Logitech Hardcore vs ET - web (4252 views)

pl kAm1kAdz3
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27.07.10 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Int. 5on5 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: bilat (Requestee)
Maps: Adlernest
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 5125
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 23


GL Kamikadze , fantek =)
gg 4-0 Logitech Hardcore
GL KAMI and Fanatek !
ja sporo postawilem na nas :D
gawar <3
izi 4 logitech .
GL fantek , gawar :)
Master Pjaskun wejdzie to zje wszystkich coltem :)
gl www.
we will have a good match, and darkuzz talk to me on xfire.. your in the team -.-
g00n will deliever
! FTW www. =D i GO work TOmmrow I hope for win 4-0 www.
GL www gbw3st
lol w3st is working tommorow.. anyways the lineup on this site is not at all the real lineup, il find a way to edit it.
so write here the real lineup :P
You have € 270 on LOGI
Possible win: € 540

gl kamik :)
You have € 25 on pl LOGI Cancel bet
Possible win: € 49
You have € 50 on pl LOGI Cancel bet
Possible win: € 96.5

tak btw :-)
wiecej was kurwa w lineupie nie bylo ? XD

hf piaskun kami fantek kartozz :p
numlock cheatuhr.
gg thanks for game, rematch soon! :) cheers
4-0 for web/ss :D gg logi.
You have € 300 on pl LOGI
You lost

fu polaks ;D
v51 :D i won my bet XD
I told no piaskun no win. sry Logi
rofl... biggest cheating match ever
You have € 270 on LOGI
You lost

Dobra cala kasa przepadla ... Znowu zaczynamy od 10!