IntensitY vs (4347 views)

be Masterseries
be iGlooW
be xkleet
ee Easr
ee CanN0niZe
ee Nightmare
gb farhann
nl base
gb mistry
gb koop
06.09.10 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 5on5 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: IglooW (Requestee)
Maps: Radar
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 6782
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 7


1st izi 4 ruben0s :).Gl mega <3.
1st izi igloow gl rubenos and mega :)
gl Rubenk0ts
gl mega ruben and dips <3
gl Dipstick, Mega, Ruben0s, iGlooW <33
Glll rupounais et mega
gl redbull
gl IntensitY!
gl les pd
gl 2.55
add me 2 redbull line up:) danke

pl kuna ;* gl
Nightmare = Sara? lol!?
gl Masterseries :>
Mega gonna be raped like always :)
Redbull lineup is Nigthmare(est), koop (UK), farhann (uk), base (nl), mistry (UK)
You have € 152 on ee RB Cancel bet
Possible win: € 442.32

Gl Runeb0ss
i replace farhan in lu and dipstick might replace base

depends if he here or not
ez4 iGlooW and Master <333
gl mistry koop base & farhan =)
teku here ^^
Final lineup: koop(uk), mistry (uk), dipsitck (nl) nightmare (est) Street (uk) ruben0s (nl) farhann (uk)
lol old .55 times :D:D
also gl street ruben & dipstick! =))
xkl is the keum of my life, t'as vu?! And I wish him a fucking good luck, and anyway I know he doesn't need it because it's xkleet, indeed! So whaduuup and pull up for xkl!
gl iY! go go go!
gl koop pwner
izi 4 xkl & master
g iY
needs a lot of slac !

btw redbull is austrian you namestealfucktards
keep raging cunt
c u @ lan
Not going to be playing.
gg wp
gg wp!
gg wp!
no mega ruben no win :/