Poland vs Germany (9535 views)

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GER does not wish to play the game, forfait win for Poland
05.02.07 21:15 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET NationsCup X
Manager: Anaconda (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Not announced

Broadcasted by

Radio Commentary
de #GlobalCross Radio
By: Xonn
Listen to Xonn
Language: de
de GIGA.listen (Mashed & FlyingDJ)
By: Mashed
Listen to Mashed
Language: de

Total Slots: 5,050
Listener Peak: unknown

Enemy Territory TV
de #1 ettv at h3-tech.org (#h3-tech)
By: orsz (ettvd)
de #2 ettv at h3-tech.org (#h3-tech)
By: orsz (ettvd)
de #3 ettv at h3-tech.org (#h3-tech)
By: orsz (ettvd)
de #a4d.et - ETTV
By: chroot (ettvd)

de ETTV.fr, Hub/Recorder 1 (30 slave slots)
By: skooli (ettvd)

xx [#own3D.at] Gamersnation.co.uk ETTV I
By: Anaconda (ettvd)

xx [#own3D.at] Gamersnation.co.uk ETTV II
By: Anaconda (ettvd)


Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: unknown


is it the handball match?

This time I put my money on Poland !
lineup germany?
we all know poland(proland) will do it;) in handball to;]
with de criatura np
tjo mit seinen 3 frags pro runde gewinnen wa schon ;D
stimmt, stellen wir euch auf und dann macht ihr das schon, wollt ihr?
lasst ma den cria^^ wenn er ma nix trifft kann er auch nix dafür...
hat jeder mal :)
Your bet: 100€ on POL Possible Win: 200 € (+100 €)
GL Poland.Sunday win with Ger in handball and Monday win with Ger in ET.Hope so... Kot <3
handball final ;D , btw ftw poland !!11

pl tba
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pl tba
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pl tba
pl tba
pl tba
pl tba
pl tba
pl tba
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[flag=pl] tba
[flag=pl] tba
[flag=pl] tba
germany will do it... but gl poland

k... thx for answer
Information: NationsCup X Bronze Final
[flag=pl] TBA will win it for them!
GL :)
there is no way to make some goals for poland...henning fritz will stop them all^^:D:D:D like butchji in et^^...gl both
Bielecki stop germans like kot in ET :o
nice one germans, calling poles pigs and stuff in newspaper. that just shows you fear poland.
zomg its [flag=si] BronZe final
it will be double win for POLAND, in ET and handball
pol confirmed lineup:

[flag=pl] gotti
[flag=pl] kot
[flag=pl] r1co`
[flag=pl] Robol^
[flag=pl] wiesiek
[flag=pl] Wrobel
tbh handball is stupid sport :)

there must a mistake. Giga--->german television program. Mashed--->English shoutcaster.----><>?

Yeah but its the Giga Radio Server, not the TV.
no no niemcy pokonali nas w reczna.. wygrajmy chociaz w ET.. jakis honor musi byc.. gl PL
ger 29:24 pol :P
germany won
ET = Handball ;)
aj :P Revange?
dawac s4rne !!!
TBA rules :D
"GER does not wish to play the game, forfait win for Poland" LOL
So give me my money :s.
/me is pissed off
gratz for the 3rd place kot and buzka :)
imo [flag=de] > [flag=pl]
is for Loser!
Congrats Poland.
What the fuck "you dont wish to play the game" ?
ec > nc

the ec is more important for the most players of team germany

gl to them
what does EC have to do with this? atleast I can't believe that they wouldn't play this game just because it would lose them about 1 hour of practicing time from all the time which they have
guess mister, for example ... senji and urtier never played in team germany coz they have to be in form for their team, with which they can win and claim something you eg wont do imo ^_^
mate just accept that germany sucks :( and that they gave forfait because they know they are gonna lose =<
germany doesnt just sux in et... germany sux at all. take a look at this crap piece of country °_°"
NC games are just once in a week, so it takes about 1 hour of your time per week if you play in NC team. you think that if they'd use one hour of their time for NC team per week, idle wouldn't do so well? that really can't be the reason why they aren't playing for germany in NC
dont they need to practice tactics and teamplay with a totally different team? this should take more time than 1 hour ^_^
yermans are the smartest people in tha world, it's tested
well.. atleast finland hasn't made any tacs or practiced, but we're still in the finals :l
rofl alda...
beim nations cup, v.a. bei diesem, überrascht mich irgendwie nichts mehr...
german losers xD

but guys, germany never played with the best german lineup because they prefered ec anyways... nc, nice cup to win if possible, but not necesary at all :D
naskjdhakjsdhkajshdjk noobs.. aufgeben könnt ihr wann anders -.-
butchji, hatred & co ... -.- fuya

soll euch der blitz beim scheißen treffen !

--------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------

btw handball.... [flag=de]ger > [flag=pl]pl
was gg
GER does not wish to play the game, forfait win for Poland

rofl lol lol omfg
peinlich sowas..

deem vs team-GER
"GER does not wish to play the game, forfait win for deem"

thnx bb nabs
OMFG wie arm ist das denn
wie jetzt ???
unser team kneift,oder wie soll man das jetzt verstehen ?
jop verstehst du rightig.. einfach nur peinlich...
wenn du das so siehst :DD
nice name btw!
n1 conan

GBooky Capital: 1337 € [GBooky profile]
nice, isn't it? =D
jop so seh ich das..
peinliche ngr.
arm! :D
Ich wollt ja paar Leute nachnominieren, aber conan sagt so gleich forfeit!
Hättest du gespielt?
lol conan o0
ich hätte mich ya für euch geopfert, aber nein !
passt echt ma garnet
LOL lame ger omg noobs.
omfg, noobs, i really did not expect this...
oh pls yermans are chickens
pl 4:0 ger xd
btw mIc_ you gay and noob and lesbian ;o
btw fu thx
gay and lesbian :o nab o_O
"noob" u dont know me so stfu jude
ja naturlich, first show that you're teh best, fags
let's stay nice will we?

btw: it's a very shame that Germany gave a forfeit, even very lame in my humble opinion, but still as always people prefer EC over NC. And i think that's a sort of pitty because you show your back to your nation in stead of giving a very small effort and play the match..

arg well shit happens?!
Well, maybe it's the fact that you can win money with EC and not with NC?
you can't win money @ this ec =D
... Well damn that kiss, he told me you could, convinced me you could!
Oh well, too bad, I guess EC just has more "prestige" than NC
that's unfortunately true
1337 comes with ego
n1 chickens ....
I remember when barcelona forfeited a game in the spanish cup and they were suspended from the cup for 1-2 years, CB should act on this as well...
mmh was soll man dazu sagen, Platz 3 wäre trotzdem schön gewesen.

Aber wenn man kein Arsch in der Hose hat muss man halt forfeit geben.

wenn manche leute lieber für ein spiel praccen was 3 tage später ist, ist das wohl so.
deutsches handball team > deutsches et team
Guys take the game too seriously :<
How polish of germany =/
baeh polen
I have a small penis, which is why I needed to flame about Jews. Luckily an admin helped me find the right way.
Nice forfait
Ja die skiiled krauts
egal !

trotzdem wars ein schöner nc ! DAnke team ger dafür !

next year next try >3
omg germany :s just play !
GER does not wish to play the game, forfait win for Poland...

could we just play the game plz? :<
Sehr schade ... Polen wär ja nicht so der extremste gegner gewesen :(
leider hätten se uns gepwnt :(