Lost Soldiers vs #erAse.et Runo<3 (6187 views)

de lango
de fendah
de kNoche
de snip0
de caTchEr
de ducis
fi BossHK
gb Nips
at DonMatthias
fi dTEC7
nl Apoc
01.08.10 22:15 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 5on5 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: DanLanGo (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
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Total Pot: € 9103
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Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 14


ez for dTEC7
who's gonna take rifle in eA?
gl Apoc and eSSe
gl erAse <333333
lost m8s :PpPpPpp long time no paly! X:d
izi for fiBossHK & fidTEC7
Matchrules SLAC: Mandatory

no :[
easy for ls!!!
gl ama
gl fendah!
haha, erase with SLAC, i'd love to see that!
Yes, BossHK skill-drop incoming.
cu at 22. + we r not the team who played with 2 cheaters (hi lost)
2 cheaters?
qwik, laxness?
since 2003 btw
idiot, clear the snow in front of your door
if thats some kind of coolio yerman phrase and ur trying to say that iv cheated too, well qwik cheating in offis to get better results for this team is quite similar to me cheating on a omnibot server before even starting to play matches in Clanbase. If ur implying its snowing in Winland, its well over 20 degrees here and sun is shining = either way u cool fail very many yes

-> No suspended players.

+ if players are currently banned, it's not possible to remove them from the team.
No more comment needed. Stop talking bullshit if you don't have ANY clue.
apparently u can remove them cos they got CB bans 18.6 (laxness) and 11.5 (qwik) and removed from ur CB page on 11.5. Any1 can see it by checking the hid and C&A profile of each player and then checking ur clan log, stop with the bs.
Dude, removing banned players is not possible.
U r right, my mistake, both members were removed before CB bans.
Correct and now ask yourself why.
ask myself what why? why u removed them from ur CB page, cos they got obv proofs on CF :)) smart move bro
We don't wanna have nothing to do with cheaters, that's why they have been removed. If there was any support on our side, they still would be in but they don't. Just face it and stop this useless flame.
Wouldnt have been any flaming if u didnt start with the snow shit :) i was just teasing Rhand cos he so mad
übertreibs mal nicht, ich hab in einem einzigsten Spiel mal einen wallhack benutzt, was man auch anhand der Demo eindeutig sieht. Nicht mehr und nicht weniger.
Es war blöd, das weiß ich nun auch. Entschuldigt habe ich mich auch bei meinen Freunden. ET hab ich auch keine einzigste Minute mehr gespielt seit dem.

Lustig finde ich es nur, das solang ihr ggn LS gewinnt alles super ist, und wenn ihr dann mal 1 Spiel knapp verliert, geht der flame wieder los, lächerlich.

..bei Problemen mit der Übersetzung: http://www.google.com/language_tools?hl=eng

lool, du redest mitm finne deutsch :D
du glaubst garnicht wie mich das cared wo der herkommt
LAxNESS/shApe? How can you think he used to cheat? :~o
dont think that theyre the only ones :D
laxness did just 2-3 matches for us, not more!

mongool jonge, der zit niet ene bij ons int team die ook maar beeeeetje fishy is
is tog zo, erase zuigt
idd, daarom slaat zn comment nergens op
gl AmazOn
g Hex
Would be friendly if you added me to the line up :/ (im back from vacation)
why no bossHK? :/

expected ;>
hes our backup, the lineup thats playing today is our main lineup so why would he play :|

Well, you have to use it either way ;~)
Haha snip0 spielt wieder aktiv? :D
notgedrungen wegen berni ;/
Immernoch nichts neues von meinem liebsten Wolfram? :( Viel Glück Julian & Co ;-).
Ich spiele für meinen besten Freund. :(
also diese vollbauern solltet ihr ja eigentlich easy klatschen...
3 mal darfst du raten :D
3 mal raten weil es nur zwei teams gibt, gg :P
was ein schenkelklatscher....
what a shock, when slac is on Boss the fucking HK wont play :/
he's clean
look @ him rolling!
u just mad cos ur hand is not as pretty as boss' :<
i sad cos my hand not as pretty as boss' :<
gl apoc
nauran ääneen, sinä vihainen?
Gl catcher <3
kackspasten. supply um 20 secs verlieren und um halb 12 n decider spielen. euch hackts wohl n bissl :D gute nacht <3
wenigstens gewonnen, du kack lagger 8D
GGS, shoutouts to Hex and Esse :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
for showing up and supporting us!
gg wp :(
Was nice warmupping with mixteam :) Ofc without coms :)
Stop whining already, you make yourself look quite pathetic. It's not getting better from telling us about 1000 times.
yes thats why we've beaten u at least 6 times before in offi's never having real trouble with u :PPP

and now we completely sucked due to inactivity and lack of main line up players + comms (and we didn't even warm up together)

I think we're allowed to say that at least bro. And it doesn't take away that you played well :)
1. you never beaten us with having no trouble :DDD ..was always close tbh
2. we kinda sucked yesterday^^ especially me as rifle 8DD
If you sucked, pls go watch replay as our pov, it was just totally chaos, made next stage positions during current stage, had actually 2 active playing members playing, 2 inactive + 1 borrowed from other team etc. :)
01.08 22:15 Lost Soldiers 4.55 vs. 1.28 #erAse.et Runo<3 1,000 € on eA Lost
totally agree, fucking pathetic behaviour from BossHK and Apoc
I blame slac!
SLAC is used and erAse lose from ls, hahaha.
yes, because SLAC was the reason we lost, not because our damage whore and engi smg/comms leader (:D) were away :).
maybe he wants to say that we are more obvious for cheats than you :X

e: want a rematch soon :))
with slac u lose eA :pPpPP
with slac u lose eA :pPpPP