/CroW/ vs Death in Excess (3766 views)

pl Bart
pl matec
pl Lamer
pl chn`
pl faziulek
pl Siawy
de Eric
us Crazy
ca liquid
us kAwS
It would be the last match as a "/CroW/" team. Now we changed squad a bit and a name to #why.et
29.07.10 21:45 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 5on5 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: matec (Requestee)
Maps: Supply

Total Pot: € 3750
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 7


Gl CroW, matec my love <3.
hf crow
more low on ettv
Nie pisz komentarzy to skill tej strony wzrosnie : P
gl ;]
matec !:D hf
CROW needs Lee back in the Lineup !!!!!!!
times wrong.. fix it
DIE even play any matches or jsut request em and leave?
Yes they played vs my team 2 days ago :o)
It's me Johnny Depp ! =DDDDDDDDDDDDD
Might want to check cb before u say things like that lol they've played something like 7
singh what team you in? oh yeah im sorry u suck ><
srry id o but still play and face my team?
english plz?
learn to read plz
oh my bad.. i forgot what " srry id o" means
No offence, i like u singh but andy is right lol.. U manage teams but i've yet to see u play a full match :(
YOU FUCKING MAD??????????????????????????
gl both xD
matec add to team dIE
fraZe (flag pl)
spierdalaj na pole
no gl to andrew cuz he's a fucking
why would you lie about something like that?? hmmm
maybe registering your SLAC Guids is a good idea
gl faziulek
co kurwa? gdzie dizel ? juz ego zrobil ?
mine is registered
gl eric :_D
ragequitting pl nubs

gl dIE
wiecej randomow w TELEWIZJI ETTV cwele
crow to nie randomy cwelu tylko oldschool :)
jesli chcesz sie tu wypowiadac to naucz sie uzywac reply, na razie wypierdalaj na trzepak sluchac peji lub firmy koczkodanie
no i chuj mnie obchodzi ze grali w et 10 lat temu skoro wtedy byli i teraz sa jebanymi randomami rumunska sieroto
a ty kim jestes? :D
GL matec !!!
Time is the match for u bape?
Siawy ! :D Powrot do ET :D? GL !