AHK CLAN vs ownAge (4131 views)

sk Kimi
cz Fox
cz Kelt
cz JohnnnyGanja
cz tAMjee
pl NoLiFe
pl cwAniak
pl Darkless
pl Morfey
pl Haven
pl Camper
4fun match
05.08.10 21:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Miscellaneous
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: AOD Kimi (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 3242
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 21


Gl Hf Ownage / morfey powodzenia xD
Kto jest u gory ten jest slaby
WuT Chrząszczu !
ogien kubus;*
To Twoja Fota z lana Kapciu !
Twoja fota z lana
Masz brudna buzie lobuzie!
twoja generacja!
Racja twoja generacja !
chujowo mnie nasladujesz jebany kuktasie
Ce mec est magnifique!
League: Miscellaneous (:
gl kimi
gl ahk
pl NoLiFe
pl cwAniak
pl Darkless
pl Morfey
pl Haven
pl Camper
League: Miscellaneous
gl kluci :)
gl darkles & morfey
GL darkleSs(GL HF:*) ,Cwaniak ,NoLiFe
Time: 30m later AOD Kimi Today 18:12
gl nolife ;*
Do u need any srv? If u request 4fun matches I can give u srv, no need to request ettv
AHK got own private servers
god bless Mr.Brown :)
thx anyway
gl ownage
gl Cwaniak
gl kimi
o kurwa xd
You have € 139 on OwnAge
You lost sont serieux les polhacks ?
Omg Porażka ;/
Kurwa co to mialo byc?
Dobrze ze na ahk postawilem
tAMjee <3
wtf tamjeee omg omg omg ja už et nehrajuu...... ok ok