Team High Voltage vs Logitech Hardcore (4120 views)

gb Oz
gb IMag
gb Gunny
be Twikii
cz Impressive
pl kAm1kAdz3
pl kartozz
pl fantek
pl piaskun
pl sed
pl Woozie
pl gawar
26.07.10 23:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Int. 5on5 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: IMagZee (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
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Total Pot: € 5667
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Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 10


gl Luna and GL HV
who win ?
Our first ETTV ;d
lunaa will deliver !!! <3 gl
Lunaaaaaaaaaaaa<3<3<3 GL :)
Luna & Kaizer Good luckz :D
gl imagzee and kazzuja
gud luck luna
gl Woozie riflo
Kamilu ;))))))
gl kartozz woozie gawar
woozie : XD:: X:D X:D
kartozzzz :DDD! xP
Gl cale logitech:) 3mam kciuki za was:)
GL Logi :> :XD
add Gunny to lineup plx :x
powodzenia piaskun, kartoz i fantek-> Mewa:)
Gl Lunaa<33333
buhh lunas pc crashed.. so she cant play :(
no Lisu no win :D
GL Logi
piaskun ich nozem pocisnie :x
gl luna
gl :D
GL fantek gawar!!
gl twikii (je suis ton fanboy #1)
hf high V
hf twikii
gl twiki :p
gl cheater :(
gl my polish version :D:D
gl twikii mon soit disant meilleur pote
sai dla provocation !
Ouhhh putain j'suis ton meilleur pote man ... Merci beaucoup !!! J'en cherchais un justement.
on est amis mtn :P
gl twiki
gl logi!
no Woozie and piaskun and gawar... gg anyway ... FUCK
gl kartozz
Allez gogog Twikiiiiii :)
no pisakun no win..
no woozie (only he good rifle) no win
GL tiwiks
gl fiHV]#
gg lolz.... : X
the match will be cancel, no 5th in High Voltage (we waited 25 minutes ffs !!!). We will challenge your team in other time, hope this time u get all players :P
no CKKrólBógArtur no win
cos ty tak o nim tylko nawijasz, zobaczysz ze moga dac rade bez niego :x