noname @ hun vs noBra!n KIK.AIM (2701 views)

hu Godhak
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de Aggro
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de huan
de Striker
de Sunny
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15.08.10 19:15 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL 3on3 Summer League 2010 » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: Godhak (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te

Total Pot: € 1833
The bets have been cancelled.

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Gl aggro und sunni dem bavarischen urlaubszor:p
gl nB|
gl Nobrain!
warst du nicht mal eher so der hater typ?
Was heißt war? :D immernoch, aber darf ich euch kein gl wünschen? :O
naja als hater :/
ik bin kein hater, ich mag nobrain :o
geh weg man übelsten schabracken spielen da außer sunny^^
du wiedersprichst dir selber :D
lass ihn hater sein ma!!!!

aber dich soll er nich haten du bist korrekter nobrainer^^
korrekte nobrainer gibts? :-D
nein, um ehrlich zu sein seid ihr alle scheiß assi's, wie ich und twzz :D
gl sunny!!!
Ti hogy jatszotok ilyen official meccseket, ha valamelyik bunko kibannolt benneteket? Hajra amugy :P :D
@godhak ur a litte bit stupid u didnt even accept the match but its gtv ;)

& pls do auto fill linup
Nembannolt ki minket senkisem.
@Aggro The match status is opened. Do not flame without knowlage. Thx.
And i tried autofill but it's sucked.
Btw flaming opponent's -> loose the match. So try to keep your mouth closed. :)
its not opend ..and u even cant replay so it seems to be that u have no knowlege :)

E: even dont ask us if we want ettv ;)
EE: its the wrong team genius

@Aggro EE

Sry m8, i can't change the teams. But if u write me the playas here, i'll correct it. Just only for you. ;)
just cancel and request new its not that hard
Try improving your reading skills first:

First of all try to find a link named "Matchlink". Got it? If not, just click here. (I'm too kind i know)
Then try to search a field named Status. (If u can't find press Ctrl+F and type: status) There you go. :)

Btw do u want ettv? ;)
we want ettv with our right team, so cancel this shit and request it with the right team

and try to learn to reply thxthxthx ;)
Yo, i delete this, and you create a new one. I'm tired of you.