 0
Listener Peak: unknown

Enemy Territory TV
de ETTV server 1
By: andyF1 (ettvd)
us CwG ETTV Server
By: Mo00mi (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 95



5€ OP ELLIE !!
amai 5, das durven :p
Kheb nie meer geld :p
de rest hebde opgeslapen zéker? :D
Op wa slaagt da nu weer, dikke spast :D
pak ze brutal
gl fif
why are these chickenzzz constantly on ETTV nowadays
Because they have guns!
Because we have a Own ETTV Brodcast Server so we can use :)
Thats cool. go chickenzzz!
Brutal <3
is it possilbe to play 2 matches on different server at the same time?
both 19:00...CwG
deze zijn tog niet zo goed of ligt het aan mij:o
dan moet je kijken imo:

Btw wat is Goed. Als deze twee clans lower skilled zijn is dat geen reden om niet op ETTV te kunnen komen.

ok mooi dat hun ook een kans krijgen:)
fif-gaming yeahhh...

wil ownn...

F reeDunenl

*CwG* LineUP`s

FFS Only Brutal lover's in here.. I love u2...!!! :>
wow! i gonna play! :D

freedune <3 gl hf imo! my money on #fif!!!!!!
Yee Afro you know the team need you as cheerleader
who... ?
hm cwg low and normally they are fofeit win noobs... will be interesting to see them play wars =)
low skilled<> wow u have balls..:| We will see who will be low skilled<> probally no0ne heard about CwG but believe me<> U will see>>so don't talk about things u dont know IMO
read war reports made by Venerea & EU @ clanbase

CwG is most retarted clan ever
when we wanted to play against them they wouldn't even join a team, because we were too "high-skilled"...
you are
no I'm not... I really am not ... my accuracy is something like 33%, and that is NOT highskilled. I repeat: that is NOT highskilled
LOL and what clan are you from ?

Just challange us and we can play the war on ETTV so all can see how low skilled you are
we searched for a war vs med, you responded and then did not join your team, because you were lame enough to say we were too high skilled... and we were a MIX fgs -.-
mummy när tänke du sluta med ET när du fyller 40? Du är ett bra exempel på hur man blir om man bara sitter vid datorn, tycker synd om dina barn som blir/är automatiskt databeroende.
Hm NÃ¥r ble du min pappa da

La meg si det sånn hvorfor bryr du deg ?
Og ser du mine barn spille ?
Er det noen aldergrense for hvor gammel man skal være for og spille ?

Men jeg liker at du viser at du ikke har noe liv uten om og prøve og kritisere andre

Og har du forresten noe med hva jeg gjør ???? jeg bare spør
Jeesh pls people stop u fcking flaming when u have nothing to say just say nothing... and again don't talk about things u dont know nothing about.. lame<>
i actually did a 2vs1 vs cwg just cause mr mummy is as retarded as i am
but i lolled. they are fun so good luck ( i feel so pro now !@!11!!1!!!)
Indeed, you are one of the most retarded people on this planet. I was kinda hoping you were dead since you were so inactive, but seems God doesn't hear all my prayers.
how cute

i love to feed your hunger it pleases me to see another happy soul out there :]
My feeling says: wanabee..
At least my accuracy is higher than 20 xD
yea, accuracy says everything
Ok now you're pr0!
lol :D
I must say that this kind of talk just makes it more fun when we win :):):)

And BTW We won vs RM your clan on forfit becuse your clan had like 3 players with wrong guids so plz get skilles to update it and dont whine about clans that follow the rules

I've got the power! Spec me plz. <3
GL Freedune ! :>
Own ze maar !! Iedereen zal nu naar je kijken
GL fif <3
special love to me plz k thx bb
<3 Freedune =)
Hoor wie het zegt! Grootste gay van Belgie

TrixOr: Alvo kunnen we het aub terug goed maken?
Alvo: bb
TrixOr: aub, ik beschouw je als mijn ET figuur
Alvo: bb

Nice selfmade imo
het kwam er toch op neer jongen !
Als jij dat graag wil!
GL Fif<> hope it is going to be a nice game:)

Need, More Slots imo :P....
I can fix more slots if you pays :)
Go Gurlz
imo afrojack + freedune = <3 :P money on fif pliz!
but what original names tbh
Ghost1 & Ghost2


Sonofevil/inc original names<> and uhh H0mer old war reports mate... We're up with a new line-up so don't judge about things u dont know nothing about<> come here tonigh 21.00 Gmt+1.. And see CwG<>
izi for the chickens vs tha noobs
Genomineerd voor de originaliteitsprijs!
nee hoor kben gewonnen
(ETTV Match today 21.00 CET CwG vs Kapow In Enemy Territory ET 3on3 OpenCup Fall 2006 league Group A
shoutout to all my fans : Rhand, Triflip, Criswa :p

tis nog niet eens zeker dat ik in de line-up sta ma toch bedankt voor de support.

love u 2

edit: ik sta er dus niet in :p
jmmr, nu verliezen jullie als jij niet meespeelt :P
fifi yay
Go Ox tbh
cwg will win izi
Genomineerd voor de Originaliteitsprijs!
je plaat blijft hangen
mss repeat mode :D
Genomineerd voor gay van het jaar?

:o je bent gewonnen
Joepie! wat is mijn prijs ?
aaaa fLar3..we are low..will allways be low..and YES we love u too...Oo
Go fif mijn geld op ulder da weette he xD
pliz fu all :D
pliz fu all :D
You have like made them?

Anyway, GL both team.
I see, some talk about low skilled clan's Who are playing on ETTV.

FFs: Cwg Invite us 2 play on Ettv, And why not. Imo Just look 2 match and u will see two clan's Will play 4 the win. and iff they are low well thats the ...Question. So Stop whine about it.

Imo: Only Good clan's can play ETTV, Why ? Coz u get full server's?
PLz show some respect, To other clan's and post some stuff afhter war.

ps:CWG Thanx's 4 Invite. thb.

rayman! #fif.gaming
I've got respect to others clans (like fif.), but i think that's not interesting to watch this match.
Its not interesting if a high skill clan plays versus a lowskilled clan.
But if both clans are like the same skill.
Its the same excitement when 2 highskilled clans play against eachother.
The only difference are the frags and maybe teamplay
anyway GL both...
You dont need to see this match
indeed rayman! n1 words!.

uy <3
kanker chickens
Jah ik lust ook geen kip<> join the club...>sarcasme
cwg plz :)
nice words mate! I hope it will be a good game
Rhand,Boog... shut the fck up pls... u may think mummy is a tard but at least he got more braincells than u do:| to be honest i think ur kinda low skilled nabs who only flames other people to look tough.. U ARE SO FCKING CHILDISH....! Mummy is probally never playing but at least he takes good care of everything else... He has other good members to play instead of him.. both little little little childs
What the fuck are you talking about?

And why the comparison with mummy? I don't even know the dude so I don't know why you are trying to compare me or boog with him.

And I can say what I want on this site unless someone from the admins tells me to shut up.
Always nice to see that not only the high-skilled clan's play on ettv.
good luck to both clans.

My money is on fif.gaming ;-)
hey broertje, bedankt :)
We won last time and now we even got a better lineup so i really hope we will win :)
chill&peace :)
who won?
The match is Sunday, not Friday ;)
Not today but

Chickens With Guns vs #fif.gaming
Date: Sunday, 21st January 2007
Time: 19:00

Laat ik mijn enige hersencel zijn werk dan ook maar even doen...

Retard of geen retard, wij zijn at least active in the game, hebben een sociaal leven en neuken meerdere keren per week.

Dus vertel mij nu nog maar eens wie de naab is... omfg
-------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------
Tra nslation:
--------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------

Well, now i will let my only braincell speak...

Retarded or not retarded, at least we have active clans, social lives and are fucking multiple times a week.

So pls tell me again who the freaking noobs are!

GL HF and a nice game sunday!!!
Ja, das wel stoer.
genomineerd voor stoerste opmerking vant jaar.

hoe oud ben je? 12?
Ach, zolang jij nog steeds aan het genieten bent van je mbo-opleiding, zul je dit soort opmerkingen niet te vaak moeten maken. Want het snijdt totaal geen hout wanneer je zelf nog maar net uit de pampers bent...

30 September 1987 (toch triflip?)

tja... Ga je rijbewijs halen en krijg echte schaamhaartjes, dan lullen we verder!
lol triflip got owned.
heb me rijbewijs al kneusje :P

en je bent wel stoer met je 27 jaartjes oud en dan zo tekeer gaan, je komt over als een 12 jarige dus GG gast.

Ik kan egt niet bedenken hoe brutal het prettig kan vinden om met mensen zoals jou te spelen, hij gedraagt zich tenminste als en volwassene.
Ik heb er gewoon een hekel aan dat mensen die in het normale leven floppen als de ziekte, andere mensen noobs oid noemen.

En blijkbaar voelde jij je aangesproken toen ik die mensen aansprak. Dus ben je zelf in het normale leven wss ook een dikke flop!
GL cwg and GL fif.gaming.

I've seen both clans play and they are almost equally skilled, but i've got the feeling that CWG will take the win.
lolz, joker :> fif is way better then cwg...

vlx Saturday, 20th January 2007 12:42 Reply
lolz, joker :> fif is way better then cwg...

Hm Time will tell
at the german "get-liga" they acted like dumbasses.

they just "followed the rules" and got like only forfeit wins.
then they replied as late as possible to request to stay as long at top of the ladder.......
now they r gone or banned from ladder wid=6153624&cid=927645
same at cb,....
whatever<><><><<><&g t;<><><><> at least i know we are not getting a forfeit tommorrow
see u there
We left getliga becuse it was to many clans that dont shows up there!!!!!!

Do you see forfit win on us at CB ? noooooo

124 comments:D looks like u need more broadcasters;)
I belive it will be a full ETTV Broadcast server this time

Im happy that i have privat slot on it :)
more lowskillers pls
I agree, fuck off lowskiller!
keep some open for us too Mummy!!!


May the best clan win!!

Good luck and have Fun tomorrow!!
fgl hf both teams. just let they idiots flame how much they want. like we care!!!
gl fif...

greets.. fif-trigger
Seems like this match need more slots :)
Nice a radio shoutcaster:)
Easy for Splodge
are you playing m8?
#GamersNation Radio - Splodge ( English )
gl to both...

my money on #fif... hope you'll win guys...
lol n1 shoucaster :D
privat pw pmme on

Only pepole i know
need mor slots...

If you will have a slot you better hurry up now
you better win this cwg -.-
naja freedune cwg zal dit nemen :<. Noch gl gewenst :).
Your bet: 8€ on #fif Possible Win: 40 € (+32 €)

kheb der vertrouwen in!
Haha I love the 90's dance music :D
Yoohoow, thx for the money fif. Won 40€
Your bet: 10€ on #fif Possible Win: 50 € (+40 €)
Your bet: 20€ on #fif Possible Win: 100 € (+80 €)
GG 4-0 for fif!
GG All...Rayman = late
lol, Raymann is laat :)
my 5 euro :(
Your bet: 50€ on #fif Possible Win: 250 € (+200 €)

gg ox :D

742 euro lost :/
ahaha we saw mummy and u lost
Did you see me lose ?

How can i lose when im not playing ?

He doesn't mean he saw you loosing. He was talking about all the crap you spread about "CwG is going to win" "Both teams are equally skilled but CwG will take it" "CwG has new line-up but they are stronger"

Now we saw the match, and we saw how many things you said were true.
Your bet: 6€ on #fif Won 30€

I knew it.

CwG = lowskill..
hh wp CwG
nice radio splodge thx and thx to the ETTV servers and to mummy for making it possible. <3 gg wp all
Yeah man... nice Splodge..

Thanx's 2 all. Hope U seen a nice match..4 me its whas 4 sure.!
FFS cwg
ffs!!!!! i hate cwg!!!!!! bad day imo :(
CwG will try to make more ETTV Wars :)

BTW We need a new 6on6 Teamleader so pmme on and tell me some info about yourself if you will be the new teamleader :)
No offence, but we don't need that.

Seeing different lowskilled teams play matches ain't bad. But seeing the same lowskilled team every day/week is fuckin boring.
You know that you dont need to see ? :)
I'm speaking in general, not alone for myself. I know there are plenty of people out there who agree with me on this one.

True, you'll have some friends (although with you behaviour I have my doubts about that) who'll check the game, but not any other people.
:< Door die cwg heb je wel ff met je 5 euro +25 he..
I agree with you rhand, again!
door jou, lieve schat <3
Close match, wp both teams. Nice to get shoutcaster on matches like these =)
Rematch soon and then we will win :)
we see about that .. :P