uNhittables vs AHK CLAN (4850 views)

ca decimAte
ca bl1tz
de woDka
us Nickk
us Mistaken
sk Kimi
cz Piskot
cz Kelt
cz JohnnyGanja
cz Butters
04.09.10 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Int. 5on5 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: decimAte (Requestee)
Maps: Radar

Total Pot: € 9638
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: unknown


gl uNhit!
You have € 250 on us uNhit} Cancel bet
Possible win: € 775
more nerds :S
gl blitz haxior
Gl street
gonna be rescheduled
gl kelt :)
gl uNhit
gl uNhit
HF decimAte & legit.
GL Kelt,Kimi,Butters,piskot <3
Match has been rescheduled.
i wont be able to make this match, but gl both teams
gl AHK
decimate stop making fuckin new teams
chill out man.
more then 80% of et players are in more then 1 team. stfu you fag.
So many unknown players arriving o0
they gonna hack and lose again ><
dude. so many ppl say you hack.
why you have to be a fag.
Go suck chmp's dick again.
yeah but i got 0 pbbans lol... and nah your the bitch that sucks the cock not me.. now get good at ET o:
andrew if u got 0 pbbans this don't means u can't cheat shit head ur obv wallhacker
Andrew is a wallhacker.
he bust hasnt gotten busted legitimately.
ya i no mate played him hes fucking obv
i play him all the time lol.
hes such a goof.
the only good player in amp'd is khardio.
lol i own all u fuckers on slac.. played this game long enough to be good at it lol.. i dont need to wallhack against u bads lol
slac has nothing to do with it. you can still hack with slac with a pvt hack, no one will know if you hack or not.
other then [pl] Killerboy.

i heard different, you cant inject private hacks when loading with slac. Only public bots work and afaik they are all detected by slac
Ah, I see.
yes so u suck im > than u end of story
czech ahk sucks #&@
bl1tz is busted :þ?
new team becuz u failed first time decimate :|?, anyways gl AHK + Wodca
New team name. not new team.
Because people dont stfu. like kiddy fags like you.
gl sebastian ;>
gl hf kimi <3 očakávam shotout :D
well, all of us in NA know decimate is a joke and obviously walls but whatever >_>
sup speci Friend!
Im not understanding how esl can allow their matches to be played w/o slac lol....
But yet i have no pbbans?
You sound like andrew, yet harp on him for the same thing. Nice going there, bud.
wow man, are you fucking serious. ahk delete the match... are you fucking serious..
Who the fuck are all these random americans/canadians? what happened to the good old days of TWL :(
TWL was a bust. fail league.
There is a reply function, you know?

but yeah, you probably know that very well, let me guess you came to comp ET after STA season 42?
OH REALLY????????????
CUS I DIDN'T KNOW THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh yeah, for sure. :S
Sigh...yet another reason why I miss the good old days, you new NA kids only know how to talk shit and act retarded.

im not new to this game. been playing since rtcw....
nice try though kiddy.
Right-o bruv, so you're not new to this game? What epic skills did you play with in CAL/TWL in ET?
LOL Look at this nerd...

Just cus i've played this game since it came out. Doesn't mean i'm as big of a nerd as you.
Shut up cheater and cheaters lover.
you stfu.

your a fail admin.
you think i hack because you THOUGHT i was in a scrim that i infact wasnt in.
your trying to bust blitz and eeyore.

i sure hope you're infertile.
So Im a "nerd" and you're not...look up the definition of the word.

and you're just making yourself look retarded, implying you haven't played ET on a competitional level, yet claiming TWL was a bust league.
I have played in TWL for other games such as Ghost Recon and a few others.
But not ET
Sorry but all these games have different admins/rules etc.
How is it bust basing it on what you experienced with other games??
I'm not basing it on my experience with other games.
I'm basing it off of the fact that TWL does not support ET any longer.
That's what I ment by "bust"
and who's fault is that? at the end, it was practically infested with hackers like your mom with aids.
While it lasted, it was more professional than some of the CB/ESL admins are right now.
LOL the 14 year old euro can smack talk.
Yup, Im 14.
It's funny that all these random kids come out NOW, trash talking everyone and claiming that they are good.

Indeed. the times of bd and u5 are long gone.......unfortunately :(
Hell, even "ROTATORS PAUZ!11!1!!!!!!" was ten steps more respectable than this kid.
lolwut? rotators pauz rofl
Shortly before cc7 he went around claiming he was rotators dst, should be some flame threads on wocen about it.
rofl decimate u said on the other ettv post that u only had 1 lol.. make up ur mind hacker
ill msg you my ip, static ip so i cant change it.
try to find me on pbbans. ;P
i honestly dont care im just saying u said it not me
Then why can't you just leave me and my team alone?
If you "don't care"
kuz im saying your lying lol and u suck
i may not be as good as you andrew. but i don't SUCK.
and you know it.