identikal norwayn kunts vs dwukropekha (4161 views)

fi Webe
fi Killerboy
fi Hevimies
pl Konrad
pl Elviss
pl fanatic
27.08.10 14:15 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Tergas (Requestee)
Maps: Adlernest
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 3393
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 12


go go go hevimies!!!!!!
This is what Elviss had to say about me:

<bv`Elviss> playing with fucking ex hacker banned like 10times
Wszystko na was <3

You have € 237 on pl :h Cancel bet
Possible win: € 419.49
Elviss after-game:

<bv`Elviss> gg
<bv`Elviss> h4h4h4h
<bv`Elviss> more logs on gtv=))
<bv`Elviss> fuckign randoms
<bv`Elviss> 6years ET and still no Ec
<bv`Elviss> h4h4h44h4
<Webe> you mad cos hevimies rolled :P
<bv`Elviss> hehehhehe
<bv`Elviss> never lanproofed
<bv`Elviss> ex cheater
<bv`Elviss> hehehehehhe
<bv`Elviss> rolled , seriously:) hh4h4h4h4h4h4h4
you mad cuz he's stylin on you?
In this match: Idiot polaks betting against Hevimies.
wp keijo
omg killerboy killing polaks
Good for them, otherwise he probably try to bann them.
killerboy :Ddddddd
they let u win -- otherwise u will search for a hax
Dont have to search, already got slac-proof wallhack.
gg elvis lol