Logitech Hardcore vs uNhittables (4762 views)

pl eNsifer:D
pl kAm1kAdz3
pl Tempa
pl piaskun
pl seeeD
pl Kruger
pl Snozji8D
ca Partial
us Eeyore
us rockin
ca bl1tz
gb street
us mistaken
30.08.10 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Int. 5on5 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: w0nd3r (Highadmin)
Maps: Sp_delivery_te
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 1510
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 12


omg cheaters vs cheaters omg

gl Kamikadze
to bedzie mix team z naszej strony ;D ale thx
gl sNOOZJI Street <3
niewiemy czy bedzie sklad ale sie nie poddamy :>
co za lowy zajebane :C
kazdy kiedys zaczynal polaczku :> gringo aka high +++
gl piaskun, kAm1kAdz3 i Kruger!
gl kamik ;d
powodzenia trenerze,
piaskun ban sie skonczyl?
tez wlasnie mnie to dziwi ze moze grac w eslu jak jest zbanowany a unabna dostane ktoregos lutego
count cheaters, win the prize !
bana ma w cb nie w eslu
wheres cluNhitable ?
Powodzonka Kamis! :)
"Logitech" ahahaha gtfo pls
co to kurwa?:XD
im from uk not ameria and i never beat 5 pl even with a pro team so :/ gl 2 us:D
change streets flag to gb
gl street
-> merc :XD
gl logi! ;p
why i never heard of polak names?:D
niggas the server u gave us isnt working
gg .
Eeyore,bl1tz :>>> i think bust coming .
we will send a protest to ESL
cus bl1tz and eeyore cheated, simple isnt it?
They cheated?

no proof = no case.
ok ok we wrote a protest, Foamea will look at this case. We also made some avi's.
We will see how it end.
Dont get mad ;-)
u most likely did get hacked lookin at this lineup ><
lol that wasnt even the real line up.

watch the replay...
kiddos got like 10pbbans and i can see atleast like 3 more ppl wiht multiple bans
kiddo is not in this team anymore, niether is brandon they made their own hackin team lol
The following penalties have been applied:
bl1tz -> banned for 2 years for cheating in official match.
Eeyore -> 6 penalty points for missing demos while being accused of cheating.
decimate -> 3 penalty points and 3 weeks barrage for repeated and aggresive offenses against ESL admins.

Match will be deleted.

Best regards,
FoaMeA, ESL Admin