Polish Game Control vs myRevenge e.V. #sGp (6573 views)

pl fanatic
pl sw1ruz
pl wss
pl ska
pl Urnnamu
gr Playmate
at DonMatthias
at Scorch
fr quAke
fr An7ho
Second League
LB Round 2
08.08.10 21:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 5on5 - SummerCup 2010 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: fanatic (Requestee)
Maps: Bremen_b3
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 15412
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 29


izi 4 aleyna polish skilldrop is going on (=

quAke fell in luv with playmate, and is naow playing with her 8D
gl aleyna & martijn :p go go go:))
gl playmate, mott4 !

gl antho et quake même si je vous connais pas vraiment^^
Gl Playmate & Mott4, eat them :*
gl Aleyna,Mott4,quAke,An7ho <3
An7ho fell in luv with playmate, and is naow playing with her 8D
GL PGC !!!
gl antho your the best
gl les pds
best of luck an7ho!
go go An7ho:D i love yours riffle <3 :D
sw1ruz avi za niedlugo pojdzie ;)
get normal face sw1ruz

izi for playmate
gl antho :-)
gl aleyna & motta <3 :*
gl Aleyna and polaks, pokarac tam macie!
zaraz sie obsrasz kudlaty ogrze
gl quAke and an7ho !
sw1ruz + wss, omfg high cheater skill on da road.

GL S'agapo, salope d'An7ho
yes man! :D
gogo quaki,antho myr<3
GL Antho quake!
just watch :-) wh 100%
to zrob kurwa avi idioto
to kurwa wejdz i obejrz, ciezko ?
co za debil...
sprawdz Alm i powiedz. a Ty kurwa panie bijemy plebs jak nie masz czasu to podam ci minuty i sekundy i skrec to avi, bo ja kurwa nie mam czasu na to, sorry ale RL LIFE wzywa, opierdalaj paczki dalej przed kompem pozdro
pierdolisz ze gra na wh to rob avi debilu. pol dnia ci to nie zajmie
Jak dla mnie, to gra prawie zawsze to samo co na lanie, wiadomo, lekkie odchyly od aima sa zawsze, ale zadnych ewidentnych boostow pomiedzy gra offline a online nie zauwazam. Nie mowie na przykladzie meczu, ktory podajesz, bo tego akurat nie widzialem, w przyszlosci sprawdze;)
gl sGp
gl les frenchies
gl Playmate
gl Playmate <33
gl motta and playmate :)
gl mott4 and playmate!
Aleyna <3
motta you so noobish
An7ho and quAke are not on the APL, gl :)
sagapo wins!!
nie oddamy krzyza ! wss do boju !
You have € 473 on gr sGp Cancel bet
Possible win: € 2554.2

et Today 21:30 Polish Game Control pl 1.25 vs. 5.01 gr myRevenge e.V. #sGp 473 € on gr sGp Lost

better team lost i guess then shame..
You have € 1000 on PGC
You won € 1250

ty for betting on internet girl, sick odds
Playmate, was das denn fürn zusammengewürfelter haufen?

wanted to play vs sagapo :<
Viel Erfolg, PGC ist nicht schlecht ;~(
is ned schwer mit cheatern
killerboy hätt die scheiß cheater nur früher bannen müssn :(
loosing spree since slac is out finally ended :-) slowly getting used to it
playing with cheaters !! gj !!