Ro@ETgamers vs nQw Dracula (4343 views)

ro zzz
ro boby
ro Gruesome
ro FoaMeA
ro Wussie
29.07.10 20:15 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL [RO] 3on3 Summer League 2010 » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: FoaMeA (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
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Total Pot: € 659
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
ro RO@ ETTVd #et.romania
By: Backs (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 13


You have € 100 on ro RO@ Cancel bet
Possible Win: € 984.00 gl @ hf RO@
hf :)
Bafta :))
ma ati pierdut sa verifice din esl un admin competent
am pierdut bani din cauza ca nu sa putut conecta wtf ,nu e posibil trebuia sa jucati in 2 ,ce oamenii voi faceti regulile cum vreti voi.
This game is a fake, because Foamea is admin on ESL. match is recorded on gamestv and is proof that players had rezerve. Laderul is a total failure in Romania
Shame that struggled to hold this ladder
Not a fake. You played 2 maps and a half from the 3rd. As the ESL rules state, you lose by forfeit when a player from the opponent team is kicked. Try to read the rules before joining a cup. Thank you, and have fun! ;)
4-2 for RO@
foamea sucks!
gg roa.Foamea admin abuse :o
5.6.4. Server problems
Should problems with a server occur, a different server must be found and used. Should no other server be found in a measurable amount of time and should the original game server not be functional for an indefinite time, the game can be resumed at a later time and date.
5.6.5. Player drops
Should a player drop during a game (e.g. disconnected due to technical problems), then the game is either paused or the map is restarted, if the still complete team wishes to do so. In the event of a drop, a registered substitute may enter the game in the dropped player’s place.

7.3.4. Player kicks during a match
4 penalty points. It is forbidden to kick opposing players from the server during a match.


Where's the abuse? :)
u raped defekts anus :o

Hmmm. yack!!!
bine ca nu am pariat :D ca vroiam sa iau pe ro xD
5.6.4. Server problems
Should problems with a server occur, a different server must be found and used. Should no other server be found in a measurable amount of time and should the original game server not be functional for an indefinite time, the game can be resumed at a later time and date.
5.6.5. Player drops
Should a player drop during a game (e.g. disconnected due to technical problems), then the game is either paused or the map is restarted, if the still complete team wishes to do so. In the event of a drop, a registered substitute may enter the game in the dropped player’s place.
citat din Regulamentul ESL

7.3.4. Player kicks during a match
4 penalty points. It is forbidden to kick opposing players from the server during a match!

only the rulz....
te pup :*
Deci am avut probleme cu conexiunea la net, lag extrem pe anumite servere, eu si Gruesome, a vazut toata lumea.
Am cerut schimbarea serverului, ne-am mutat, a mers bine vreo 10 minute. Apoi a reinceput lagul, n-am mai zis nimic, am jucat asa. Am facut 2-2 pe primele doua harti.
Apoi lui Gruesome ii cade netul si nu se mai poate conecta la server. Incearca iar si iar, dar nu poate intra minute in sir. Cerem schimbarea serverului dar nu ni se accepta. De ce? La regulament NU scrie ca se schimba o singura data serverul...
Vine Spitfire in locul lui Gruesome, se ofera sa joace dar nu este acceptat. Ni se cere sa jucam 2v3. Refuzam pentru ca regulamentul NU ne obliga sa jucam in 2v3. Insistam sa schimbam serverul, ca sa poata intra si Gruesome.
Suntem refuzati. Intra Backs pe server si imi da kick. End of story...
Unde e abuzul? De ce nu s-a putut juca pe alt server? De ce nu s-a putut amana ultima harta?
De ce nu te-ai bagat tu de admin?
mary me!
Say something about me at AEF, in your interview. Something like: I want to have sex with my dear FoaMeA :D

Killerboy @ AEF?


maybe at CC8 ^^

I'll go to CIC8 for sure, so we'll have sex then :))))))
V-a amintit ca e admin dupa ce s-a saturat de cata carne curgea pe chat de la solo si de la tine. Deci nu cred ca e cel mai nesimtit. :)
ba ce plm va balaciti pe gtv k tristii...
Nu foamea v-a obligat sa schimbati serverul Boby, scrie in regulament ca orice echipa poate cere schimbarea daca sunt probleme cu conexiunea da?
Deci era dreptul nostru si nu v-a obligat nici un foamea, ci doar regulamentul, insa voi ati ales sa nu respectati regulamentul.
V-am explicat ca nu avem alte rezerve decat Exelero care isi face concediul in Grecia sau faky care e plecat la un LAN. Pe Spitfire nu l-ati acceptat, deci nu am mai avut pe cine aduce. Ce era sa facem? Sa va cedam meciul numai ca sa nu pierdeti voi ultima harta?
V-am batut pe a doua harta asa cu tot lagul care il aveam, a treia harta era decisiva si aveam sanse reale sa o castigam. De ce mi-ati dat kick? Suntem lasi pentru ca am vrut sa jucam in 3v3 si nu 2v3 Boby?
FROM START TO MEMBERS nqw can see that two problems with the preservation netu ADMIN offered ESL waiting a long time to kindly to change servaru nqw to put servaru clan RO@ YOU HAVE A BETTER because connectors can see that same players throughout the match had 999 problems and after two and a half maps a player could not connect on preservation of existing breaks after both teams exhausted after a big break ref nqw request, asked to change again player can not connect after several minutes lost and asked f the change of preservation or if I lose the last part of the maps b4. track record in the ESL admins and taken. thank a preservation have went to change, two breaks were possible and had made all other reservation.Note that the same players find online the same network in the same apartment had problems both on preservation first and second on the hill with her actually a connection problem and not preservation, other players had 48 ping, is obviously a great disadvantage that abuse of admin RO@ team and the people who bet lost. Please take steps to correct this abuse of team RO@.
Friday's laugh. Thanks
la ce sa intamplat nQw se incadra la capitolul asta:

5.6.5Should a player drop during a game (e.g. disconnected due to technical problems), then the game is either paused or the map is restarted, if the still complete team wishes to do so. In the event of a drop, a registered substitute may enter the game in the dropped player’s place.
deci, serverul nu a avut nici o problema pentru a fi schimbat ci jucatorul; neavand!

In concluzie: foamea a abuzat de pozitia de administrator
e prea multa tensiune, parerea mea