cs3r voodoo vs Section 6 (5218 views)

21.01.07 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Progames CUP
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: Trawka (Requestee)
Maps: Adlernest

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de #1 ettv at h3-tech.org (#h3-tech)
By: orsz (ettvd)
pl 1# ETTV ProGames.pl & irsgames.com
By: Trawka (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 52


20:30 polish time

ETTV 100 slots:
You are set as a Broadcaster now, add your broadcast server details to "My servers" and then add your server to the match you want to broadcast.

Polish have their own time?

I want a dutch time tooo :<
mach will be played 21.00 CET so i think it is the same hour in your country
This site should be gamestv.pl :D
gl voodoo
very easy for voodoo
line-up section6 ?
raczej ze Section 6, go go brok3n
very easy for section 6 cause we have bambus in team
easy bash for voodoo (:
gl voodoo
ettv plz
gl voodoo :]
voodoo ftw! you got yourself a fanboiii
voodoo lineup:
section6 lineup:

- tba
- tba
- tba
- tba
- tba
- tba

gl & hf ! bb
Polish Teams ownz GamesTV.org :DDDD
Go go Bizzare! :>
Nah, duce is my idol ;[ .
GL section 6 :]
310 Euro @ voodoo - easy bash imo
section6 lineup:

- andy
- beniek
- bizz
- broken
- lexus
- ph
- wolf
PALEMKI <3 !!!
lol admin idiota-,-
h3 mialo problem z transmisja i jego admin go wylaczyl. dokladnego info nie mam. Jeszcze raz przepraszam wszytskich za dzisiejsza sytuacje dzisiaj ludzie w serwerowni zaczeli juz prace by jutro bylo wszytsko ok.
jaki score ??
zal dla organizatorów cup'a . odlaczyli ettv bo byly warpy na servie ... buahauhauahuahauahuahauhauah

poniewaz ettv stalo na tym samym serwerze co serwer
voodoo 4 : 0 section 6
update !:[