Keskus Rikos Poliisi vs myRevenge e.V. #sGp (6630 views)

fi LavisRASVADanzo
fi LondonZ
at DonMatthias
de FaKy
nl Mott4
gr Playmate
nl pds
2nd league
25.07.10 21:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 5on5 - SummerCup 2010 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Blindi- (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 20852
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 19


gl playmate & don <3
gl my honey and motta<3<3<3 love u! my bets on u!
gl to pds<3 and all others<3<3<3
ahaha nerd watching gtv on holidays XDD
I got linked to this by a pro gamer. So I had to log in and reply to this shit comment

gl my honey and motta<3<3<3 love u! my bets on u!
gl to pds<3 and all others<3<3<3
easy for krp
we are wating for you in next round krp's 8)
gl pisi:)) (faky) aleyna mortijn& co... pls win for me;D
Martijn thank you very much!
GL myR!
pff low+ vs low+!
sagt ein Hurensohn!
gl don!
eitje krp
gl & hf donmatthias , mott4 zet hem op toppertje.
oe succes motta dat zal je nodig hebben :DD
gl faky <3
GL mott4 & pds!! :D
GL dondon :)
gl mott4 & donmatthias.
go psiquh alten nerd :o
gl Aleyna, Don, pds <3
gl schatz & pds <3333 :**


gl faky, psiquh, don ! <3
succes pisquh
faky all loves you!!!!<3333
gl Mott4
gl olba
wtf? nobody loves faky , why do u lie rAz3r?
wtf??/ i love faky... is ma pisi:)) best friends.... i love faky....<333333
rAz3r low
if u love him ,thats ur problem, dont say that everyone loves him, kk thx
there is a thing called reply button
gl don<3
gl play :)
krp lineup?
pewnie jakis piast
olba matiasy i te inne ;d
stfu kurwahomo, you obviously know nothing about anything
omfg boby... stfu! you think you are hight? gtfo!!! low!!!
gl sGp
Gl DonMatthias :* !
Painu vittuu LORDI . Kukaan ei kaipaa sua :D:D:D
gl don & playmate :)
my mates KRP in 2nd league? what happen
we swapped spot from 1st because we dont care about summergames :( we leave da serious shit to u
lol im not even playin et active so what can u leave to me, cheers KRP mates :) <3
?? UR MATE? :dddDD
gl SGP :)))
hf Rikos
gl playmate;** <3
izzi money :D