Polish Game Control vs Keskus Rikos Poliisi (18550 views)

Second League
UB Round 2
UB Round 2
SLAC will be forced @ this match.
01.08.10 21:30 CEST
Status: | Finished | ![]() Get Button LinksHTML: BBCode: |
Game: | ![]() |
Rating: |
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League: | CB ET 5on5 - SummerCup 2010 » Matchlink | |
Hosting: | ClanBase | |
Manager: | ![]() |
Maps: | Sw_goldrush_te | |
Dubrovnik | ||
Caen | ||
On Demand | ![]() |
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Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 87
Viewer Peak: 87

1st zlol
way too izi 4 krp
SLAC on or off? important info
there is nothing in the SummerCup rules about SLAC so why should we use it? ;-)
so all money on PGC !
po chuj wy jebane pleby z jaroszewca dolnego piszecie do siebie w jezyku w ktorym nawet nie potraficie zlozyc poprawnie jednego zdania tepe chuje
Zdanie zaczyna sie wielka litera, 'tepy chuju' .
" smokinnhobo Thursday, 29th July 2010 07:40
so all money on PGC ! "
tepe gowno
so all money on PGC ! "
tepe gowno
"MAN" w nicku to chyba po chinsku, kido?
o kurwa ty na powaznie tlusty kasztanie? idz sie powies tumanie
nie masz co robic, ze szukasz zaczepki w internecie?
fajna flage mam? :d
no wypierdalaj randomie
this would be good SLAC showmatch!
if slac will be used the polish guys will go down in no time
gl ska :)
You have 8000 on PGC
Possible win: 10880
go :P
Possible win: 10880
go :P
good to play against 4 polish cheaters who dont want to use slac, ffs killerboy force it sc also
:o who is the clear one?
why do u refuse to play with it? xd
i do play with it + i have nothing to do with pgc :D
:o who is the clear one?
Does not need KB to do this.
polish cheating trash
your dictionary is awesome, in every sentence of you I'm able to see words like 'cheat' and 'trash' :DDD fucking croatian piece of shit with IQ equal to length of flamaster
that's called vocabulary, not dictionary - try to not look so stupid next time :(
don't feel sad just because you got busted, told you it was just a matter of time - the same goes for your cheating mates over here
don't feel sad just because you got busted, told you it was just a matter of time - the same goes for your cheating mates over here
I got busted and what? :D Are there any benefits of being clean in this game? :D
and maybe ye i make mistakes in my pathetic english but atleast my IQ isnt equal to length of flamaster like yours :D
and maybe ye i make mistakes in my pathetic english but atleast my IQ isnt equal to length of flamaster like yours :D
read again what you said and you'll see how pathetic you really are


what a retard :D

No offense but you're acting like a retarded nerd.
Benefits of being clean in real sports? It's almost the same, a matter of honesty.
Benefits of being clean in real sports? It's almost the same, a matter of honesty.

I ain't mad, bro :~D
People going easily mad this days lool serious business.
he's not acting, he actually is a retarded nerd, probably not getting enough attention from his parents so he's acting like an e-thug here, stupid kid imo
he still does have a point, no matter how retarded he is
what point? :D

that theres alot of 'cheater' & 'trash' in ure comments :3
just means that there's no other word to describe those people :-)
don't worry, he'll be playing with them soon
yea, baserace.et is filled with cheaters :))))))))))
well it does have some people that you called cheating trash ;DD
i already told you that you're wrong about it
never wrong
Total contradiction.
contradiction to what
never wrong
never wrong

maybe because ~70% of all bans in ET are vs polaks? :D
Oh where are sosi&hassan?
hassan left few weeks ago and sosi is still our player but he cant play on sunday.
stopped playing cause of slac
count cheaters, win the prize :D
gl fanatic
gl ska
gl sw1ruz
w sumie nie bylo by zle gdybyscie na slacu z nimi pograli, moze by sie odjebali
hehehe dobre !!!! az sobie monitor poplulem ze smiechu -- po prostu zajebiste, tyle wiary i mestwa
no kurwa ma byc moc FANATIC !
You have 15 on krp
Possible win: 49.35
Possible win: 49.35
whole pgc played on lan. sup with krp? OH WAIT
whole pgc played on lan. sup with krp? OH WAIT
polish lan doesnt count, nobody has any documents of any polish lans
and playoffs will be played online anyways :) so be proud of your polish lans
and playoffs will be played online anyways :) so be proud of your polish lans
except over 100 photos, demos and ettv we have no proof! It was fake lan!
If your comment is serious, you're an idiot.
ostatni sprawiedliwy cisnie
What the fuck does LAN have to do with cheating? Explain
everybody was accusing swiruz of cheating online, he rolled hard on lan, simply means hes capable of doing the same at home without bot. So I don't think he is cheating.
Same goes for wss
Same goes for wss
"rolling hard" can't be that difficult against some lowskilled polaks. I did 87/3 on LAN, it simply means the enemies suck even more
KRP home lans do not count
i did like 100/5 COD2 LAN so...
ofc it was @ my school place ;)
ofc it was @ my school place ;)
stop using proxy
sure already live in Norway (Halden) :)))
im not replying to u. im replying to Alm, i know it shows u that im replying to u but im not.
Ah k, but Alm isnt using proxy he work in Ireland ( i know that cuz hes my friend ) :p
i saw him with a finnish and polish flag
Yes hes from Poland but he work in Ireland already
Pretty good teams attended this lan, and yes, sw1ruz rolled.
I'm just still wondering, why team like krp doesn't want to attend lan. You guys were winning everything online. Should be easy for you
I'm just still wondering, why team like krp doesn't want to attend lan. You guys were winning everything online. Should be easy for you
ye man, 2-3 good teams on lan and you call it a good lan :D and no sw1ruz failed hard
because you were there and you played. you know nothing dude
actually ur "LAN" didn't had ettv :D
last matches from 2nd day are still available for make 'replay'
I don't need to be there to know which team is good and which isn't... by looking @ the teamlist its obvious that 2-3 teams are 10x better than the rest
you're a retard for even thinking that wss is clean, might remind you, what happened @cc7 then eh? HE WAS FUCKING SHIT
you're a retard for even thinking that wss is clean, might remind you, what happened @cc7 then eh? HE WAS FUCKING SHIT
who are you to rate any of teams
I'm the one who knows more about this than you ever will
+ you don't need to be a nuclear scientist to figure out that 1stcav and tmoe are most likely the only good teams out there
+ you don't need to be a nuclear scientist to figure out that 1stcav and tmoe are most likely the only good teams out there
I guess nuclear scientist doesn't know shit about ET. Plus how could you know which teams played good there if you were not on lan! Think about it.
results, ettv, achivements...
next time better think before u post something stupid again
results, ettv, achivements...
next time better think before u post something stupid again
won't be replying to you anymore, you think you are the world smartest man and noone can prove you wrong. Keep thinking that.
Nice edit bro :)))
that came out of nowhere,

KRP isnt really a team
rambo playing to get dmg only is rolling hard? hes a fucking cheater, get over it...
swiruz was shit on lan, he was just rambo-ing around the map doing useless damage, and yeah, that was nice ownage indeed, playing vs low/med teams
lets not forget that he plays with cheaters and cheated already and IS CHEATING NOW
as for wss -> http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=forum&mode=item&id=33941
and lets not forget his 'drunken act' on cic7 and his failure =D - that was the true example of his skills
Seriously, fuck off with that bullshit, reminds of the same gnajda parody - GNAJDA OWNAGE GNAJDA FF WILL WIN EC LOLOLOL - hordes of rampaging polaks cheering for a cheating nerd; funny thing is that after he was busted by demo and PB ( by pb, HAHA ) trash like sw1ruz, skaa & co still kept playing with him
Fuck you and enjoy getting slacced hard like your country did in the past
lets not forget that he plays with cheaters and cheated already and IS CHEATING NOW
as for wss -> http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=forum&mode=item&id=33941
and lets not forget his 'drunken act' on cic7 and his failure =D - that was the true example of his skills
Seriously, fuck off with that bullshit, reminds of the same gnajda parody - GNAJDA OWNAGE GNAJDA FF WILL WIN EC LOLOLOL - hordes of rampaging polaks cheering for a cheating nerd; funny thing is that after he was busted by demo and PB ( by pb, HAHA ) trash like sw1ruz, skaa & co still kept playing with him
Fuck you and enjoy getting slacced hard like your country did in the past

sup about villa and alexL?
what about them?

I don't think wss played on a crossfire lan, and he did play good when he played with tMoe on that recent polish lan :) don't know about swiruz, seems he's not bad without cheats but just puts them on once in a while.
ye, he was too drunk to play @cc :D
He actually did.
oh, he went with that team, didn't know :P haven't watched any of the games anyway
wssquad at cc lan ?
he didn't play, eujen and karnaj merced all the matches for him
good strategy -- not showing his real skill
ye he was 2drunk to play :D
Thought I saw him playin' once ;~(
cheaters vs cheaters
(ex)cheaters vs nolifers = nolifers win
wypierdalaj ja wygram:-D <3 WARNING slac incomming dude:-D
i stopped playing cuz of that, tho i have accoung no. 0000061
i stopped playing cuz of that, tho i have accoung no. 0000061
if any match needs slac this is it lol
SLAC will be forced @ this match.
SLAC is forced for this match.
krp's lineup probably:
KAPAA aka Mummy
KAPAA aka Mummy
who is hon-player ? ;>
gl ska
we wont play on slac, rules are rules, too much presure to play this match on slac
yes, rules are now that you have to use slac, get used to it
interesting how much time you cried KB about slac in this match you pussy :XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
yes i dont want to play against cheating polaks
funny words coming from your mouth while you are avoiding all lans
obv you dont know what word dodge means coz you are ruined by zyklon-b
edited specially for you
Travelling vom Finland ain't cheap.
polagz @ CIC having short way too, so its not excuse
Polands way to Enschede is way shorter than Finlands.
polaks much purer than finns
what's wrong you piece of shit? go cheat somewhere else

your comments are just boring, go and find something else to do

Umm, just uninstall your cheats? Especially ska

SLAC will be forced @ this match.
too bad urnnamu
too bad urnnamu
Poor polaks, their bots worth of 15 zlotys are useless now

add slac to linux also so u can force it, and tbh switching rules after start of the cup is not good
stubit polish ppl and theyr stubit nigger you mad homos

sw1ruz sie zeszmacil ;/
GL fanatic :)
You have 250 on pl PGC Cancel bet
Possible win: 2305
"SLAC will be forced @ this match."
You have 250 on fi krp Cancel bet
Possible win: 277.5
Possible win: 2305
"SLAC will be forced @ this match."
You have 250 on fi krp Cancel bet
Possible win: 277.5

almost good joke french frog
i was serious when i wanted to bet on polak :{
but some days after, they edited with "forced slac".
but some days after, they edited with "forced slac".
zzz boring
especially blindiih

especially blindiih
Dunno, maybe they are cheaters, never watch them, but most of those ''omg cheaters'' commets are imho because they are polish...
omg cheaters
PGC set 3:21 on dubrovnik.
2:0 polaks
wp ska
wp ska
olbaa in for blindi :D more f5 please!
bwahahaha sad fins are sad
./aimbot 1
cheaters got raped hard
cheaters got raped hard

e: ye when they lost dubrovnik they needed to change player :DD
EC winners having problems to beat 2nd div team :D NICE!
wow they won random map dubrovnik and got buttfucked @ gr
and even lost their homemap caen :Z
and even lost their homemap caen :Z
buttfucked on goldrush? They got tank just 30 seconds later than you did, it was kinda close (but still time you've set was nice).
You got buttfucked on dubrovnik, which is SC map, if you don't want to train it - don't. But don't blame anyone for it, it's your fault
You got buttfucked on dubrovnik, which is SC map, if you don't want to train it - don't. But don't blame anyone for it, it's your fault
when u make fast time, it will be always "fucked up" till the last stage thats just what happens when you dont need to pull out your best
the only reason why they won dubrovnik was that nerd ska made some lame roof jumping to secure keycards
the only reason why they won dubrovnik was that nerd ska made some lame roof jumping to secure keycards
Well, got to agree about goldrush. Still caen wasn't that easy aswell :)
Anyways you were better team, gg!
Anyways you were better team, gg!
getting olbaa to win vs random polaks 8D
Polaks don't have rights. Good that they lost.
hahaha well done PGC :DD great game
Blindi ousted

"polaks lost homemap" after caen made my day :D
wyjedz gdzies na wakacje xD
oho ruszyl naczelny lajf, z obozu harcerskiego do mnie piszesz?
zrealajfowalem 10-23.07 to trzeba nadrobic w internecie
how many busts ????????
polaks cant play normal maps. "lets remove radar and supply and play our homemap caen" too bad you lost your homemap ;z
gr rape as usual
gr rape as usual
cry me a river ugly bitch :))))))))))))))))
oh noes zyklon-b monsters attacking me all around
rape as usual ":D"
rape as usual ":D"
krp has around 20 members + we play with random finnish players sometimes, graz you won one of the lowest krp-lineup
as we said after that match, see you at offi. now you see what happened :)
just go prac some caen more so maybe you can win next time
as we said after that match, see you at offi. now you see what happened :)
just go prac some caen more so maybe you can win next time
sure, you need olbaa to win. graz you won vs 2nd div clan ;)
Sure, u need cheats to be able to win.
haha you have shown already your skills with slac so cut your ego
elaborate please?
check your demos and see how lowskilled you are, simply
Yet i won and u lost.
heheheh i havent played, 1:0 for me now :D retarded piece of shit from finland, go sleep maybe its already 1 AM in your shit country
"retarded piece of shit from finland, go sleep maybe its already 1 AM in your shit country"
Its not. Whos retard now?
Its not. Whos retard now?
ok, mistake by me. 1:1 :) lets go
i didnt see any problem to shoot you in the face with or without olbaa playing :) so plz it was 4-2 just because we didnt give a fuck to check out some random public maps. :X
so why u replaced blindi with olbaa then? XD yes we play caen/dubrovnik 24/7 specially to beat some fintards pls :DDd
btw check stats, you rly got rolled no matter was olba there or not :) learn to play meight <3
ok now im going to play 10 hours per day instead of 2. thanks for good advice m8! cya in SC@final i promise to play better!
you should, i have last 4 years played only liek 1-2 pracs a a week or less and still manage to keep up my aim : > my shaky oldskool skillz > ur newskool cheats :) sad isnt it! why so mad about sc? :D
LOL you are so pro:-)))))))))))))
yes thats me, pro. unlike you c(x
You have 411 on pl PGC
You lost
You lost
[21:47] <suVi`> skaa is cheating
[21:47] <suVi`> fopr sure
[21:49] <suVi`> ive been specing him
[21:49] <suVi`> hes aimbotting
[21:52] <zeroE`Robaciek> [CB]Killerboy spec ska :D
[21:52] <@[CB]Killerboy> nothing weird
[21:54] <@[CB]Killerboy> you guys are paranoid
[22:05] <suVi`> [CB]Killerboy
[22:06] <suVi`> dont think u had the same attitude when u played vs promen @2on2
[22:06] <suVi`> )@slac
[22:06] <@[CB]Killerboy> you are paranoid
[21:47] <suVi`> fopr sure
[21:49] <suVi`> ive been specing him
[21:49] <suVi`> hes aimbotting
[21:52] <zeroE`Robaciek> [CB]Killerboy spec ska :D
[21:52] <@[CB]Killerboy> nothing weird
[21:54] <@[CB]Killerboy> you guys are paranoid
[22:05] <suVi`> [CB]Killerboy
[22:06] <suVi`> dont think u had the same attitude when u played vs promen @2on2
[22:06] <suVi`> )@slac
[22:06] <@[CB]Killerboy> you are paranoid
I'm paranoid :<

fanatic lowbob
expected loss from polaks with slac on
i suggest you to watch replay and join suvi's club where ppl dont know shit about cheats
yep i suggest him to watch the only normal map gr which was buttrape ;z
dont be so happy that your soulmates won some random dubrovnik + played decent on caen which is ridiculous easy to defend
dont be so happy that your soulmates won some random dubrovnik + played decent on caen which is ridiculous easy to defend
why so serious EC winner, it was just match about 2nd division
stop replying to me now thanks, cant talk to highest player on earth
stop replying to me now thanks, cant talk to highest player on earth
"why so serious"
you are the guy here replying to every1 who accuses your buttbuddies of cheating :) im just giving some facts to ppl
you are the guy here replying to every1 who accuses your buttbuddies of cheating :) im just giving some facts to ppl

[pl]co za pierdolona loszyna z kraju gdzie psy chujami hamuja :D[/pl]

Hehehe, remember you saying the exact same thing when you were cheating hard in every war you could get before you got busted :)) you're such a retarded kid, waste of life

yeh ur country can be proud of chaplja since he was killing quake live with cheap cheats
he had 1 costumer u prick
what about public cheats retard
cheaters got raped hard
fintards got rolled by ska:>F
suVi jebana swinio get real life wyjdz z domu omgg
lol fanatic :XD
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