#Aimerz-ET vs #SoNA.et (4822 views)

be SaTaN
fr mouss
pl nOOBlet
in SingH
jm ghanczk
de flR
gb flex
at v1ech
pl jkr
pl funky
22.08.10 21:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 5on5 - SummerCup 2010 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Mr.SingH (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
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Total Pot: € 5387
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 7


gl aZ :))
gl v1ech,
show mouss, satan, singh and nooblet that there hacks are useless against better players :-P
dont overrate me :D
since i m pretty unstable it really depends on whether i have a good day or not.

but thanks :]
well prove wat u said and we gonna be using slac so u better SHUT THE FUCK UP
Way too izi for SoNA
izi here hacks there if we would hack why we aren't busted?
we will see who win
izi SingH



MOTHER FUCKER you are just a chicken wing give me respect call me Mr.SingH
o_O u mad?
no glad
Ok.. so ur saying anyone who we call with the named Mr he copied Mr.Anderson? ru that dumb ? lol
and before you say "umad"?
i will tell you nope i ain't cuz im glad :)
sup joop ":D"
ok first of all get a brain the the both name is pronounced separately and secondly its oo and ee and mine is represent to be a car jeep .. so get a brain b4 u say anything u fucked up nerd
how about learning the meaning of sarcasm before u try and abuse a person from Britain. I don't want to make u look stupid infront of ur e-friends so i'll leave it there. have a nice life.
well then its ur fault.. like u started making fun of me saying hi "joop" if u google these words or define: these words diff meaning diff pronouncing u shudnt of started @ first place.. and now ur saying i dont wanna get abused.. lmao
:DDDD rap god
gl aimerz , hf ghanczk
gl szymek :_)
gl ghanczyk ;)
Gl szym3k
lol hacker SingH, gg
gl az :)
gl SaTaN
:D cant wait to play this oasis = pub rage!!! gl us hirns will troll
back from czech !
gl singH
thx mate
easy for mouss
gl aimerz
thx mate :D
where is gooly!
"i is goona play" again instead of funky ^^ so no worries all in! ;p
go Aimerz
gl flr + viech !!

EDIT: even with a bot sing, you fucking suck
u must be retarded xD
gl sona
g az :)
singh is mad now :D:D
i'm not like u m8 u even call us haxor with slac rofl
lol i was right when i called u hackers.. u forgot few of ur teamates got busted? lol stupid guy
a few?
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sYnu Poland 27-04-2011 04:58
no no i'm not talking about that when we played vs u guys that's wat u guys said
1. Come with slac or no play
and when at the end we rolled u guys
2. Your players started whining that you guy are still cheating and there are Slac proof cheats

nobody cares man
u have army of suspended hackers in your team so gtfo :P
btw u used slac and lost the match :(
he once told us to put slac on while his whole team including him hadn't got it on theirselves :D
i think even 2 of us had slac on :>
no rito no win