SpeedCore.CS vs Shadow Warriors by RTK (3296 views)

27.01.07 20:00 CET
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Game: cs Counter-Strike
League: ProGames.pl CUP CS
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: Trawka (Requestee)
Maps: De_nuke

Broadcasted by

Counter-Strike TV
pl 1# HLTV ProGames.pl - Irsgames.com CUP
By: Trawka (none)

Total Slots: 128
Viewer Peak: unknown


speed @ cs?
camping>speed & cs sukcs
donno both :(
cs sucks
( CSS < cod > CS ) < ET
live stream plz :(
omg CS camper
CS is one of most skilled games, not like poor ET.
Skills are what you have in you, seeing ET is not skilled according to you you must be low skilled max.
i killed guy in cs through stone wall>D
that's because cs has built-in hax :>
this is normal @cs =)
i was killed behind a solid stone, apparently he shot right through it, but when a guy hides behind a wooden fence, he is safe, as like there is steel hidden in teh wood
omg ... CS sucks
yes amazing game :)
guys, it's a site for more games then just ET. I'm happy that we finally have some other game then ET and I would like to wish both clans the best of luck and that they may have a lot of fun
LoL, CS...
i once played cs. there was a cheater flying around and stabbing players, impossible to kill him too. that was my 3rd time plying cs and the last one too
pointless game
in ET you have also a lot of cheater :(
in ET you can kill cheaters, in cs it was impossible, you statrted shooting him and he flow away:S, and you can shoot through walls in cs, you coulnd`t see him and you were already wasted
Yes, we should be happy that not only ET gives attention to thsi great site! GL both and try ET sometimes! You will see CS was waste of time :))
Ther are 3 platforms on this cup: ET, CS, COD:UD I have recently aded there some ET matches and I thought that it won't be bad idea to help gamestv being more popular among other games so I have aded this match and i will add 16 next too.
everbody who wrote "cs sucks" or something similar should go to his profi le, uncheck the hook at "Counter Strike", click "update Account" and get some stfu skills, thanks