Valkyrie vs In7 eSports (3864 views)

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pt reAvr
pt rahzel
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pl pius
pl nORAs
pl th0rdis
pl cymky
pl despero
10.08.10 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 5on5 - SummerCup 2010 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: reAvr (Requestee)
Maps: Bremen_b3

Total Pot: € 6818
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: unknown


gl In7
Gl in7, hf Th0rdis & Pius :-)
gl hf Valk, hf Th0rdis, nORAs :)
gl valk!
gonna be nice match hopefully
never wish gl to your opponent : P

hf tho
Why? :) You are one of nicest team!
plus we don't care if we win or lose this ^^
was joking mate, im sure it will be a nice game regardless of whoever wins
ez for nORAs mate :)
taker + reavr(nub) = <3
gl valks
gl&hf Pijus ; D
gl pessoal : )
gl valks, fácil :))
good luck polishaks.
gl In7 :)
quero shoutout rahzel reavr e taker :))
porque e que te havia d dar shoutout se n me deste a mim quando perdeste? :<
gl valkyrie =)
It's a double no show @ cb, have fun playing pracc @ ettv.
killerboy allowed us to play today..

e: 15,13 19:33   [CB]Killerboy   14• only if you send score as soon as the match finishes
I cannot see Killerboy @ admins or supervisors list.
Seriously, does 1 day make such a big difference? Just let us play, its better that double noshow i guess
Yes it does. Every matchweek has the same amount of days to play and you're not allowed to change the date because you feel so. Can't fit to the given schedule? Don't sign up for a tournament.
But man, seriously. We understand you have to continue the cup, but look what team got further.
I think it's better to let us play and active clan would proceed, instead of inactive one
I think it will be better if you learn the rules and a proper ways of handling an issue.
Yes, i know you warned us and i know that we failed, but you could let us play. It's just one day, it won't happen again
And more regarding your comment "I think it's better to let us play and active clan would proceed, instead of inactive one ", I think, it will be better if a clan who shown up on time with a squad ready to play receive a forfeit win.
valkyrie actually was in the channel on time and had the 5 players, but we wanted to be nice and not take the forfeit seing as they could play the next day already. and in trying to be nice we get fucked : x. and considering a CB admin who has been handling a lot of the SC stuff told us we could do it, we thought nothing of it. cmon..
How about giving a win to a clan who actually wins a match? It doesn't change much if you enter score today , or yesterday, next clan is inactive and match wont be played
pl Homer_ Tuesday, 10th August 2010 19:54
why dont you wanna agree? does it change anything to you? seriously
I know killerboy is not amongst supervisors, but he is the one that replied my forum topic, and he is the one that agreed us to play and enter the score as we finish match.
just let it go, if we can we will play it, not like SC means anything anyway. kinda douchebag move by cb but i dont really care enough to keep arguing. this is the world we have, try to do something nice and the world fucks you back.
What about other matches scheduled for today?
What about this match?
Teams are ready to play and you don't let them.
Nie przesadzaj, jest sierpien :)
You mean this?

Tu chodzi o jakis porzadek w koncu. W kazdym turnieju jest totalna rozpierducha, ludzie nie trzymaja sie kalendarza, jeden gracz gra w 5 klanach. Wystarczy spojrzec na EC, bo dla mnie to totalna tragedia. Wiem, ze jak ja nie zaczne zamiatac, to nikt tego nie zrobi. A lepiej to zrobic w SC, niz potem w EC czy OC.
Rozumiem, ale 1 dzien moglbys przymknac oko. Daj chociaz tym valkyriom wina, niech ktos wyeliminuje ten nieaktywny klan.
Dalem im wina. Dla mnie sprawa jest prosta- jak klany kontaktuja sie ze mna przynajmniej dzien przed meczem i obydwa sa ok, zeby zagrac dzien po terminie w schedule - np. Jak oba klany pisza w dzien meczu - zgadzam sie TYLKO w wypadku, jesli nie jest to ostatni dzien matchweeka. Jak pisza ostatniego dnia matchweeka, sorry but no.
No, brawo, napisales, ze zagracie sobie we wtorek. A kto sie na to zgodzil :DD? Jeszcze na dodatek masz komentarz supervisora, ze mecz ma byc rozegrany do poniedzialku. No chyba jasniej juz nie mozna...
No ale kontakt byl tak? Oba klany zgodzily sie grac wtedy, skontaktowalem sie przez topic w forum cupa. Co jest zle?
To, ze nie wyrazilem na to zgody, na dodatek zostawiajac Ci wiadomosc na ircu.
"Dla mnie sprawa jest prosta- jak klany kontaktuja sie ze mna przynajmniej dzien przed meczem i obydwa sa ok, zeby zagrac dzien po terminie w schedule - np."

Nie bylo Cie na ircu, wiec napisalem na Clanbase, w czym problem? Sam sobie zaprzeczasz
"jak klany"

czytanie ze zrozumieniem sie klania :)
Homer, topic na cb ktorego zostal zalozony?
Dogadalismy sie na ircu, ja mialem tylko skontaktowac sie z adminami i dac im znac, ze mecz bedzie wtedy grany.

Session Start: Fri Aug 06 17:11:06 2010
Session Ident: valk`reAvr

[ 20:19:50 ] valk`reAvr • tuesday can u play at 19.45?
[ 20:19:52 ] valk`reAvr • west
[ 20:20:05 ] In7-th0rdis • so its 20.45 cest?
[ 20:20:14 ] valk`reAvr • yea i guess
[ 20:20:43 ] valk`reAvr • so can u?
[ 20:21:07 ] In7-th0rdis • cant we play at 20?
[ 20:22:04 ] valk`reAvr • if u guys are all in the server at 20
[ 20:22:11 ] valk`reAvr • and readied
[ 20:22:13 ] valk`reAvr • yea
[ 20:22:23 ] In7-th0rdis • kk
[ 20:25:49 ] valk`reAvr • yea but wont the date be forced and then forfeited if we dont show?
[ 20:25:59 ] In7-th0rdis • dunno
[ 20:26:05 ] In7-th0rdis • ok ill make forum post
Homer, topic na cb ktorego zostal zalozony?
Tak jak juz pisalem, admin musi wyrazic zgode na rozegranie meczu w pozniejszym terminie, a nie zostac o nim poinformowany.
No cudownie, to czemu sie nie zgodziles? Przeciez dalem znac, mogles zapytac, czy drugi klan sie zgadza
pl Homer_ Tuesday, 10th August 2010 21:16
Tu chodzi o jakis porzadek w koncu. W kazdym turnieju jest totalna rozpierducha, ludzie nie trzymaja sie kalendarza, jeden gracz gra w 5 klanach. Wystarczy spojrzec na EC, bo dla mnie to totalna tragedia. Wiem, ze jak ja nie zaczne zamiatac, to nikt tego nie zrobi. A lepiej to zrobic w SC, niz potem w EC czy OC.

Poza tym, przekladanie terminu ponad schedule to i tak uklon w strone graczy, ktorego wcale nie musze wykonywac. Nie w moim interesie jest rozgrywanie meczow pozniej, SZCZEGOLNIE, jesli dotycza drabinki przegranych, bo na kolejny mecz jest mniej czasu.
Ale wytlumacz mi czemu na jedne mecze sie zgadzasz a na inne nie? Np ten o 22 dzisiaj.
pl Homer_ Tuesday, 10th August 2010 21:16
You mean this?

Prosze, nie kaz mi sie juz powtarzac :/ Nie bylo sytuacji, w ktorej oba klany skontaktowalyby sie ze mna ani z innym adminem w tej sprawie, wiec wynik jest jaki jest.
Ale zglosilem , ze gramy tego i tego dnia co zostalo zgloszone przez topic. O logi mozna bylo zapytac. Skoro zgadzasz sie na 1 mecz a na inny nie cos tu jest nie tak, prawda?
No przeciez ten mecz bedzie grany, prawda?
Domyslam sie ze rowniez sie z Toba skontaktowali.
Ja tu widze brak obiektywizmu, topic zostal zalozony 7 sierpnia, killerboy zgodzil sie zebysmy grali, a Ty nie wiem czemu nie umiesz dostrzec swojego glupiego zachowania w tej sytuacji
Nice getaway Homer. But next time post the league's news yourself and not Killerboy, afterall I cannot see Killerboy @ admins or supervisors list.
How is that relevant to the schedule? Can't see a connection. Killerboy was helping me out when I was 3 weeks off due to my hdd crash and NightRaver being not available.
Maybe there should be a connection, cause thanks to your competence we couldn't challenge the match for this last week (nor our adversaries). Also glad that someone bothered to read and solve the problem on what's supposed to be the CUP FORUM?!?!:

Apparently u weren't here to solve the problem so i didn't leave u a message about it on irc (did to Killerboy though but since there's 'no connection' i guess he wasn't obligated to pay attention).

That lead us to have a forced match on a time it wasn't convenient for our team.

But w/e u're the big boss, it's your call regarding this match ~
i can not see u online for 5 minutes of any day...
Does that mean you can't leave me a message at irc/cb/cf/gtv/email? Such a problem for you?
ye kinda true but after trying to find you on irc i tryed killerboy as he been handling SC stuff and was online, and he gave me an answer. don't see why we can't just play, yesterday we had 5 but delayed it cause we dindt want to win by forfeit, and now we are getting screwed. seems kinda unfair. can't you just let this one go?
loled xD
pracc what? play it yourself.. contraditory admin decisions wd !

fuck off homer anit - portugueses
and just fyi this will be played even if it doesnt count for cb
gl In7 , hf th0rdis
You have € 100 on pt Valk Cancel bet
Possible win: € 276.

GL Valks.
caga nao vamos jogar : [
Homer - if you won't let us play this today, read this log:
[ 20:19:01 ] In7-th0rdis and we dont have 5 players
[ 20:19:07 ] In7-th0rdis we will have to play it tomorrow :/
[ 20:19:41 ] valk`reAvr well we will have 5 players today, but we want to play not get a forfeit
[ 20:19:48 ] In7-th0rdis same here ;/
[ 20:19:57 ] valk`reAvr but we dont want to get a forfeit ourselves aswell
[ 20:19:57 ] In7-th0rdis but if they say we cant play tomorrow and try to give double forfeit
[ 20:20:00 ] valk`reAvr : S
[ 20:20:04 ] In7-th0rdis ill paste this log that you could play
[ 20:20:07 ] In7-th0rdis and you will win 1-0
no serv :(