noBra!n vs Assasins Team (7898 views)

de Aggro
de Sunny
de terrAy
de Techniker
Not Announced
24.07.10 19:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 - SummerCup 2010 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: deactivated#101 (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
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Total Pot: € 25639
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 30


gl kik.aim^^

hf aggro & sunny ;)

Money Money Money
Junky macht all in auf nB um mich einzuholen:o
Gl&Hf orggA und ynnuS
gl assasins :>
wkoncu wlochu i poke pokaza co umieja na gtv ! ;] gl chlopaki pozdro od ekkiego :P

wlochu wyjeb 50 acc
a ty poke skaraj wszystkich !
ja nic nie umiem 0.o pewnie 20 acc bede mial
nie chce nic skarbie mówić ale gralem na nich z duzo lepszym teamem i dosstalismy w dupeczke :P
tzn ze ja dzisiaj zagram?> xd
nie chce nic mowic ale gralismy juz na nich wczesniej i wygralismy, co w sumie nie oznacza ze teraz tak bedzie bo zle nie graja
You have € 10 on pl AsT Cancel bet
Possible win: € 91.5

You have € 1500 on pl AsT Cancel bet
Possible win: € 6975

no to postaw tyle co ja :)
zgrywasz kozaka bo w random matchu tyle zrobiles? ja tyle nie mam mam tylko te 10 :(
Sunny&Aggro <3
You have € 500 on de nB| Cancel bet
Possible win: € 625
hehe. gl, sunny & nB|
first, before you add war to gtv u should accept challenge to match, the second thing: the game is reshedule
gl =)
gl hf :)
gl noBrain !
to izi 4 nB ;)
all my money on u
np for Sunny :-) GL
GL assasins
gl poke_ wloch :)
gl nb =)
u nas ma byc tylko jedno S w drugiej czesci xD
bo to sa ASSaSSins

nie dosc ze dupki to jeszcze z SS:/

gl wloch tak w ogole; D!
gl aggro sunny :)
gogo assasins

gl wloch
gl aggro<33 hf! and maybe shoutout to razer:D
gl wloch ;)
I like Penis
nerds playing on saturday -,-
nerd viewing gtv on saturday -,-
You have € 250 on pl AsT Cancel bet
Possible win: € 1505

izi money..
yea : D
unhit as shit
foff noobs :@You have € 2500 on de nB|
You lost
i didnt say anything to this ...
You have € 1500 on pl AsT
You won € 9480
You have € 500 on de nB|
You lost
next time ask if we play with lu or mix :S
Please stop acting like a child. We all know Aggro refused to play against xZist.
has nothing to do with it, and if you weren't his friend/teammate you would be calling him the child not me (like everyone else who sees his retarded comments).
Nah, am not a friend of such comments in general. I do know he sometimes/often acts like a child on Crossfire and GamesTV :S
laber doch kein bullshit ...
ill give a big shit about u and ur opinion :)
i dont have nerd ...challenge is still open till biio is back from holidays
You're the wrong one to call me nerd.
ich nenn hier nerd wenn und wann ich will :D
plz xD u played an offi on tuesday while bio wasn't here :D
and ? we played against low + thats np mixed
what difference does it make its a ladder -_-
when ist " only " a ladder match u have time to wait for bio ;)
obviously but i cant believe you are taking it seriously ._.
Are you fcking kidding me ?
You lost
ej ihr seid doch scheiss behindert!

You have € 100 on de nB|
You lost
cry me a river
You have € 90 on de nB|
You lost

Stupid gertards, never gonna trust you again
noes a nolife fin mad over 90 virtual monies
? dude its real money? didnt u know? the first 3 times are free give away money but after that its not free anymore. eventually uve got to pay gtv back, stands in the terms of this website.
you, your nick, your face guess which cracks me up the most
seems like someone is mad on the internet :))

Quoteus superior.
Last Activity 44s ago
eMail Address xpazje at gmail dot com

i have no words for this.
Its the real xpaz :PppPpPpPp he was really polish born and living in america you know
they had a noob merc.. im sorry :<
nB| de 1.19
6.32 pl AsT
You have € 50 on pl AsT
You won € 316
omg was war das für ne bruchlandung nB xD aber egal scheiß drauf :P
noBra!n lowtards ....
You have € 250 on AsT
You won € 1580
You have € 20 on pl AsT
You won € 126.4
oh hai
You have € 1696 on nB|
You lost
:( im sry
don't really care just a fake bet XD
You have 82 on AsT
You won 518.24 thx too izi