limo vs survive&Friends (3441 views)

eu Spede
eu Otto
eu Ammoniak
eu Pallo
eu Skeletor
eu Respect
de Kevji, kutsch
de stRay, heya
at jaN
de socke, Fotzkopp
de ScaTmaN
05.08.10 23:45 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Miscellaneous
Manager: stray (Generaladmin)
Maps: Baserace

Total Pot: € 1977
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 9


(o.\\\ KILL EMO!
got a demo of hirvi cheating earlier :~>
playing with kutsch :D
gg wp

was very hard!
gg wp
even with hacks they sucked -.-
look at your team idiot
your the one playing with kutsch :[ scatman i am dissapointed
you played with me aswell ,and i used slac fucker
heya isn't cheating right '':D''
you must be really retarded to say it when ur team has heya and kutsch :D fucking idiot
Tuol Kutshil ja en oo varma oliko heyalla SLAC pääl. Tosi ne oli kyl aika huonoi, heyalla oli joku 170heduu kait ku peli loppu:D
look at your team
kutsch :DD and furthermore wearing an #unban soLo tag looks trustworthy :)
i only knew 1 guy of that team i played with , so why i should know/care theres a hacker , and i just said that oppo even sucks with hacks , stop cry about a guy i dont know :-]
"why i should know/care theres a hacker"
If youre braindamaged enough to whine about enemy team having cheaters :DDDD
do you actually try to act that dumb or is this a natural gift?
someguys has it that's why they are stuck on here internet
None of us were cheating:DDDDD?
Kein plan was ihr alle von mir wollt , kenne die nicht muss ich jeden spinner kennen oder was ? ich hab mein spiel gespielt und wenn mich son spinner weghackt kann ich wohl sagen was ich will oder?

Erst denken dann labern bb
fotzkopp > all
jan why u dont come to wm channel anymore :(
miks ei mua kysytty pelaa??
koska sulla ei oo mikkiä