Chickens With Guns vs The Professional Majors (8817 views)

se Ghost1
se Ghost2
se Rosa_
dk apelseed
cf afrofreak
dk nolte
Not Announced
low priority match...
04.02.07 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: afrojack (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
us CwG ETTV Server
By: Mo00mi (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 46


lineups? dont care about yours mummy you're lowskilled anyway, is it 7th time you are on ettv now? pr0 :D lol.. -.- is the place for you
bla censored bla
Hi. Are you proud of being an real asshole?

You talk shit to people you dont know on ze internet, even though they havent said any offensive against you..

what does it make you feel? That you are so strong, that you are so cool, that you are so leet?

I can tell you what i makes u look like.. one of the most stupid guys ive ever seen. What the fuck do u care if mummy and his wife and son play a game together? they could just as well play a game of cards.. but they enjoy playing ET.

Now maybe u should stick ur head out of ur ass, and see that you aint getting any "cooler" by talking down on others.

it is really funny that you call us noobs and low skill and still bet on ous

28/01 20:00 CwG 1.25 vs 5.00 b2 66€ on CwG Won 83 €
cos b2 are even bigger noobs xD

Why do you guys always play the lowest of the lowest skilled clans? Coz you want to show how "good" you are on ETTV?

I didn't see you broadcoasting when you played Crips or pauSe...
Information: low priority match...
haha... LOL
not again ... :S
gl tpm.
cwg is going to fuck my head omg
2much -Chickens With Guns- last time, no?
cwg have lots of friends on ETTV admins :) thik so?
omg. pls fo with your ettv :D
what did we do wrong god?:P
TPM is the best. They will own!! Gl
I dont see the problem that we play on ETTV becuse we have a own server we use and it is allways full when we play

and to the whiners idle for L


you are now officially cool
I want more matches of you guys! I really do! your server is always full... kuch kuch... I really like you guys!!!!!
enough of the sarcasm, now got lost with all of your matches plz
Viewer Peak: 46

You owned all the whiners again! Nice.
where is the "ignore cwg" option on gamestv?

gl tpm
mummy its fine to broadcast your matches.but therefore you don't have to add your matches on gtv.that's the only prob from the people here.
and you remind me of something.
are you sure you ask your opponent if its ok to broadcast the match?
lol...why whine about it? i only see 4-5 ppl who whine about it. imo i see that ppl actally want to see cwg play against other clans. and mabye they want to win some money on the gbookys :P

lame.. do u rly think that mummy dont ask oppenent before? omg.. gg

Since when does admins whine about it!?
Make a new account without the gtv. tag imo..
med- vs low ?
low-- :)
lol... its low- vs low- imo!!!!
ok for everybody: is a free platform for everybody! If someone wants his clanwar to be broadcasted it is his right to request the war on if you have problems with low-clans playing each other then please stop watching these matches. It is you, and only you, who decides what match you want to watch and what you dont want to watch. Get a life and stop the whine! We have broadcast limits of 3 matches from e.g. 21:00 to 21:45... if the spots arent filled and they manage their own match- and ettvserver (like cwg does) then it should be fine. So cut the whine now and get a life.
so true. better smth than nothin imo.
then make us an ignore button for the cwg-clan please!
i can make you a "you-can-leave-now!"-button
sounds like a new kind of logout button :D
ye + the login button disappears too for some weird reason :D
haha, I <3 auto-login
ye me too unfortunatly it only works once you logged in :p
I'll never close my browser again! xD
Plz make a Ban whiners button :)
agree with you
and if there are already 3 matches reserved for some hour, and then idle vs parodia wants to play on ettv at this time, so what then? :D
we cancel the low priority broadcast. eaZy
boring matches will not be broadcasted --> no idle
well said ...
n1 good words.. 50 points to OTTER!

Just to let u know...
line ups?
ye lineups?????? pliz no more ghosts imo :P
CwG`s Lineup

Apelsee d
according to their clanbase:


cba to change 'afrofreak' to 'afrojack', this fits him nice
Gl Syxtus and the rest of TPM.
And also much kisses to afrojack <3 !
Syxtus -,-
haha,,, <3 to freedune..
time to play agsint our deer head admin syxtus :P
go go TPM :)
watch me;)hf:)
good luck hungary
So lame

There are two ways to get broadcasted:
1. Get skill
2. Get ettv supported server
Point of this post ?
The point is to make clear that u don't have enough skill to make it to the white ettv screen without broadcasting yourself. (K)
Still dont see you point plz tell it here
Maybe u don't want to get my point. Idiotique is right this is fucking insane.
chester how skilled are u to talk about cwg so demeaningly? i mean, whiners like u are mostly low or low+ skilled idiots that think bringing ppl down will make other ppl see them in a better perspective. but ur the one that's a noob around here. if u dont like the match dont watch it. the community is sick of comments like "low+ max" and "low vs low"
Hmm, freakzor never heard this name before. I quit Et myself but i can guarantee you that i would beat you. But i won't go down to your lovely low level and ask your skill and ex clans for example.
try quiting the gamestv whine 2
Why don't you kiss my ass?
plz stop this arrogant bullshit.
why don't you kiss my ass too?
why should i?
Just becuz
The point is ur on ETTV more times per week than idle imo.
And is there something wrong with that ?

You know you dont need to see it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
rofl @ teh whine -,- you rly dont need to see it just cus it is posted on .. So /quit the whine tards
idd xlenz :P
everyon loves Mummy, especially me =)
Noo nooo no chickens again ;S
Plz paste a url that works next time
Play with us on :=)
omg, CwG, always against nubteams :p
cg_lowskillteams 2
You'll be lucky to be alive CWG :>>>>

hehe - first ETTV match - i'm surprised, that sombody is interesting about seeing lowskilled clan, as ours :D
tbh - we're not good players, but sometimes have luck :P
US is the only who is a very good player = seems to have some chance to win :D

tbh - we're not good players, but sometimes have luck

not good? i can remember the time i played with my old clan against TPM....
we were victims and no opponents :S

but gl both teams
i am banned at :(
i know ur feeling :(
r3gret :)
soz, i can't remember you...
btw - look at clan-movie, and you'll see what was i talking about :) (if you're interested)
np... i think you didn't play in that match...

THEY broadcasts the matches themself.. watch it if u want to, if not... just stfu please...

man,there is alot of lowlife whiners in here who gets their ego boosted on talking down on others..
Ya 'ok', BUT

It's not cool that a 21.00 OPENCUP match today may get rejected because of a low priority Ladder match.
when cwg brings their own ETTV, how can this be of any harm against other matches? u rather want them to show the other match on their ETTV?

come on..
i didnt say anything i 'want', i just said that if cwg has a match on 21.00, it doesn't matter if its a closed match or they fix everything themself, but if people for example an opencup match request, it might get rejected because there is already a match on the same time, there are max 2 or 3 of this matches on the same time..
nicely said. i wouldn't have even posted my post if i had seen urs before.
idd u flamers arent even med and whine about taht CwG isent skilled
back off and get a life
y should it get rejectet u think that much ppl will decide to watch CwG instead of OPENCUP?
All this whine just makes it more fun to play and win

again lowskillers
idiot... if only u weren't low urself
again #whine
who is this youassarmy?
gl danskere :>
Mummy = Abus3r 1 of polish cheap cheaters. gg CWG whit him:) I talk to him few times ,he beg my 4 cheats so hard.. Im from netCoders if someOne dont know :)

ps.Ssij mi klawiszu bez szkoly ,dalej spisz w pokoju z mamusia? zal mi cie...
sure just to bad that im not playing then
U got Hard Ban allready? or dont have working WH?
score atm?
4:0 CwG Good game
omg poor guys have nothing to do than whine about lowskilled clans but beeing noobs themsefl xDDD
I don't want to whine cause of our lost... I don't care, we don't care (as you can see our matches in the past 2, lost,lost, lost, win... etc.) :D
But, below link is at least interesting...
Why he moved back??? Why the crosshair is following my head??? (although he can't see, or do??) :P
Hmmm. I think he is "pro".
BTW See ALL here
he used this hax
LOL All can see this match on the broadcast server .

And just because we owned you, does not say that anyone is cheating .

And BTW, plz get some proooof, before you says someone is cheating.

And PLZ ,dont add headshot sound to a bodyshot ,plz NOOB.

I guess you dont know what prooof is .

Proof is like a Punkbuster picture, ETC .

But i gues TPM Dont know what Teamspeak and Teamplay is
"punkbuster picture" hahahhahahaahahaha

you made me LOL xDDDDDDDDDDD
mummy, don't care about them.... they are just jealous
LoL: i didn't say, he was cheating... :)
Just asked a question... Don't be scared pls
When you post this like this you are saying that he is cheating without having any Proof

Mummy: please read what he wrote.
He said it is a very interesting thing. He don't know how can he do it. It was luck? Intuition? or something else?

I not played yesterday, I couldn't see that match. So I have no mind aabout it.
you can see it today at replays on the same server
-,- its S1xtuS ffs ö
I've seen many posts like this, even without any PB proof...
And ppl just told their opinion... this one is also just a simple post... not judging him or your clan...
It is easy someone on teamspeak told him that one walk in to the spawn and he went there to take him out

So easy is this so plz stop whine
well.. i dunno.. it can be a lucky shot. we could said smth to him on TS that u come? or maybe he haxs.. .
Mummy stresst irgendwie...
Mummy spielt sich total auf -> wnb