Desi Bros vs Wraith Guards (3816 views)

in jeep
in SingH
af beast
pl Begineer
gb PitBull
fi nadzik
Desi Bros VS Wraith Guards
ESL Int. 3on3 Ladder
This challenge brought Wraith Guards to a tough spot
Good Luck Both Teams
23.08.10 22:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Int. 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: Mr.SingH (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
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Total Pot: € 1703
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 8


Desi Bros VS Wraith Guards
ESL Int. 3on3 Ladder
This challenge brought Wraith Guards to a tough spot
Good Luck Both Teams
Desi Bros VS Wraith Guards gl&hf
i smeel haxy
wraith guards smierdzi polskim haxem, gtfo z takim chujstwem
You have € 100 on Desi
Possible win: € 195

dont lemme down guys xD
we'll think about it :DDD
we'll think about it :DDD
double post
PFF page wasnt loading so i refreshed twice.. :D
ez win 4-0
u suck so gg jeep and beast for all the carrying
watch replay and look whos talking who calls himself med/+ and scared to face me in 1vs1 wat a tard
im not scared hahahaha u funny mate it just useless to play agaisnt you you will be probably start cheating after i killed couples of time
lol let's use slac and make it ettv mate idc if i lose i only wann see skill u are imo ur bearly med and using ur brother's account on crossfire won't make you old skool
and thing is you don't have ballz to face me

and when you were in my team i was not hacker and when i kicked you i'm hacker intresting
+1 :D make it ettv wanna see it :DDDD
Singh already ESL only?
nadziu ; D
pitbull human aim ;]
Bedzie lepiej. Nie wiem czemu nam nic nie wychodzi. Wtapiamy mecz po meczu :D Nadzik nawala chyba :D