spitfire vs Boby (6390 views)

02.08.10 19:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL [RO] 1on1 Ladder
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: BOOOBY (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
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Total Pot: € 2599
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Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 14


You have € 34 on Boby
Possible win: € 63.92
i fuck your mother shut up now we talk later
QuoteFrom ibunforgiven To PHOTOSYNTHESIS
Recieved Today 20:30
Subject fucker
Message fuck u dutch cunt.stfu u know u r a fuckin pussy with a tatto on your back.i fuckin take your head off if i ever met any dutch in my country i will rape him and send u fuckin photo.fuckin no life dutch cunt

AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA. well the only place we "gamers" can meet irl is probably cc8, so ill see u there old man.
and seriously, youre 42 or something? whos the one who needs to get a life 40+ year old virgin nerd hahahaha ;:D:D:D:DD
he beat ur ass up.
romanians are loco
old man?even in your country u dont have the balls to do smt against any romanian that u meet on the street cause u fuckin now we are able to kill you and your family in your own fuckin houses that so crazy we are .and u come here to call me old man and to pick fights with me when i did nothing to u?what u think that if u got a tattoo on your back is that supposed to scary me?i m really sorry i dont have the money or time or any kind of luxury to come to this cic8 cause believe me i would have come only to meet you pathetic fuck.u know smt try get a job make some money go out with your girl....if u can get one i heard women are fuckin ugly in your country but well i supposed is better than nothing and take a break on posting shit on my address cause u dont know shit about me.and if u like shit so much why dont u eat your own?
well actually photo is right , i think you dont got balls , cause you will never go to any lan , so you will never beat any1 up , and u speak big words because u feel great and strong now XD
just go on like this , u wont reach anything in ur live , when u life like that XD
i wont reach anything in life when u life like that??is that what u wanted to say or u wanted to say:i wont reach anything in life when i live like that??hmmm i can t teach all retards english.well the reason i dont go to lan is cause i dont have money for lan .but ask yourself a question mister eat shit and die:u feel lucky that i dont go to lan?cause this retard u r defending should feel lucky.but if u feel so strong and your wallet so big u can always come to romania.i will give u address hotel everything u want.come and meet me cheap trash!
can you make my bathroom? or should i call your uncle?
how about i give u some sperm to put in your walls and in your fuckin mouth?hmm wouldn t that be great to eat some of my sperm and actually not get wet on your mouth?i think that would be quite a performance for u
dude youre gay as fuck
ahahahaha i picked a fight with u? u started by sending me a private message that was suppose to threaten me? i said nothing to you before.. anyway, u aint got shit on me faggot. so for real if u wanna do it and u wanna fight me, please come to cc8. i will come there for u, for u only i promise (K)

and thanks for your lifestory man, write a book next time ok?
u fuckin dutch faggot u are so fuckin short memory but i m not surprised your brain is to small to remember all stuff. u did pick fight to me many times here on this site i come just to relax and enjoy some matches.first time u started eat shit when i was beting on inglorious bastards than u started eat shit some other occasions too.do i have to show u the links so i can refresh your fuckin memory?and pls if u want me to come to cic 8 pls feel free and send me the ticket money and i will come and i will show u what i can do or feel free to come to romania and i will also show u what i can do...anyways i wanna tell u r a fuckin cunt no matter what u post on internet u are will be and will die as a cunt and deep inside u know u dont have the guts to pick on us romanians!we own u in your own country we own u in any side of this world!u just to fuckin idiot to realise it!


AND AGAIN SUCH A LONG STORY MAN :d;d:d:d::d WRITE A BOOK MAYBE??!/1/1/1/1 ::d:d:d:d:d
hahahha suck romanians dick prick
u confuse gypsies with romanians?why do i loose my time talking to a cunt?a cunt still a cunt till the moment it dies.btw:u to fuckin ugly to post a pic from front u had to put one from the back.well don t worry we all know 75 procent of dutch males are ugly as fuck and 65 procent of dutch women are shemales.i m gay?o no fuck face:u r gay!the moment u pick fight with me u prooved u r same gay as your father was your mother and your retarded kids (in case u will have any perhaps with a lil help from a sperm bank) will be till the day all your family will fuckin vanish in the sands of time
i actually work and work honest for every cent.i don t need your cent.i know if i take that cent of yours u will have to go and suck some more dicks to make another cent.so feel free to keep it
shut up gypsy??
read and die!all world knows u fuckin suck!
that s a good one :nigger gypsie.i can tell u from now that u was molested by a nigger gypsie.u so affraid of what u calling that u have nightmares only if u see one of the streets.btw :isnt your country full of niggers?hmmm?i bet u like them dont u little faggot?be honest and tell us how much u want to suck a big black juicy cock?
your english is so bad it makes me giggle. anyways, shut up gypsy and go try to be funny somewhere else on the street while begging for money gypsy
my english is so bad?look who is talking ?btw did u read that?i know u did u little cunt.feeling a little bit frustrated?dont worry dady will take care of your sorry ass.have fun tripping !at least that will make your sorry ass life looks better...not
blablabla almost funny jokes and stuff!!??? go beg for money gypsy
u see that guy who wrote that article was right omg.dutch are real stupid.cause u just said 4 5 times same thing:go beg for money.pls try use your brain and try change your reply perhaps?cause after 4 5 times saying same thing is kinda boring even for idiot like u.for real
ssssh shut up your mom is on the phone.she said she wanna meet me later.she said she likes being on my dick so much she can t help it.sssh.don t tell her i told u.good night!
no she is actually in the livingroom watching television, she just asked me if i want some bread from the oven. so byebye bitter old man, gl begging on the streets for food and money!

hey dude get off his back :)
did u know that in my country no dutch have the guts to come?i wonder why....
clean up my toilet faggot
u have ppl for that:your mam and dad already do a good job.keep up the good work
i just farted wipe my ass gipsy
u just started whipe your ass?of what ...my sperm?fuck dude u really had to tell them this...damn u suck
rofl gipsypedo
Yes they are always on the side of the street playing an accordian with a basket of 1cents infront of them.
well that my little retarded fuck are gypsies.romanians not!u need learn some history!pls stfu thank u...
google:write gypsies
googe:write romanians
brain:use it to make the difference
p.s.gypsies all over the world:romania,poland,albania,netherland,spain etc.make difference between the migrating ppl called gypsies and the real inhabitants of the specific countries.what can i expect:u did history lessons with your fuckin dog licking eachother ass...
google gypsies romanian

About 1,270,000 results

lol gypsie
lol retards.google uk retards :uk retards
Aproximativ 1.740.000 (de) rezultate (0,19 secunde)

well what u know even more than romanian gypsies.have fun reading
stop talking to me gypsie, go play an accordian and beg for money
harris u started talking to me u sick little boy.go fuck your mami and don t forget to drink your milk please.
evrybody knows that romania is the meca of gipsies
meca?do u even know where meca is?i must say u r the meca of spanish idiots.
su gipsy
lol u spanish trol:calling me gypsie when all world knows half of spanish are also ...gypsies?that s fuckin funny dont u think u little faggot ?
so you just admitted your gypsies?

fucking gypsie
just admited your parents pay u for school for nothing.u even more idiot now than u was when u started it
tahts why u are all over catalonia doing jobs that noone wanna do????
is funny u talk like that:cause i heard your country is in deep and serious shit.yea perhaps we do jobs and take your money while u sit apart and hate:cause u r to dum and proud to adapt and make also some money.but that s right 80 procent of spain is in economical collapse but u wanna play smart with me.hahahah...fuck u!
dude u dont get it spain is poor as fuck but catalonia WE ARE FULL OF ROMANIANS AND U KNOW WHAT? THEY EVEN HAVE A JOB (a bad one ofc loel)

btw u cum on walls and shit?
well ....idk what to say but u just admited we pretty much own u in your own shitty country.i mean for real what a spanish dude can do to a romanian when in spain are more than 1 milion romanians?as i heard and i m sure i heard good we pown u on legal stuff.we pown u on illegal stuff.our women so fuckin beautiful that all spanish guys wanna fuck and marry a romanian chick rather than a low face spanish woman.so let me ask u smt?who win after all this?spanish:dont think so.cause we pretty much took over your country.and btw no:i don t cum on walls i cum on your mami.is more nicer like that
no dude you dont really get it, no one wants to marry a fuckign romanian as they are prostitutes over here, also ppl here thinks they look like mans. and the jobs u have are as toilet cleaners, and those who are lucky clean up the streets, u shud come and try out some luck perhaps?
in fact u little stupid boy who wanna try appear a man when he is still a fuckin virgin:u can ask your father i m sure he will tell u same as me:6 out of 10 rich spanish and married guys have a mistress which most of the time if she is not a black girl or a spanish girl is a romanian woman.and i m not talking about hoes cause that u can t call it mistress.and if u dont believe me....well i dont give a fuck cause i m out good night cunts and see u on the other side.wait i forgot:i go up u fuckers go down!have fun!
dude romanian girls are hairy and look liek mans
shut up gypsy
what u talking to your mama?she can t talk now she is busy giving me a blowjob .yea she sucks so good on my black dick!u should see her she is gorgeous
its funny cuz here 75% of prostitutes are romanian i mean gipsies
hmmm how come u know about this subject:are u one of those pathetic fucks who can t fuck a woman unless u pay for it?thanks for sharing really.....well take it how u like it(mouth or ass) but u gotta admit nobody fuck your shity women cause they ugly as fuck.hoes or regular...same thing
indeed, i would rather fuck a gypsie
:DDDDD in every country the prostitutes are from east europe

I heard that u are as old as my dad btw?
idk i thaught your dad is death?i heard he was killed by bears in the woods?
your tries to be funny are so NOT funny dude.

bears. woods.


nah he just got back from recording his tv program:PP

bb im off gonna eat some lobsters.
the award for the biggest retard in et history goes to ibunt "gipsie" forgiven
another dum ass kid who is bored to death.pls fuck off!
dude making him rage is the funniest shit ever.

"how about i give u some sperm to put in your walls and in your fuckin mouth?"

read and learn dutch cunt : http://hateholland.blogspot.com/
shut up gypsy?
man pls give each other your xfire or go mirc pls... nobody want see what are you doing
You have € 315 on ro Boby Cancel bet
Possible win: € 557.55

ba viorele dak pierzi te rup:D
I bet on spitfire becoz known him 2 years nearly :D
meciul va fi castigat de spitfire,ro@ se retrage din competitiile ro....sa joace foamea in locul lui boby,ca poate,doar este admin...
mai terminati odata cu prostiile astea... Este admin si ce? A facut totul dupa regulamentul esl... Pe care daca nu ma insel1 trebuia sa il stiti si 2 l-ati acceptat inainte de intrarea in competitie.... Nu inteleg dc va tot dati furati! Dupa ce k foamea v-a ierat si nu a banat echipa asa cum ar fi trebuit... Nu scrie in regulament k trebuie sa joace in 2 prima oara schimbarea serverului(se poate schimba de n ori...apoi kickul lui wussie , injuraturile. Aveti mare noroc k nu aveti ban 2 ani pe esl!!! A si inca ceva pt neprezentare 3p penalizare...
ha, ha ban 2 ani, bai boule iesim singuri sa ramaneti numai voi si termina cu prostiile voastre
urat din partea ta backs... Ai grija cum vb k eu nu te.am jignit!
Eu zic ca boby ar trebui sa decida. In 1vs1, fiecare isi joaca partea...
sorry this match must rescheduled, spitfire is on moon
daniele, gindeste-te putin si mai larg, suntem o mina de oameni si ne certam pe 7 planuri...

Valoarea adevarata nu e de conjunctura, si daca ai incredere va iesi si la iveala. Solo e un superjucator, sper sa-l mai vad in laddere romanesti, indiferent de diferitele orgolii.

Restul povestilor e apa chioara.
cu siguranta o sa-l mai vezi dar nu in ladder-ele romanesti, totul depinde de ce decizie se ia in seara asta adica azi 02.08.2009 ora 20:00. Am spus si o mai spun, nu iau decizii de unul singur.
Tu ce faci ma? N-ai intrat in nici o competitie. Mai joci, sau te-ai lasat? :)
Gl both :D
am luat o pauza mai lunga
@razer: pustiulica tu nu ai ce face, citeste o carte sau mergi la teatru sau esti vreun superdotat
bafta ma bobule
You have € 34 on ro Boby
You won € 40.12

mersy boby si pentru toti romanii:decat sa va certati intre voi mai bine certati va cu toti handicapatii care vin sa posteze cacaturi aici in loc sa si vada de ale lor
ignorarea e cea mai buna arma impotriva lor just don't care....