Fintastic 5 vs Impact Gaming (50170 views)

fi Matias
fi olBaa
fi Sample
fi Lepari
gb R0SS
be mAus
nl hayaa
it XyLoS
gb sqzz
Grand Final of the ClanBase EuroCup XXI

Impact needs to beat Fintastic 5 twice to win this tournament!

For the betters:
We will not split this match in two (if required)

There's a delightful disucssion going on in IRC, but one thing is certain: This won't continue tonight
01.09.10 21:00 CEST
Get Button LinksHTML:
Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET Eurocup XXI » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: LION (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 536100
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 677


good luck
atm the most money in some match is: gb vs gb Impact 627,526 €
CB ET Eurocup XXI (13.08.10)

let's make this better and make this match bet over 630k.
jos laittasin all-in ois yli :)
pistä pistä, kaikki mAusille ;) <3

mitäs webe? sungi kysy mua tänää pelaa teiän kans =O haluaisitte tietoisesti pelata (ex?)-koodarin kanssa??? vitun cheatloverit. tollaset pitäis *appaa.
tapan koodarin.
joo me ei pärjätä kun ei voi enää koodaa ku meidän pitää käyttää Slaccii :s
jep sama vika. aattelinki et ostan sen palen uuden koodin. sillähän on ns. slac proof koodi myynnissä.
joo niin se kuuluu sanovan tiedä sitten et miten undetectedi se on :D vastaat kyl vitun nopee, vaikket pelaa etpro nii oot tääl rämppääs F5?
pitää katsoa tää matsi. ja tulin just, olin tos vähä aika poissa. aiotteks te kattoo ku nää nörtit ottaa yhteen??
170k on F5

: D
Hah :D Vittu sie tuut häviää rahas, katoitko tuota alkua? 40sek niin maus nappas lipun.
En kattonu

eikos tassa oo tanaan 2 pelii jos tarvitaan?

kyl f5 vie EC :)
2 pelii, 1 peli 2:0 Impactille.
jooh no katoin grush ja en voi kun ihmetelle etta kuinka vitun tyhmia on ensam&co, 2min aikaa ni otta 2enskaa varsinki ku vihu respas sekuntti ennen niita.


oisivat pitany vaan rekan, toi 2enskaa oli niin selva fail :D
selva, en kylla tajua minka takia joku sitten teki tommosen ratkasun :P
oot ns. makee jätkä
good luck sokl pl
gl gali & kokia :D
stupid frenchie trolling
Just ban all poltard of this games,
My accuracy want it!
thx dude!
fuck u greko

go and read do some usefull stuff instead of retarded trolling

go, read do some usefull stuff instead of retarded trolling
U r gay?

fu poland
stfu shit polak
depends on which one plays, meez or mAus.
It'll be ross, xylos, maus and two of hayaa/sqzz/meez depending on date and holidays, I think.
it's unsure but basically possibly meez instead of hayaa because hayaa is going into hospital for shoulder surgery so will be unavailable for up to a month, sqzz and xylos now on holiday so dont expect this game for at least 2 weeks
Then he can finally play rugby again so i can bash him ! :D
Meez will be back from Leeds Music Festival on Sunday, epicly tired and hungover. He won't play.
Actually at that time on Sunday I was ruining my body during LCD Soundsystem. Got back Monday morning.
were they any good? saw them at way out west festival a couple of weeks ago, was pretty diSaPoInTeD
Thought meez is creating snb again?
i guess hes finishing ec with them
gl both
gl all 2nd
Will be a great match! GL both :)
You have € 50 on Impact
Possible win: € 228
you better rape them too mAus...



gl mAus <3
I heard Meez is back from toilet, and he'll maybe play.
mAus will deliver

sp_delivery_te 8DDDDDD
will be an awesome game :)
please mAus, bash those nerds :/
hf baloo
Nice one! =D
damm, that you guys even put effort in that :S
i don't really put effort in that :]
they r just copying what I did
match of teh year immo <3
gl Sample :D
Who would have thought a few months ago that impact would make the final.

gl both.
I do, sqzz and xylos are awesome
they wouldn't have, but when they brought in maus it was a little expected :)

impact went through like 20 players in the roster in a single EC/EMS season so it was only a matter of time before they found the best fitting mix.

wd to eVo though, i argued on crossfire that his method of kick&replace til he found the best lineup would never work, but it got them to the finals of aef & ec so i guess it's a pretty successful season for them, compared to the beginning.
It's still a shitty way to run a team.
And none expected mAus to shoot like he did last game after his lesser performance on AEF.
less performance on AEF? did you actually see him shoot :/
gl sqzz
mAus going to hospital?? His back must be so sore from all the carrying rofl
mAus <3
Would be funny if F5 got ESL and EC #1....
Not really, we should of won last night
izi 4 mAus & Xylos :D.
Have fun !
Hey how do you do that flag thingy???
gl ffive .
8-0 impact inc
maus will boost again :!
whether it is with slac or no ? if not then izi fintards
I hope fin trolls gonna get puuned !
Depends on the internet in new house for me.
Gl Hf both.
Try to be there man, the watchers need u :D
You have € 30 on gb Impact Cancel bet
Possible win: € 125.7
gl Impact
gl both
have fun mati and olba

and f5 will be dead ...
R0SS was fucking awesome at AEF.
Whatever Impact lu, it's gonna be a close match.
@ CIC7 not AEF;)
vs dignitas too ;)
with this lu impact will be a breakfast snack for fin5 :(
All money on impact! Good luck
you mean all money on mAus?
F5 once vill win dont 2
HF impact
suck his dick why dont you
Gosh, that's ugly...



Gl impact
impact will deliever
ensam > ross
sample - xylos
olbaa < maus
matias > hayaa
lepari > sqzz

expecting tight game
ensam > ross
sample < xylos
olbaa < maus
matias < hayaa
lepari < sqzz

so win for impact xD
when the fuck are people gonna learn that this is teamplay based game 8d
never probably.

I'm also wondering when do they realize that they can't find out the outcome of a match by putting some fucking arrows and showing "whos gonna pwn who"
ensam > ross
sample - xylos
olbaa < maus
matias > hayaa
lepari < sqzz
gona be tight match
Quote Enemy Territory

F5 should win if they really try
gl XyLoS !
maus > all
gl sqzz !!
gl mAus and XyLoS :D

Impact give us your lineup, cant make a bet like this....
hmmm.... pretty sure i'll be in a field somewhere watching LCD Soundsystem <o/
well im not playing xD
no win :( me rana btw
me either matey! merc or reschedule i suppose
make me rich

You have € 12 on F5
Possible win: € 21
You have € 100 on Impact
Possible win: € 233
go maus!!!!!!!
No hayaashit no win.
yea lol wtf, hayaa for ross, me <3 hayaa ^_^
shit war !! where is polaks teams?
Impact need to win twice

ensam > ross
sample < xylos
olbaa < maus
matias < hayaa
lepari < sqzz

gg :p but fintards win...
so ensam > impact ?

otherwise u made no sense at all
sense : darth vader fills water into a bottle
maybe he considers your team individually worse but stronger as a team!
matias > hayaa
no hayaa no win.
if impact wins... will the "real" final be played on the same day?
yes but i doubt it will be on sunday :F
the "A" is failed
how about now? I think that "U" is the worst, must to edit this!
stulejka master ! co jest :D ?
wszystko wporzo, pokazalem im jak sie robi ciekawe napisy zamiast lizania dupy :))))
i o to wlasnie kurwa chodzi :D! Pozdrawiam !
go impact =P
Total Pot: € 133726 gonna be great game
pot will go to like 500k at the end. or not cause most of the people have no idea who'll win
You have € 3650 on gb Impact Cancel bet
Possible win: € 15804.5
gb shoutcasting powered by ng
By: Mashed Listen to Mashed
Language: English

niceee :]
u show yourself that polish ppl are definitly stupid , u cant even read :DD
you have no idea what he wrote.
sqrwiel - he what wrote
u have no clue what does it mean =DD
give me a hint
it makes no sense just like the most polish people,
actually it means something like 'idiot' afaik
F5 fi 4.14
gb Impact 1.32

Yesterday it was 1,5 F5 vs 3,7 Impact... Will be TIGHT !!
Today , Tergas bet 277k , guesswhere ...
nice odds o0
maus gonna rape
olBaa > mAus !!!
come on fintards!
GL Impact Gaming, especially mAus :P
GO mAus GO mAus GO mAus GO mAus GO mAus GO mAus GO mAus GO mAus GO mAus GO mAus GO mAus GO mAus GO mAus GO mAus GO mAus GO mAus GO mAus GO mAus GO mAus GO mAus GO mAus GO mAus GO mAus GO mAus GO mAus GO mAus GO mAus GO mAus GO mAus GO mAus GO mAus GO mAus
easy for ovr .. huh wait... maus now playing for impact!
please impact!
:( they wont play on sunday :(
KOKIA :) +1 listener.
Haha no internet in my house until wednesday, FML.
it won't be played on sunday 90%
I'm 100% sure i'm leaving for kilimanjaro on the thursday so i'll be packing wednesday :D
so you can't cast on wednesday either? :(
:O impact cant or?
gl kokia
gl fins
get off their dick
nerd on friday night trolling -____- please get life -___-
Omg nerd get life please
I'm sorry friend having a bad day sorry for being so mean to you :(
i forgive you mate, stuff like that can happen ;)
mAus gonna be pregnant!

EDIT: I mean deliver.. -_-'

kokia dam Ci namiary na zyrafe!
All my money on David Herreman.

/set name ^0OMG ^3MAUS ^1OMG - I'll be this one @ ETTV, I'll spread the word about mAus in the entire ETTV server.

MAUS PWNS THEM ALL FUCK YEAH WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Fucking retard causing ppl to type /tvchat off...
GL F5 oopas

Will be epic!
GL Impact =)
You have € 1439 on gb Impact
Possible win: € 4590.41
You have € 2000 on gb Impact Cancel bet
Possible win: € 6180
pls ....

gl impact
Lowest EC ever
wtf!where is hayaaa????
Recovering from shoulder surgery :(
gl ensample olbaa maus sqzz
suprise us ;-)

easy KOKIA !!! :d
easy runover for f5
You have € 839 on fi F5
Possible win: € 1250.11

Easy money
fin will win
Good Luck both teams
mAus out
hayaa in
gl impact and nicholas bro
Good luck El Paristo! Eiks ois aika jo täyttää se pokaalikaapin tyhjä paikka!
You have € 1000 on gb Impact Cancel bet
Possible win: € 2980

gl teams
hvilken fargot er dat
masz juz neta?
mam ale nadal ten chujowy :D w pon zadzwonie bo w weekend nie pracuja:d
omg XyLoS omg

GL kokionez ;)
no gb shoutcast?
i want Francis fr Shoutcast <3
where is tosspot?
dno :X

where's mashed, owzo, francis, tosspot, mistaken .. :?
im here :O)
n1 bitch :)))
Take that back, my PC has a virus and I can't do anything on it now, I'm trying to find a windows disc but it's not going too well so I will be on of I have it fixed. I will post a comment here or on crossfire with any updates on my shitty situation :P
tampin :P .. its unscheduled anyway
The Match is Unscheduled !
hope you fixed it m8 <3
as yo noticed, i didnt, won't be done for another day or two =(
could you record your shoutcast & upload it somewhere? :)
good lock mAus
easy win for F5
go go ensam!
maus hacked, EC final cancelled.
GL hayaa
mAus+hAyaa+meez ... F5 no chance

HF Impact... gl f5
cheaters always win ENSAM & Sample !
You have € 310 on Impact
Possible win: € 1023

dont let me down you fuckers. im skint if you lose :P
GL mAus
F5 w/o chance,easy money ..
Sample < XyLoS
Matias < mAus
Lepari < sqzz
olBaa = mEEz
Your oppinion about their aim is nonsense. Because teamplay(Fintastic 5) is better than Impact.Gaming but Impact have experienced players, so the match result may be different. That will depend on the disposal of each player. My oppinion is 4:0 or 4:2 for Fintastic 5.
+1 a co do wyniku to nie obstawiam bo taktyka jest duzo wazniejsza, ale jesli f5 ma przed soba takich aimerow jak sqzz, maus, hayaa to tez nie bedzie latwo nawet taktycznie ... :)
aimerzy? olbaa sam lepiej napierdala niz oni wszyscy
rofl please, you're saying it like F5 are some 2010 talents. they are all playing equally as long or longer than each Impact player.
nope thats why i said 4:0 or 4:2 for F5.
"but Impact have experienced players"
why the fuck is that manus allowed to play
nice match''''gg!!!
fuck off
Reason why it has been cancelled ?
it's not
Unscheduled doesnt mean cancelled for tonight ?
why engis have capital name ?
sqzz has been on holidays, who wants to play a final on a game after their holidays?
wtf kurwa
Actually they just try to beat the number of views for this page, so they delay it at the very last moment every time.
so proud of beeing total fucktard :)
wow dude you are a real bad boy
finland ftw.
gl matias lepari sample
You have € 11000 on gb Impact Cancel bet
Possible win: € 36410

sooo GL!!
mAus will play ? Really ?
go ensam go ensam!
why is mAus still in zeh line up ? cheater is cheater so fuck off mAus, nah it was his brother xD
haha you so funny hahahaahaha

gtfo seriously
Il a raison, cheater is cheater, hein scrimi :D <3
impact have hujaa so be is roll them for easy honda
he's trolling, you're laughting, k
zobacz jakie tempe chuje, maja rozrywke na caly dzien przez to
i laughted alot
how is babby formed?
You are is the winner!
U are the internet winner
full of win
i was here
mAus it after tookened flag but remember mztik doesnt mystic and yesteday i bet maus becouse he dont think
I trust in hayaa!
impact have hujaa so be is roll them for easy honda
hujaa have honda so is easy for impact be roll them
think not will they win cuz honda have hujaa be roll is easy for be
impact have hujaa so be is roll them for easy honda
impact have hujaa so be is roll them for easy honda
killerboy leav us alone, cheaters lover fag
On thursday? Ain't mAus having dentist that day? Should be reschuled to 2012 imo
dlaczego ciagle te same mecze są na ETTV? wytlumaczcie mi to!
to jest 1 mecz przenoszony po prostu z roznych powodow (mozesz je poznac, wczytujac sie w komentarze powyzej)
Sample < XyLoS<miho
ENSAM > R0SS<miho
Matias < mAus<miho
Lepari < sqzz<miho
olBaa = mEEz<miho
rofl hayaa shit will play...
no meez no win'
hf both
impact ftw
impact have hujaa so be is roll them for easy honda
needs meez
Unlikely! Seems that I've fucked up my back and my wrist in an accident at the weekend, so would really prefer not to :F
gl Matias and gl to sqzz, R0SS (alias hide n seek nerd) and XyLoS
impact have hujaa so be is roll them for easy honda
The element of suprise will strike.
impact have hujaa so be is roll them for easy honda
impact have hujaa so be is roll them for easy honda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
impact have hujaa so be is roll them for easy honda
impact have hujaa so be is roll them for easy honda
already got login+pw from one shoutcaster, hopefully i will get IP for that match.

well be nice to watch, but Fintastic 5 imo :P
impact have hujaa so be is roll them for easy honda
gl Kokia!
plz don't reschedule this time
You have € 300000 on gb Impact Cancel bet
Possible win: € 429000

here we go rockarocka!
GL hayaa
gl hayaa and ross (great dance with faky at AEF :P)
honda honda honda .D.d.dD:d
cancelled & rescheduled
Don’t be so angry, just wait for luukku, hornet8819, Statti – they still have more than 500 000 Euro to bet ;-)
this is prolly first time I ever made a bet against F5/MM. Let's see how it goes \m/
maus will play ?
yes, both lineups confirmed.
Why is a cheater who hasn't served his ban allowed to play in EC?
becouse you dont think
as a admin u shouldn't give comments like this
stupid question gets stupid answer

he didn't cheat so no ban.

it's funny coming from you, joining an MGC and 1 day later one of your teammates is promoting slac cheats
he just wanted to show with this post that slac is useless.
i think/hope it works good if it gonna be released soon
I will show that giving u EC invite is useless as well then.
this comment really shows ,how advisable you are ,as an admin ofc!
specstealers! :P
izi 4 mAus & Xylos :D.

no meez no win
olBaaaa: soz <3
maus will deliver
gl both
gl both
czokmistrz GL
gl mAus xylos
gl mAus
gl mAus <3
GO olbaa<3
no meez no win... :(
maus playz even tho his bro xiited?
sup haRR15. btw if u need a wallhacking merc and im bored or something hit me up on crossfire. no slac ofcourse
Hey. How can i watch this game?:)
connect to one of the ips which are show like 5mins before the match
ok harris , thank you.
20minutes to go =D
DrBennzy Wednesday, 1st September 2010 20:41

Fail , 19 minutes remain
10 min to go :]
radio kokia gorace rytmy
You have € 12000 on gb Impact Cancel bet
Possible win: € 56280
wheres owzos sc? :(
Owzo's link not working? :S :<
need slots :<
owzo shoutcast?
owzo? :<
kokia co to kurwa jest xDDDDDDDDD voice changer jak Kor3k xd
ale kokia masz przyjebane radio,a sokiego nie dziala
shit server =(
why are they lagging so hard ? or why is this server laging..blablabls
:XDDDD Chuj bombki strzelil...
terrabad servers
Laggy server .....
polish net >europe <fuck yeah>
worst final ever
shit finals!
new server ?
wtf is going on? any shout?
You have € 125 on gb Impact
Possible win: € 645 gl impact !
4-0 impact?

nice servers ...
thats what it looks like :D
GG impact!!
Shit servers
`fail ETTV
server crashed?!

ò.0 servers
so second match start now? or not?
hahah i won 300 e
4:0 Impact, THE GRAND GRAND FINAL coming soon :PP
4;0 i.
come back watching math, its not over yet :D
laggy match, lets watch demo tomorrow ;f
worst match fucking ever its not worth waiting
wtf nice ettv :S
now what
Back to HoN
must be some PL nerd with dick hard cousing this lag. Useless trash whole country.
its funny how many retarded kids et community has =D
delete poland, problem solved.
Seems like ur brain is already deleted.

oh and
Meanwhile in Portugal

gtfo my internetz scum
ur actually attacking portugal by calling us cheaters, dude ur from poland rofl

and fyi that was before my time and yes they are/were retards
Hilarious, really...
Who's dumb enough to share the IP for a DDoS?
im fuckin agree with you man !
nice crash
welcome back kamz XD
great fun
nice EC final.... EMS is better...
worst final ever :D
I have an idea, let's make all the ettv servers dependant on the same host. I can't foresee that having any complications whatsoever!
We should destroy Poland, the world would be so fine...
huh? all ETTVs down? :o
low server management ;)
:D ?
fucking polak rly -_-"
waaaaahahahahah :D
Currently discussing if match will be continued or rescheduled.
You think any polak or french ddossing it?

you got it wrong, ppl :o)
Guys come on....
U r sux
Poland Power nerds :D
Play 5on5 ?:D
shit lag
someone should start a petition to delete poland
connect its gtv

E: hehee trolled
To all those retarded kids posting about poland right now
get some fucking history lessons, and come back retarded piece of internet shit seriosusly
Maybe someone just want us to hate poland and then they hack the server and made huge lags...think about *psycho eyes +.+*
always interesting to see when someone does something retarded everyone immediatly thinks "stupid polak". the sad thing we are almost always right
come back to 6o6 !
even without playing, polak are still destroying this game rly -_-"

polaks can nothing
still discussing on irc, this will be a long night :)

FYI EVERYONE: We just encountered a bug with large amounts of comments on one match. Obviously there are missing a load of comments in this match - they're there - just not displayed. We'll need to resolve that some time in the future
whats there to discuss? either they can play or they cant, simple enough
connect guys this server works it s from ycn
no, we don't want to connect to the ib server
you mad coz pl stylin on you
stop posting fake ip's retard...
stop posting fake ip's retard...
What is now... do they play again today or not?
Currently discussing if match will be continued or rescheduled.
c ta job toi?
nan jai juste oublier de peser sur reply button xD
whut happened?
^LIVE AGAIN =) for a games without pl unhit! :(
what happend?

match started again!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know the truth, Tergas bet 170K on f5 and considering he was losing, he Ddosed the serv and spoiled the game
You have € 388 on gb Impact
Possible win: € 2002.08
maus make me rich :D
we are asleep already kb
test .. 1.2.3
8:0 IDLE
i can see recent comments
XDDDD funny final
i want my money back after this farce!!!!!!
nice ego..
ridiculous....just no fckin polaks :(
can't you go to some server, have ettv record but not broadcast and just put replay on after they're done
There's a delightful disucssion going on in IRC, but one thing is certain: This won't continue tonight

Impact needs to beat Fintastic 5 twice to win this tournament!

For the betters:
We will not split this match in two (if required)

There's a delightful disucssion going on in IRC, but one thing is certain: This won't continue tonight

liars! refund my moneeeyyyyy :D
wtf 2:2??? it was 4:0 for imp and 2:0 for ff so get 4th map to draw it. On 4th map 3 players of ff had full and they should win it. On the future get normal server without lags on the final noobs.
why 2-2 :O
wtf 2:2??? it was 4:0 for imp and 2:0 for ff so get 4th map to draw it. On 4th map 3 players of ff had full and they should win it. On the future get normal server without lags on the final noobs.
So what happened?
nigger stole my bike
nigger stole my car
:D forgot how much I miss you guys in these situations, gonna hire you out for every FML moment in my life..
Someone hacked the server -> resulted in lags and servercrashes (2x). Millions of pauses. After nearly 3 hours they gave it up and rescheduled the match.

1st map supply. impact set a time (10 minutes). ffive couldnt get flag @ the first 5 minutes. Server started to lag the first time. Made attacking impossible. 2-0 impact
2nd map goldrush. impact secured already obj and had 2 minutes left to drive the truck and win the 2nd map, but server crashed. again many lags and thousands of pauses. 4-0 impact -> they won the first match

2nd match:
1st map delivery: ffive were defending and around 7-8 minutes passed already. Was a good time for ffive but suddenly the server crashed again. huge discussion started. last but not least after many many pauses ffive managed to secure both objectives and won the map. 2-0 ffive
2nd map adlernest(because impact wernt allowed to pick goldrush twice): ffive rolled impact and set a time around 3 minutes. Lags started every 30 seconds-> we had more pause than match. around 1,5 minutes left for allies attack and a pause at 30 respawntime by axis and some huge laggs resulted in 2 or 3 fullspawns of ffive. -> not fair -> ffive disconnected -> impact (ross) protested -> everyone left server -> ircdiscussion

epic day
thanks for the information.
it's 2-2 cos the match isn't over yet, it's just a temp score until they decide
like the legendary MUOVAILUVAHACERHO once stated; WE ARE ZEH VICTIMS HERE!!!!!!!!!!

dont believe anything else.
Just woke up, and what is this shit?
angry nerds ddosing server hard :(
Just dont let it as draw and continue somehow. It MUST BE finished.
1800 lines of IRC logs couldn't solve it, F5 retired and mAus & Xylos won't be avi for 2 weeks.
so they both get [1st] pocal? seems rather odd :)
there was a similair problem in NationsCup of ~2006/7, Poland & Spain both won 3rd place due to rescheduling all the time
id fucking pay you money to see these logs :P
share first place? what a bullshit?! its game and requires ONE real winner.
how come 2-2 impact had first match?
epic match, shit lags, epic quotes

kb wy couldnt we chose grus-> ross
yes i watched the game on my iphone -> kb

the replay crashes on delivery round 1 for me >_<'
/nerdrage on
/nerdrage off
Well played guys, after a very long dragged night of flaming, we finally made peace and united under one agreement. Let's get back to rainbows and pink butterflies :') xx
sv_master1 ""
sv_master2 ""
sv_master3 ""
sv_master4 ""
sv_master5 ""

and it needs to bet set empty explicetly, otherwise it uses one default server.
by any chance can you ask your host whether they detected any attack from any ip(s) yesterday?
wtf the real score was 6-2 (2 games.... wtf? my money)You have € 50 on gb Impact
why dont you want to play this in another day? et community want this from you guys!!!!!!!!!!
F5 "retired" and mAus/Xylos will only be available in 2 weeks (18the September).
killerboy is 18th September not the
so.... see you all at 18 september :)))) KB force them!!!!
i wouldn't mind, i already proposed this, but we still need to find a solution to stop these DDos attacks, or online competition is dead.
1*] Play with fake name
2*] No ETTV
3*] Polish should pay to play this game, problem solved
what would an ec final be without a replay (without LIVE ETTV its already crap)
Stream? anyway, it can't be more fail than this one
hmm video stream could be a good idea indeed
Need like 5 streamer by EC Final (Multi language)
not all polaks dude not all :s its lots of retards there like in a rest of world and its lots of normal people too
every nation got weird people
get the ip of the person(s) ddosing and ddos them back or you know actually force the hosts to get ddos counter-measures.
We could have played it any day. Impact were suggesting us to get a merc when I already went to sleep yesterday, why can't they use one now? And why didn't you force the 2nd round of Adler again, I am dissapoint :-[

Could have been a great match without those lags :c
impact deserve win they did it...
2-2 ?

4-0 IMPACT!!!, OMG
de RazZaH Thursday, 2nd September 2010 07:23
Someone hacked the server -> resulted in lags and servercrashes (2x). Millions of pauses. After nearly 3 hours they gave it up and rescheduled the match.

1st map supply. impact set a time (10 minutes). ffive couldnt get flag @ the first 5 minutes. Server started to lag the first time. Made attacking impossible. 2-0 impact
2nd map goldrush. impact secured already obj and had 2 minutes left to drive the truck and win the 2nd map, but server crashed. again many lags and thousands of pauses. 4-0 impact -> they won the first match

2nd match:
1st map delivery: ffive were defending and around 7-8 minutes passed already. Was a good time for ffive but suddenly the server crashed again. huge discussion started. last but not least after many many pauses ffive managed to secure both objectives and won the map. 2-0 ffive
2nd map adlernest(because impact wernt allowed to pick goldrush twice): ffive rolled impact and set a time around 3 minutes. Lags started every 30 seconds-> we had more pause than match. around 1,5 minutes left for allies attack and a pause at 30 respawntime by axis and some huge laggs resulted in 2 or 3 fullspawns of ffive. -> not fair -> ffive disconnected -> impact (ross) protested -> everyone left server -> ircdiscussion

thats pretty much what happened
"2nd map goldrush. impact secured already obj and had 2 minutes left to drive the truck and win the 2nd map, but server crashed. again many lags and thousands of pauses. 4-0 impact -> they won the first match"

-there wasnt even one pause on the gold rush or lag you just got raped tbh
Statwhore of the second match only:

1200 lines of convo

CTLR+F: "pause" ...
303 mAus'i rup bitches
419 mAus'i worst game ever
879 mAus'i oh pls get in ur sauna and blow urself up jesus christ

epic moments.

57 R0SS'i so kb, why couldnt we pick gr? :D
58 [CB]Killerboy yes i was watching the match on my iphone

1008 [CB]Killerboy polak is obviously going to start ddosing again
1017 [CB]Killerboy you think the polak is going to stop?

show me logs, ip, whatever u can that proves polish guy crashed server
stop that fucking useless polak hate
its so popular to hate polaks:/
u want to be cool? type 'nuke poland'
sad retards
nuke poland

fuck poland
i was informed by the teams that it was a polak
try to explain how could they knew it in the first place bunch of sherlocks
and tbh you are CB admin, the person who actually should show the good example being mature, ur the last one who could call us ' polaks '
there's nothing wrong by calling polish people 'polaks', it's just a short name for poland, atleast in maltese, the name for "polish people" is "Polakki"

e: they said the a .pl shoutcaster did it, i don't know if its true though, their proof was he was the only guy except for cb>v admins on the war channel
isnt hard to lagg shitecfinalserver when u have dedicate server from france with nice inet :)
if u dont see anything wrong with that how the fuck ur admin ?
its like saying frenchies, rusrus )) etc etc
we both know its arrogant, degrading our nationality
accept the fact that you are indeed a slavic race...
your like the chinese of europe, fucking commming everywhre working for nearly nothing, taking jobs..
u know that i dont give a shit about your opinion since ur kid and u know shit about history so keep going with all those ' works for nothing ' ' go clean my wc ' retarded jokes
that was the most retarded comment I have ever seen in my life.
well thats good for you dorky cuz i dont give a shit
Ahah, you must be a very brilliant person if you are talking about "job stealing" WAHHA MORON ! Stop being a sheep who listens toright wing parties bullshitting and throwing meet to the foreigners, you better see the reality and change your fucking ego-dutch mind, asswipe
i knew there's retarded people on this planet.. but you... just.. WOW
what's wrong with saying frenchies, it's like saying britties, and polaks is like saying slovaks, croats it's a SHORT nickname, like if your name is Robert i'll call you Roby, it's quite normal here

i only see it as degrading when they start saying fintards, poltards etc
this discussion is idd pretty pointless, but another thing is.. would you mention that it was someone from germany/gb/france if they told you? just rhetorical question..
nothing more to add, this is what i meant, it doesnt matter what happens it always will be cause of polak, you can accuse them everything cause they are inferior right?
cuz u steal shit man? we dotn trust u.

"... a derogatory reference to a Pole or person of Polish descent."
Bullshit, im etplayer like rest of them and i enjoy to watch the EC final. I have no reason to resend ip. I hope that someone find out who crash the final. It wasn't me.
it wanst kokia , hes a nice guy not cheater etc
how old are u?
hahahaha thats good one :D
how many dodgers from PORTUGAL ?
don't know ...
u are a polak tho?

what u want to be called? german? u immgrant fuck
gbooky wont give my money omg
That was shit fun to read statwhore... Should be made into a book
So the final score is 2/2 ?



so fucking low if that was only first match out of two why didnt impact win? because they did 4:0 so? fail... and btw if u getting "cb" refs who fucking smoking whail they are playing and its even final of fucking tournament its just lol... failing so bad... and btw they didnt lag on 2nd server untill killerboy came so dont qq about poland:D anyway wp both teams
it's a fucking joke
For the betters:
We will not split this match in two (if required)

