Team macloud vs Team education UT Section #Spons (2512 views)

de iop
gb reanimator
gb orchild
gb fusie
gb vouion
tr aldur
ee kanki
gb missLAVA
dk Xan
de loque
cz naQi
tr azmir
dk matr1x
25.09.10 22:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Miscellaneous
Manager: skooli (Highadmin)
Maps: Supply

Total Pot: € 67
The bets have been cancelled.

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gl macloud
a further league should do it, ill create one with some other admins and we put some (old) ut clans out and get them in the league
so many ut players got bored i heard and they want to play here since ntk & edc started to play et
so gl macload =)
lol hi guys^^
ye we are interested to play enemy territory since some of my players tested this game successfully and we want to start this ;)
lil secret, we also played it b4 but under diff names ;D
which shouldnt know us, here is a video of us :)
gl macloud!!!
gl xan azmir & matr1x !
edc gl hf mates<3
izi bash, fast :D
gg and fuck you!
sorry, i need to schedule some matches fast as possible since both teams are ready, ill notice it
gg edc
nice to see some danish players :)
xan bro donate me for a new pc please, you got 2 much money anyways o.0