Desi Bros vs Would Never Know (3583 views)

pk noobsala
in guesswho?
in SingH
pl Pervert
pl Soltys
pl rEdo
31.08.10 20:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Int. 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: Mr.SingH (Requestee)
Maps: Sp_delivery_te

Total Pot: € 3238
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 12


redzio napierdalaj !
gl singH
thx mate :D
gl wnk
gl wnk
gl singH
easy SingH
"you wallhack obviously" - SingH
umad? and there is no doubt that u don't
omg i can't wait <333

1st slac banlist incoming :D
And again Singh will play obv with his wh ;D Like before..
again mother fuckers like u gonna whine
gl redo soltys pervert vex
You have € 88 on pl wnk Cancel bet
Possible win: € 260.48 gl redo soltys , all wnk :XD
Pervert pl
Soltys pl
rEdo pl
forfeit or play?
choose one
so wann play or forfeit?

i send u ip on ESL and pm dex come
we wait till 21.15
than forfeit!!
we getting forfiet
sure bro
31/08/10 20:30
no show <3
yee ofc this match isn't open yet ;*
fuckers change date every fucking day u just don't wann play SHIT HEADS
lern to reply idiot ;*
i don't want to learn to shit head
Look dude you changed the date like 3 ~ 4 times.. Like your just wasting our time. Or just admit that you suck and you can't face us. Are you just scared ? That you will get owned? Well just choose one date and if you change that date we will win it forfeit and then you can have fun. Or get balls + guts + skill to face us.
Ye np we won vs you ;) btw SingH rly you're obv cheater ;/
You beat us when? uhm like 2 months a go lol. We will own you now haha a low tard is talking. Anyway SingH is a slac user so you mind your language.
It' so easy to buy hax for slac ;DD LOL .. plx You're gonna lose ;/ sorry
Ya right.. lol the SLAC is beta only nerd. Wait til they all fail with their hax when SLAC actual verison comes out. Also if you think he hacks why don't any ESL or CB admin ban him? uhh cuz they know i spread out the rumor which u guys got trolled.. lol go read my crossfire post by rAnaSingh123
Secondly you will loose when you vs us. Just cuz u think we lost @ first time doesn't mean we will loose the second time. I have full confident that we will win this time so don't even think betting on your self cuz u will loose it all LOOOL!.