IntensitY vs order kiwi (3930 views)

be Masterseries
be iGlooW
be xkl
ee CanN0niZe
ee Easr
se Zymon
nl Tw1zZt
nl jAck
order gaming didn't show up , forfeit win for intensity
29.08.10 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 5on5 - SummerCup 2010 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: IglooW (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_oasis_b3
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 7074
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 10


gl jAck!
- be XKL

+ fr Qexkitarrive OMG go prendre Novjeh
Ou non enfaite.... c'est pas mieux
GL Masterseries & iGlooW
Likely lineup:

se Zymon
nl Carlos
nl jAck
eu TBA
eu TBA

So don't put your bets on the one above :>
TwizZt is gonna be there, but I wont :x having another bday party sunday :<
e: shouldnt cupcake have internet by then?? :x
All right, np. Not sure tbh. He's only been drunk up there so far, calling me all nights. Not sure he's managed to settle down properly yet :P
I can play if you want :)
what's up with knas and co?
ez4 iNtens, gl iGlooW and Master <33
You have € 19 on iY
Possible win: € 34.58
J'ai jamais perdus en pariant sur vous j'espere que sa va continuer !!!!!! GL
ahah ça sera peut être la première fois que tu va perdre :D

gl kiwi's :)
gl zymon :D
gl zymon !
gl canon :D
Gl intensity and GL jAck
Gl xkl & master (:
gl rup/vincent/didiche
lycka til

gl de kiwi
order kiwi were playing before this random
k, sherlock.
not rly lols
i dont think so mister random low ;)
who the fuck are you?
im not random and i got kiwi first as name nerd
i replied to stray and you are a bit random tbh =P

im still awesome
doesn't matter. and no top teams care how good you are when you are a landodger :)

e: if they ever even knew who you were
id love to say "merc avi" but im not :(
gl intensity :)
pew pew!
did not except this tbh :D

you can play, aight?
I actually can :D pmme @ xfire
gl order ;P
gl IntensitY
gl kiwi :]
gl jack ^^
GL IglooW & Homar
Déchires tout xkl, gl ma puce <3
gl Zymon & kiwi
pls more fake :O

e.anyway shit
GL order kiwi
HF Twizzt!
People are underestimating the power of ORDER
Gl Zymon, Lars, Igloow and Master
gl to Masterseries again :>
gl CanN0niZ & xkl
You have € 35 on iY
Possible win: € 38.5
match canceled
Won't be played, sorry guys :<