Polish New Talent vs NubsWithin (2520 views)

pl kurwa
pl warper
pl cwel
ir deksemol
ir handshaking
ir romah
24.07.10 00:45 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Invictus 3on3 cup
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: tSyreal (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 1425
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 3


nubsWithin ofc :~> :DDDDddddDDdDddD
cool nicks there
You have € 426 on pl >> Cancel bet
Possible win: € 817.92

dont let me down i belive in you
real nicks are...?
kurwa= Hude from ee
cwel= random from ee
warper= another random from ee with 1 yawn entry
probably $U$UMU and needle
<ubkaaa> <ubkaaa> http://clanbase.ggl.com/claninfo.php?cid=1733486
<ubkaaa> <ubkaaa> http://clanbase.ggl.com/claninfo.php?cid=1733486
<ubkaaa> <ubkaaa> polskIwarper ----- ubka
<ubkaaa> <ubkaaa> polskIwarper ----- ubka
<ubkaaa> <ubkaaa> polski kurwa ------ hide
<ubkaaa> <ubkaaa> polski kurwa ------ hide
<ubkaaa> <ubkaaa> polski cwel ------- klapp
<ubkaaa> <ubkaaa> polski cwel ------- klapp

kurat ei jõudnud panustada :D
Nice crashing the server while getting rolled nerds 8D

Pretty funny, crashing the match server while losing and then asking to play it without ettv on CROW server, home of wrusti and the rest of other banned cheaters.

Nice cup
jaran is worse than wrust
lol dunno
wtf :<
<Reso> You are retarded
<Reso> And so is your mother
<Reso> I assume you're somekind of braindamaged
<Reso> They crashed the server and now want us to play in their own server without ettv
<Reso> They'er wrusti
<Reso> Fucking banned cheater
<Reso> For playing with aimbot in officials
<Reso> You can get lost, together with them
<Reso> Now grow up fucking kid
<Reso> "i'll get you disq"

polish talents win
You forgot to add the funniest part :DDD
its true, but ur retarded and ur cup sucks, 4 match canceled in 5 nights :DD
wooops you did it again :D
nwi ez ;)
please ban these deNtal faggots (again)

gonna be 100 years cb ban soon ;oo